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User's Manual:
A simple guide for making great tasting coffee with the Ekobrew and your Keurig brewer.
Before using your Ekobrew:
Rinse thoroughly with hot water.
3 Easy Steps
1) Open Ekobrew lid and fill 2/3 - 3/4 with the ground coffee of your choice. A standard drip grind for flat
bottom filters is recommended for best results.
2) Close lid of Ekobrew firmly and insert into Keurig filter holder. Be sure there are no grounds between
the lid and rim when closing. There's NO need to remove filter holder!
3) Close Keurig clamshell, select size and brew.
Please follow these important steps to ensure optimal results:
Don't overfill:
Overfilling can result in a poor extraction. 2/3 to 3/4 full is recommended.
Use a standard drip grind:
Ground coffee sold in stores meant for use in flat bottom paper filters is recommended. Too fine can
restrict flow or result in no flow at all. Too coarse and water will flow through too fast resulting in weak
coffee. When grinding whole beans, use a professional grinder. Avoid blade or "chop" grinders.
Use fresh ground coffee:
Use the freshest coffee you can. To keep coffee fresh, put in opaque, airtight container. Do not store in
For optimum taste results, use filtered water.
Keep it clean:
To ensure an easier clean up, clean immediately after each use. Extract grounds and rinse well before
reusing. Wash Ekobrew once a week in dishwasher to remove oils that collects in the screen mesh.
Keep lid area clean:
The lid and outer rim can easily collect grounds when filling. It is VERY important to be sure that this area
is clean for a good seal. A poor seal will result in leakage.
A good fit:
Your Ekobrew should fit easily in the filter holder of your Keurig. NEVER force the Keurig to close after
inserting. By placing the Ekobrew straight in, the grips should drop in place. If you cannot close the unit,
easily and completely, check the compatibility (see below).
The Ekobrew is not compatible with the Keurig B30, B130, B150 & B155.

