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La Piccola Cecilia Operating Instructions

La Piccola Cecilia Operating Instructions

Coffee pod machine single group head


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coffee pod machine - model "Cecilia 1 group"
Turn on your machine
1. Open door A on the side of the machine and remove
the water tank and ll with water. (Preferably ltered water).
N.B. When replacing the full tank make sure both hoses are
fully in the water.
This does not apply to models plumbed in.
2. Turn on the switches in sequence. First the two switches at B1
then the switch for the boiler B2
3. The machine will come to tempreature. The two red lights C
will go out when the machine is at tempreature to use. The
pressure guage C will read approx 20 psi when ready. These
lights will periodically go on as the machine maintains the
correct tempreature. The group head will take approximately
2-3 minutes to be ready to make co ee. The boiler will take
around 10 minutes to boil and come to pressure to make steam.
OK, Let's make a co ee
1. Lift the handle 1 to open the goup head 2 .
2. Open the Pod Packet and hold the pod by the tab,
then Place the cialde (pod) in the centre of basket 3
under the group head holding the tab on the cialde.
3. Lower the handle then 1 then press it rmly
down until it locks
4. Extract your co ee by pressing the centre dose
button 4 or the manual button 5 . If you select
the manual button, press it once to start then
press it again to stop at the desired extraction.
For manual extraction it takes around 15 seconds
to make 30 mls of co ee.
5. For hot water from the boiler, place your cup under
the hot water spout 7 and turn on the hot water
knob 6 .
6. To steam heat and froth milk half ll a
stainless steel frothing jug with cold milk. Then insert
the steam wand 9 in to the milk until it is just under
the surface of the milk.
7. Turn the steam knob 8 on to nearly full and steam
your milk to the desired tempreature, usually 60-70 C
with a milk thermometer or as the jug becoms to hot
to touch with the palm of your had
Simply clean after making co ee.
Group head. Once you have made your co ee(s) and
removed the cialde (pod) close and lock the group head
and run water through it for 2-3 seconds using the
manual button.
Steam Wand. Always wipe the milk o your steam wand
after each use, then point the wand over the drip tray
and turn the steam on for 2 seconds.
Drip Tray. Empty drip tray 10 when necessary
and wash with soap each day.

