Noptel CM3 Configuration And Api Manual

Noptel CM3 Configuration And Api Manual

Distance sensors


CM Distance Sensors
Configuration and API Guide


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Noptel CM3

  • Page 1 CM Distance Sensors Configuration and API Guide...
  • Page 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ CM Configuration and API Guide Page 2/60...
  • Page 3 0.32.x2 (CM3 and CMP3) Firmware version CM5: 3.06.22 (CM5, CMP51 and CMP52) Copyright Notice: Specifications and implementation subject to change without notice due to continuous research and development. Copyright © 2016 Noptel Oy, Oulu, Finland ____________________________________________________________________________________ CM Configuration and API Guide Page 3/60...
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE CM DISTANCE SENSORS ..........6 ......................6 NTRODUCTION ..................6 OMMUNICATION PROTOCOL ................7 OMMANDS IN ONFIGURATION MODE 2 OPERATION MODES ..................... 10 ..................10 IST OF OPERATION MODES ............12 UTPUT AT STARTING OF THE OPERATION MODE 3 DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS ................
  • Page 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2 ....................... 56 ONTROL 3 ....................... 56 ONTROL 4 ....................... 57 ONTROL 5 ....................... 57 ONTROL ____________________________________________________________________________________ CM Configuration and API Guide Page 5/60...
  • Page 6: Introduction To The Cm Distance Sensors

    1 INTRODUCTION TO THE CM DISTANCE SENSORS 1.1 Introduction This document presents Configuration and Application programming interface (API) for CM Distance Sensors. Connections and hardware of the sensors are presented in ”CM3- 30 and CMP3-30 Technical Manual” and “CM5, CMP51, CMP52 and Speeder X1 Technical manual”.
  • Page 7: Commands In Configuration Mode

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Where <esc> ASCII code 27 [Device Number] is an option, 1–9 if two or more sensors are connected to a serial port, Command is a command according to the Chapter 1.3, <Value1> and <Value2> are parameter No. and values in ASCII format (if needed), and <cr>...
  • Page 8 <No.>+1 Automatic distance setting of measurement window Sensor guides user through the process v (lower case) Sensor information in the Noptel internal format V (upper case) Sensor information in ASCII format (version) Sensor information Read voltage, current and temperature measurements...
  • Page 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sensor information <esc>V<cr> An example of the output for command V: CMP3-SENSOR CMP3003126 RS-UPLOAD PRESENT Noptel Oy ParamDate:2006.02.27 Version :0.30.58 69DFh SW Date :Aug 09 2007 SW time :12:51:12 Ubat :10.3 V The order of lines varies in different firmware versions of the Sensor.
  • Page 10: Operation Modes

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2 OPERATION MODES 2.1 List of operation modes ASCII mode / Configuration Mode (Chapter 3.1) The Sensor sends measurement results in ASCII format according to the user’s commands and parameter settings. In this mode the sensor receives commands like parameter change and state control or operation mode selection.
  • Page 11 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Speed measurement mode with one sensor (Chapter 0) The sensor waits for the target to be in the trigger window and then starts measuring the change of distance to the target in the selected window and calculates the speed of the target.
  • Page 12: Output At Starting Of The Operation Mode

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.2 Output at starting of the operation mode Output of the Sensor after mode command (<esc>M<No.><cr>) are following: Mode <No.> Output MOK, no effect Dxxxxx [aaaaa] Dxxxxx [aaaaa] ..(Binary format distances) HW BINARY MODE ESC to EXIT RS BINARY MODE ESC to EXIT 5 (example) TRIGGER MODE...
  • Page 13: Distance Measurements

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3 DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS In the following chapters Parameter number n is written Pn and a bit number m (0..7) of the parameter bm. 3.1 ASCII Mode The value of the P1 is 0 (= single) or 1 (= continuous). In this mode the sensor measures the distance to the target either after the detection of <space>...
  • Page 14: Binary Format Of The Distance Measurement

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ The answer format depends on Decimal Enable in Control Byte 2 b2 as follows: “1”: Dxxxxx.x aaaaa.a “0”: Dxxxxx aaaaa Received signal amplitude (aaaaa) is sent if Amplitude Output is Enabled (Control Byte 2, b3 = 1). It can be used for analysing a quality of measurement. The higher the value, the better quality of a distance measurement result.
  • Page 15: Extended Centimeter Output Format (3-4 Bytes)

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Second data byte Value Note Distance Value LSB - Distance bits 6 to 0 [cm] - ‘E’ if error (h45) Third data byte (only if bit 3 of Control Byte 2 Enabled) Value Note Signal Amplitude - Amplitude divided by 16 - ‘R’...
  • Page 16: Millimeter Output Format (3-4 Bytes)

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Third data byte Value Note Distance Value - Distance bits 6 to 0 [cm] - ‘R’ if error (h52) Fourth data byte (only if bit 3 of Control Byte 2 Enabled) Value Note Signal Amplitude - Amplitude divided by 16 - ‘R’...
  • Page 17: Continuous Binary Mode

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fourth data byte (only if b3 of Control Byte 2 Enabled) Value Note Signal Amplitude - Amplitude divided by 16 - ‘R’ if error (h52) Distance=128x128 x Distance Value of First Byte + 128 x second byte + third byte [mm] 3.3 Continuous binary mode The value of the P1 is 2.
  • Page 18: Binary Mode, Hw Controlled

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Attenuation 0 - 15 Device Number 0 - 9 Binary Average ** (In millimetre mode only) 0 - 14 The suggested max rate for continuous measurement depends on the model, and the minimum rate is 50 Hz. Special, high pulse rate versions of the sensor are available on request.
  • Page 19: Binary Mode, Serial Controlled

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Starting of the Mode according to the parameter 1 (= 3) Binary <esc>M<cr> <esc> Normal Trigger In (pin 7) Measurements Fig. 2. Driving of the measurements with Trigger Input signal. Parameters related to HW Controlled Binary mode are: Type Name / Description Unit Range...
  • Page 20 ____________________________________________________________________________________ The command <m> sets the sensor into serial controlled binary mode, when P1 is set correspondingly. Serial port communication is in binary format. Measurement starts by sending <space> (ASCII Code 32) to the line. Measuring can be stopped by any character and started again with <space>. The operation is the same as with the hardware triggering.
  • Page 21: Capture Mode, Hw Controlled

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.6 Capture mode, HW controlled The value of the P1 is 8. In capture mode the sensor records 1000 samples into its memory having been activated by a Digital Input signal and after the recording sends the values in ASCII format to the serial line.
  • Page 22: Synchronized Binary Mode For Cm

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.8 Synchronized Binary mode for CM(P)5x The synchronized binary mode works with CM5, CMP51 and CMP52 sensors. The feature requires a special firmware, which is available on request. The maximum number of sensors is 9. The Synchronized binary mode can be enabled by setting b6 of Control Byte 4 (Short Output = 1).
  • Page 23 ____________________________________________________________________________________ The output format of synchronized binary mode First data byte Value Note Start of the data bytes Error bit 0 = Correct distance measurement 1 = Error in distance measurement Device number (1 – 9) Distance Value MSB or Error code - Distance bits 15 and 14 - Error Code if bit 6 = 1 Second data byte...
  • Page 24: Speed Measurements

    Sensor 2 Case 1 Case 2 Par. 20, 21 Fig. 4. Example #1 of speed measurement using two CM3 or CM5 sensors. Alternatives for Sensor 2 are Case 1 and Case 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________ CM Configuration and API Guide Page 24/60...
  • Page 25 Par. 20, 21 Fig. 5. Example #2 of speed measurement using two CM3 or CM5 sensors. Both sensors in Fig. 5 are in ‘Trigger Out of Window’ triggering mode (Control Byte 1 b1 is set). This way the height of the vehicle does not affect the speed measurement result.
  • Page 26: Vehicle Length And Height

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ During speed measurement the first sensor sends a trigger signal to the second sensor. Then second sensor waits its own trigger activation and calculates the speed using the time between the trigger 1 and trigger 2 and distance between the two measurement points.
  • Page 27: Output Format

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ measurement rate can be defined with P29,30 (Hz). The value of P19 (Binary Count) does not have an effect in this mode. 4.1.2 Output format The Output of the Sensor is in the following format depending on enabled functions: Result Answer...
  • Page 28: Speed Measurement Mode With One Sensor

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Speed measurement mode with one sensor The value of the P1 is 7. CMP3 or CMP52 Fig. 6. An example of speed measurement using one CMP3 or CMP52 sensor. The geometry of the measurement is recommended to be >5:1 (please see the Fig. 6): For example, if the sensor is at 5 m height it should be aimed to at least to 25 m distance in order to achieve good speed measurement readings.
  • Page 29 ____________________________________________________________________________________ In order to use the mode user must set following parameters: Type Name / Description Unit Range Default Operation Mode Control Byte 1 Speed Behind Vehicle Length (Note 1) Baud Rate 1 - 10 Pulse Rate 2000 Chapter 7.3 Attenuation 0 - 15 12,13...
  • Page 30 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Control Byte 4 Trigger Time Output Trigger Time Interval Trigger Occupancy Time Count Output Control Byte 5 Separation between vehicles Show Violation Only Note! In this mode the sensor will send the message ”OK” once a minute if the sensor is functional (the message can be disabled by Bit 1 of Control Byte 3, par.
  • Page 31 ____________________________________________________________________________________ The result given by the sensor is as follows: Sensor Explanation T05537 DIST Vehicle was detected at 55.37 metres [ELT: 0:00:02.774] Option (prm50bit0): Time from the beginning of the measurement session [INT: 02.497 s] Option (prm50bit1): Time between triggers [CNT: 000002] Option (prm50bit3): Number of the triggering QSpeed = +082...
  • Page 32: User's Control Over The Speed Calculation

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ ➢ After this all speed values with poor correlation values are rejected as well as successive results that are not stable. ➢ Then the results are sorted per quality and returned to the user the way they have selected (Parameter “Speed Result Control”) 4.2.1 User’s control over the speed calculation The method of seeking the speed value can be controlled by the user with parameter #33 (Speed Result Ctrl) in the following way:...
  • Page 33 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Normal data collecting area Sensor (CMP3/52) Par 39 Data collecting area for high vehicles Par 41 Par 12 Par 32 Actual Vehicle height limit Driving direction Moved window Height movement of new Par 14 data collection point Normal window Triggering distance Fig.
  • Page 34: Vehicle Profile Data

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ The user may check the actual height values of different vehicles by enabling ‘Height’ measurement by bit 7 of parameter 26 and making some test speed measurements. The size of measurement window movement is defined by the next parameter. The parameter 41 defines how much the triggering window is moved for large vehicles.
  • Page 35: Continuous Speed Mode

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ “1 : Detected ->echos from 2701 to 3012 cm, avg signal= 1090 (max 1276)(#145)”, “2 : Detected ->echos from 2704 to 3011 cm, avg signal= 1060 (max 1276)(#144)”, …… where numbers 2701 and 3012 mean that the sensor was able to detect the target (vehicle) within distances of 27.01 m to 30.12 m.
  • Page 36: Size Mode

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ An extra filter for successive speed readings can be added by setting a value to parameter 56 ‘Continuous Speed Filter’. Values ranging from 100 to 240 can be applied to achieve the best performance. Measurement is realized only for results exceeding the ‘Trigger Distance’ (par 12,13). For example, if the speed pulse rate is 2000Hz and the average value is 100, the sensor will do an average distance measurement every 0.05 seconds and gives a speed reading 10 times a second (in case of movement).
  • Page 37 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Par. 43 Par. 32 Par. 44 Par. 12, 13 Fig. 8. Example #1 of a multilane configuration. The multilane mode measures speed from parallel lanes, which may have different directions of traffic flow. The sensor may also report a size estimation of vehicle on each lane.
  • Page 38 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Speed Geometry Speed Result Ctrl (see next paragraphs) 0 - 4 Separation limit 0.1 s 0 - 255 Speed Filter Length (35 + value x 5) 0 - 10 Speed Limit km/h Speed Accept Limit (behind 2, front 5) 0 - 10 Following information may be added to the result: Type...
  • Page 39: Detection Modes

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 DETECTION MODES 5.1 Trigger window mode The value of the Parameter 1 is 5. The command <m> sets the sensor into Trigger window mode, when parameter 1 is set correspondingly. The sensor does not only send the distance value via serial port, but gives triggering mark "T"...
  • Page 40: In Window And Out Of Window Triggering

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Trigger Distance Trigger Window Width (par. 12, 13 [cm]) (par. 14 [dm]) Fig. 10. Trigger Distance and Trigger Window Width in Trigger Window Mode Detection of a target Detection Ready for new detection Digital Output Trigger Delay Trigger Legth Clear Check Time (par.
  • Page 41: Trigger Count And Timing Information

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ measurements from the vehicle (In this case set identical value to parameters #15 “Hits For Trig” and #17 “Trigger Length”. Also set zero to parameter #18 “Clear Check Time”.) 5.1.2 Trigger count and timing information The user can get different timing information, such as the trigger event time, time between trigger events, and trigger occupancy time.
  • Page 42: Movement Trigger Mode

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sensor Fig. 12. An example of a suggested set-up for vehicle profile measurement Out of window triggering is used (bit 1 of parameter 2 is set). The user may also select ASCII format output for profile data by selecting bit 6 of parameter 26.
  • Page 43 ____________________________________________________________________________________ During the start of the mode the sensor measures range to the target to be monitored and saves the value as reference. After that it continuously monitors the target and gives trigger if movement is 15 cm or more to any direction (15 cm is a default value that is not possible to change at the moment).
  • Page 44: Troubleshooting

    Some errors may occur in certain conditions, like too low supply voltage or too high/low operating temperature. If the operation of the sensor returns to normal and errors do not keep increasing, it is safe to continue using the sensor. Otherwise contact Noptel Oy for further information.
  • Page 45: Self-Test Errors

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Low battery !Low battery Input voltage too low, internal check Supply voltage !UBAT ERROR Input voltage out of limits, internal check Occurs in “normal mode” when Invalid value input is wrong Occurs in “normal mode” when Unknown command input is wrong TDC counter !TDC START OR LASER Time to Digital ASIC error,...
  • Page 46: Errors During Measurement

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ !5V ERROR Internal voltage out of limits !VCP ERROR Internal voltage out of limits !VAN ERROR Analog voltage out of limits (CMP3 only) !UTDC ERROR Internal voltage out of limits !VRX ERROR Internal voltage out of limits !VOSC ERROR Internal voltage out of limits !VTX ERROR Internal voltage out of limits...
  • Page 47: Parameters

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 PARAMETERS The Sensor includes a user parameter area, which defines the operation of the Sensor. This parameter area comprises, for example, the definition of the measurement rate, operation mode, and data transmission mode. There are two parallel parameter areas: one in permanent memory and the other currently in use in non-permanent memory.
  • Page 48 ____________________________________________________________________________________ User parameters can be read by command: Command from PC Reply <esc>L<No.><cr> L00xxx<cr><lf> <esc> ASCII code 27 Value of parameter Command (ASCII code 76) parameter #1-61 in ASCII format <cr> ASCII code 13 Example: Read the parameter 19: Command from PC Reply <esc>L19<cr>...
  • Page 49: Permanent Memory Parameters

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7.2 Permanent memory parameters Writing parameters into the permanent memory requires special attention. Permanent memory parameters are protected by a special lock that has to be opened before changing the parameters. The parameter area is also protected by checksum calculation.
  • Page 50 9 = 230400 Bd 10 = 460800 Bd 11 = 921600 Bd 50 – 3150 Pulse Rate 2000 CM3, Laser pulsing rate CMP3 Measuring rate in Binary mode, 50 – 5000 Averaging rate in Normal mode, In Capture mode up to 6000Hz can be used.
  • Page 51 Trigger Delay 0.5 ms 0 - 255 Delay to activate trigger pulse from the accepted trigger time. Trigger Length CM3: 0 - 255 smpls Trigger pulse length as a multiplication of measurement pulses for CM(P)3 and CM5: milliseconds for CM(P)5x.
  • Page 52 Note: Trigger window (par 14) must be larger than this. 50 – 3150 29,30 Speed Pulse Rate 3000 CM3, This measurement frequency is used during CMP3 50 – 5000 speed acquisition. Note! The same parameter will define the profile measurement rate.
  • Page 53 ____________________________________________________________________________________ x = 1, selects the most common speed x = 2, reject unstable speed value x = 3, give average speed x = 4, prefer higher speed components (not recommended) x = 5, mode 12 special algorithms, CM5 only x = 6, hybrid algorithm (x=5 &...
  • Page 54 ! THE FEATURE MAY OPERATE DIFFERENT WAY IN VARIOUS SOFWARE VERSIONS. PLEASE CONTACT NOPTEL IF YOU WANT TO USE IT! 41,42 Window Move For Big Vehicles 100 - 300 This parameter defines how much the triggering window is moved for large vehicles.
  • Page 55: Control Byte 1

    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: The parameters return to values saved into the permanent memory at power-ON. 7.4 Control Byte 1 Setting multiple bits ON can be done by writing sum of the bit values to the parameter. Value Note Control Byte 1 bits Profile Measurement After triggering sensor sends a number of binary results as defined in chapter 3.2...
  • Page 56 Limit Range (CM5) 0 = Max distance 380 meters 1 = Max distance appr. 94 meters Power Down Enable (CM3 12V models) Note: power up takes 170 ms Fast Key Disable Disables single key commands, like <space> Millimeter binary output Enable Extended binary output Enable 7.6 Control Byte 3...
  • Page 57 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Enable Vehicle Height Enables height output in mode 6 and 7, when also bit 7 of parameter 2 is set. 7.7 Control Byte 4 Value Note Control Byte 4 bits Trigger Time Output Time from the beginning of the measurement session is given Trigger Time Interval Time between triggering moments is given...
  • Page 58 ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ CM Configuration and API Guide Page 58/60...
  • Page 59 ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ CM Configuration and API Guide Page 59/60...
  • Page 60 CM Distance Sensors Configuration and API Guide Contact information Noptel Oy Address: Teknologiantie 2 FI-90590 Oulu Finland Tel.: +358 40 181 4351 Fax: +358 8 556 4101 E-mail: Technical support: Web site:

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