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Nero 7412001 Instruction Manual page 4

Retrak hair dryer


(1) If the supp ly c ord is d amaged , it must b e rep laced b y the manufactu rer o r on e of its se rvice
agent /s or a qua lified p erson in o rder to avo id a hazard.
(2) This applian ce is not in tended for u se b y person s ( including c hildren) with red uced ph ysica l,
senso ry or men tal capabilities, or lack o f exp erie nce and kno wledge, unless the y have been given
supervision o r in struction concern ing u se of th e appliance b y a p erso n respon sib le for their safet y.
(3) Ch ild ren shou ld be supervised to ensu re th at the y do not pla y with the appliance.
(4) Wh en the hairdr yer is u sed in a bath roo m, unp lug it after use since the p rox imity of wa ter
presen ts a haz ard e ven when the hairdrye r i s switched o ff.
(5) For add ition al pro tection the insta llation of a residua l current d evice with a rated residual
operating c urrent no t e xceedin g 30 mA is ad visable in the electrica l circu it supp lying the b athroo m.
Ask you r insta ller for a dvice
(6) Never s ub merge o r wet the drye r.
(7) Do no t u se this app lia nce ne ar water in b athtubs, basins or othe r vesse ls.
Correc t Disposal o f this produ ct
(8) Th is mark ing indicates that this pro duct should no t be d ispo sed with o ther
househo ld wa ste s th roughout the EU. To pre ven t possib le ha rm to the
environ men t or hu man health fro m uncon trolled waste disposal, recyc le it
respon sib ly to pro mo te the susta inab le reu se of materia l reso urces. To return
you r used device, p lease use the return an d collec tion syste ms or contac t the
reta iler whe re the p roduct was purch ased. The y can take th is produc t fo r
environ men tal safe rec ycling.
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