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Summary of Contents for SAelen TS GS/COUGAR18P

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    INPI PATENT _________________________________________ INTRODUCTION__________________________________________ 7 and 8 SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION ____________________________________________ Warranty________________________________________________________________ SAFETY __________________________________________________ GENERAL SAFETY ______________________________________________________ 12 and 13 SAFETY IN USE __________________________________________________________ MAINTENANCE SAFETY _________________________________________________ TRANSPORT SAFETY ____________________________________________________ GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND FUNCTIONS_________________ 17 to 19 OPERATING PROCEDURES _______________________________ INSPECTION PRIOR TO SWITCHING ON __________________________________ SWITCHING ON _________________________________________________________ SWITCHING OFF ________________________________________________________...
  • Page 5 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S _______________________________________ ELECTRIC CIRCUIT HYDRAULICS DIAGRAM ________________________________ HYDRAULIC HOSES IDENTIFICATION ___________________ SAELEN DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ________...
  • Page 6: Inpi Patent

    PATENT FOR INVENTION Intellectual property law-Books VI GRANTING DECISION The General Manager of the National Institute of industrial property has decided that invention patent # ##-##### the text of which is appended shall be delivered to: SAELEN S.N.S. Company - FR The delivery produces its effects for a period of twenty years starting on the date of deposit of the application, under reserve of payment of the annual royalties.
  • Page 7 I N T R O D U C T I O N We first of all wish to thank you for having chosen this equipment and for the trust you have placed in us. It is important to carefully read this manual in order to obtain maximum satisfaction from the equipment.
  • Page 8: Introduction

    I N T R O D U C T I O N Safety instructions: This equipment is only designed for the shredding of wood and plants. The COUGAR machine cannot be used for any other purpose than the shredding of wood and plants. The equipment should only be used by people over the age of 16.
  • Page 9: Serial Number Location

    L O C A T I O N O F T H E S E R I A L N U M B E R When ordering replacement parts or requesting technical information, always have the serial number of your COUGAR shredder ready. The manufacturer’s plate is on the front left of the chassis.
  • Page 10: Warranty

    WARRANTY SAELEN guarantees the parts of its shredders against any defect that could affect their correct functioning. The guarantee applies in all cases where the damage is not the result of improper use, misuse or negligence, accident, act of God or any other circumstance beyond the control of SAELEN.
  • Page 11: Safety

    S A F E T Y You are responsible for the safe use and the maintenance of your plant shredder. You should thus ensure that whoever uses, maintains and works with the equipment has knowledge of the operating and maintenance methods as well as the safety measures to apply as described in this manual.
  • Page 12 G E N E R A L S A F E T Y 1) Read and understand the user manual and all the safety symbols before operating, maintaining, unjamming or adjusting the plant shredder. 2) Keep a first aid kit in case of accident. Keep it in a visible place.
  • Page 13: General Safety

    G E N E R A L S A F E T Y Meaning of safety stickers. Read and understand the user manual and all the safety symbols before operating, maintaining, unjamming or adjusting the plant shredder. Ear protection Protective goggles Work gloves and waterproof clothing Danger rotating blades Minimum engine...
  • Page 14: Safety In Use

    S A F E U S E 1) Read and understand the user manual and all the safety symbols before operating, servicing, adjusting, repairing or unjamming the machine. 2) Install and ensure that all the protectors and guards are securely attached before starting or working the machine.
  • Page 15: Maintenance Safety

    S A F E M A I N T E N A N C E 1) Follow all the instructions in the user manual concerning the operating, maintenance and safety of the machine. 2) Before carrying out maintenance on, adjusting, repairing or unjamming the machine, put the engine into idle speed using the accelerator handle, declutch the machine and wait until all the moving parts have stopped, stop the engine, remove the ignition key.
  • Page 16: Transport Safety

    S A F E M A I N T E N A N C E 1) Follow the highway code in force. 2) Ensure that your equipment is always equipped with working signalling lights that are clean and visible to other drivers. 3) Reduce your speed on country roads and bumpy surfaces.
  • Page 17: General Description And Functions

    G E N E R A L D E S C R I P T I O N A N D F U N C T I O N S DESCRIPTION The Saelen Cougar multi-plant shredder is intended for the shredding of plants and branches up to (110 mm) 4,33 Inch in diameter.
  • Page 18 G E N E R A L D E S C R I P T I O N A N D F U N C T I O N S A. The chassis. The chassis supports the various components of the shredder. It allows the independent movement of the machine.
  • Page 19 G E N E R A L D E S C R I P T I O N A N D F U N C T I O N S The hydraulic motor of the feed drum is activated using the bar (1) located underneath the rear of the feed hopper after first unlocked the finger indexing (2) .
  • Page 20: Operating Procedures

    S T A R T I N G INSPECTION PRIOR TO SWITCHING ON Every operator should read and fully understand all the guidelines and should follow the safety measures given in this section to ensure the safe and efficient operating of the shredder.
  • Page 21: Switching On

    O P E R A T I N G P R O C E D U R E S WARNING! If for any unknown reason the shredder has difficulty shredding the material and you have to stop it: only restart the engine once the cause has been removed and the material has been cleared from the shredding rotor! SWITCHING ON...
  • Page 22: Switching Off

    O P E R A T I N G P R O C E D U R E S SWITCHING OFF Leave the shredder to empty itself for a few minutes to eliminate residual material from behind the feed roller and inside the shredder, which could jam the rotor when the machine is next started up.
  • Page 23: Maintenance And Servicing

    M A I N T E N A N C E MAINTENANCE SAFETY 1) Put the parking brake on, remove the ignition key and wait until all the moving parts have stopped before carrying out any maintenance work or repairs. 2) Ensure all the protection screens are put back into place after servicing.
  • Page 24: Maintenance Schedule

    M A I N T E N A N C E MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE For more information on the maintenance of the petrol and diesel engines, please consult the engine manufacturer’s manual delivered with the machine. No. of hours Servicing -Check engine oil level Daily -Ensure that the air filter is clean.
  • Page 25: Lubrication Points

    M A I N T E N A N C E LUBRICATION POINTS Stop the engine and remove the ignition key before carrying out any lubrication LUBRICATING THE ROTOR BEARINGS LUBRICATION OF THE FEED ROLLER BEARINGS DISCHARGE CHUTE...
  • Page 26: Oil Levels

  • Page 27: Pressure Of The Feed Drum On The Material

    M A I N T E N A N C E PRESSURE OF THE FEED DRUM ON THE MATERIAL The feed drum exerts pressure on the material via the springs (1). CONTROL BLADES AND HAMMER INSERTS For easier maintenance, henceforth the hammers are mounted without lubricator but with special wear rings.
  • Page 28: Disassembly For The Changing Of Blades And Hammer Pellets

    M A I N T E N A N C E DISASSEMBLY FOR THE CHANGING OF BLADES AND HAMMER PELLETS It is imperative to remove the ignition key before this type of servicing. To access to the blades and pellets, remove the 4 nuts (4) and the main body extender (3) along with the shaft.
  • Page 29 M A I N T E N A N C E -Remount new or sharpened blades of identical weight. IMPORTANT: Sharpening should be carried out by a professional on a machine specially adapted for that purpose, and not with a grinding machine. Also ensure that a cutting edge angle of 35°...
  • Page 30: Disassembly For The Inspection Of The Counter-Blade

    M A I N T E N A N C E DISASSEMBLY FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE COUNTER-BLADE It is imperative to remove the ignition key before this type of servicing. -Remove the two attachment bolts (diam.10) (1) and the two safety bolts (2) (diam.8) at each end of the counter-blade.
  • Page 31: Adjustment Of The Rotor Belts

    M A I N T E N A N C E ADJUSTMENT OF THE ROTOR BELTS The belt tension is adjusted by moving the pulley rod (2) of the roller strainern, applying pressure on the lock nuts (1). Take care not to tighten the belts excessively. This procedure should be carried out by a qualified technician.
  • Page 32: Description And Handling

    D E S C R I P T I O N A N D H A N D L I N G DESCRIPTION OF THE ENGINE AND CONTROL PANEL (1) Oil filter (2) Throttle handle (3) Oil gauge (4) Air filter (5) Fuel filter (6) Ignition key (7) Starter...
  • Page 33 D E S C R I P T I O N A N D H A N D L I N G VarioStress ANTI-JAM SYSTEM The COUGAR machine is equipped with a controller of the rotation of the rotor that is linked to an automat.
  • Page 34 D E S C R I P T I O N A N D H A N D L I N G ANTI-OBSTRUCTION SYSTEM VarioStress: Different settings: The VarioStress anti-obstruction system has three preset configurations. The user can choose the one that is most appropriate for the material at hand.
  • Page 35: Anti-Jamming System 'Variostress

    D E S C R I P T I O N A N D H A N D L I N G ANTI-OBSTRUCTION SYSTEM VarioStress: cont. Selecting a setting: - Engine is on or off, contact is engaged Use Keys 1,2.3 to display the requested page. Rem.: push during 1 to 1,5 seconds to change the program.
  • Page 36: The Reservoirs

    D E S C R I P T I O N A N D H A N D L I N G HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR -Hydraulic return filter (1) -Oil filler cap (2) -Reservoir level gauge (3) -Suction strainer (4) in the reservoir (accessible by removing the suction port under the reservoir)
  • Page 37: Emergency Stop Buttons

    D E S C R I P T I O N A N D H A N D L I N G EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON The machine has two emergency circuit breaker buttons placed at either side of the feed hopper.
  • Page 38: Troubleshooting

    P R O B L E M - S O L V I N G In this section we have compiled a list of problems, their causes and their solutions, in the possible case that you meet one. If you come across a problem that is not covered in the troubleshooting section, please contact your dealer.
  • Page 39: Specifications

    S P E C I F I C A T I O N S COUGAR 18P VANGUARD 18HP PETROL Capacity: 110 mm Hourly output: 10 m3 Length: 3,20 m Width: 1,33 m Height: 1,91 m Weight: 480 Kg Number of hammers: Number of knives: Rotor diameter: 400 mm...
  • Page 42 HYDRAULIC COUPLING COUGAR CONNECTION OF THE HYDRAULIC HOSES (1): lg 1000 (2): lg 1000 (3): lg 400 (4): lg 400 (5): lg 1400 (6): lg 1400 (7): lg 800...
  • Page 43 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY TS industrie Company Weserstrasse 2 47506 NEUKIRCHEN-VLUYN Tél : +49(0)2845 9292-0 Fax : +49(0)2845 9292-28 HEREBY DECLARES THAT THE MACHINE : industrie Trademark: Type : GS/COUGAR 18P Engine power: 13,4 KW à 3600 RPM Technical documentation detained by Mathieu Willerval. that the product is in conformity with the following European directives: “...

Table of Contents