Valhalla 2300 Operation Manual

2300 series, digital power analyzers


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Model 2300 Series
Digital Power Analyzers
Operation Manual
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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Valhalla 2300

  • Page 1 Model 2300 Series Digital Power Analyzers Operation Manual Need Help? Call 800-548-9806. VA L H A L L A ©2015 Valhalla Scientific, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • Page 2 Permission and a return authorization number must be obtained directly from the factory for warranty repairs. No liability will be accepted if returned without such permission. Due to continuing product refinement and due to possible parts manufacturer changes, Valhalla Scientific reserves the right to change any or all specifications without notice.
  • Page 3 This manual covers the following Valhalla Scientific products: Models 2300, 2301, 2300L and 2301L...
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Option TL-4 Options GP-1 and GP-2 Options HS-5 and HS-12 3-10 Option L Figure 3-1. Option IO-1 Connections Figure 3-2. Option IO-3 Connections Figure 3-3. Option IOX Connections SECTION IV: FRONT PANEL CONTROLS 4-1 General Figure 4-1. 2300 Front Panel...
  • Page 5 SECTION V: REAR PANEL CONTROLS General Figure 5-1. 2300 Rear Panel Figure 5-2. 2300 Shunt Terminals SECTION VI: MANUAL OPERATION General Safety Precautions Operation Connections Single-Phase Measurements Three-Phase, Three-Wire Measurements Three-Phase, Four-Wire Measurements Other Applications Figure 6-1. Single-Phase Two-wire Load Power Connections Figure 6-2.
  • Page 6 Definitions Basic Description of the Bus Universal Commands Setting the IEEE Address Device Dependent Commands Commands and Examples Using HP Basic IEEE-488 Device-Dependent Command Set Summary for 2300/01 Figure 7-1. IEEE Address Switch SECTION VIII: CALIBRATION PROCEDURE General Procedure Notes...
  • Page 7 SECTION XI: SPECIAL APPLICATION NOTES AN101 Protecting the 2300 from Inductive Loads Figure 1. Single-phase Inductive Load Protection (Method 1) Figure 2. Three-phase Three-wire Inductive Load Protection (Method 1) Figure 3. Three-phase Four-wire Inductive Load Protection (Method 1) Figure 4. Single-phase Inductive Load Protection (Method 2) Figure 5.
  • Page 9: Section I: Unpacking And Installation

    The only adjustments required prior to clamp-on type current transformer. Please operation of the 2300 are to set the rear panel refer to Section 3-2. selector switch to the local AC line voltage and to verify that the correct fuse for this Read this manual thoroughly before voltage is fitted.
  • Page 10: Rack Mounting

    These are listed in Section 3 of this manual. connector where the third contact provides a The size and weight of the 2300 require that continuous ground connection. A mating the unit power cord has been provided.
  • Page 11: Section Ii Specifications

    Crest Factor: 50:1 at minimum input linearly decreasing to 2.5:1 at full scale Minimum Input: 5% of range Maximum Input: ±1500V peak Peak Indicator: Illuminates at 2 times range Input Impedance: 2300L and 2301L = 100KΩ (All Ranges) 2300 and 2301 = 1MΩ (All Ranges)
  • Page 12: Current Specifications

    2-2. Current Specifications The accuracy figures given below are valid for ambient temperatures between 20°C and 30°C for a period of one year from the date of calibration following a 1 hour warm-up period. 2-2-1. Current Ranges, Resolution and Bandwidth Low Shunt Medium Shunt High Shunt...
  • Page 13: Power Specifications

    30.00 60.00 120.00 300.0 600.0 1200.0 3000 6000 24.00 60.00 120.00 240.0 600.0 1200.0 2400 6000 12000 2-3-4. 2300 Three-phase Three-wire Resolution (Watts) Range 0.2A 0.5A 100A 20.00 50.00 100.0 200.0 500.0 1000.0 2000 5000 10000 150V 60.00 150.00 300.0 600.0...
  • Page 14: Physical Specifications

    2-3-6. 2300 Three-phase Four-wire Resolution (Watts) Range 0.2A 0.5A 100A 30.00 75.00 150.00 300.0 750.0 1500.0 3000 7500 15000 150V 90.00 225.0 450.0 900.0 2250 4500 9000 22.50KW 45.00KW 300V 180.00 450.0 900.0 1800.0 4500 9000 18000 45.00KW 90.00KW 600V 360.0...
  • Page 15: Performance Verification

    If the 2300 fails any of the tests below, employ normal troubleshooting procedures or consult the factory for advice. 1) Ensure that the POWER switch (lower left hand corner of the front panel) of the 2300 is in the OFF position, i.e. no yellow dot showing.
  • Page 16 Attempting to prove that the 2300 is performing to specification requires that the user be aware of the following points: 1) The specifications in Section 2 are valid for reasonable use of the 2300 during the specified period of time. If the 2300 has been transported it may have been subjected to extremes of temperature. As with any precision equipment some change in calibration may occur due to this.
  • Page 17: Section Iii Available Options

    General outputs correspond to the data displayed on the 2301 (or 2300) The following options are available for the front panel. If installed in a 2300, 2300 Series Digital Power Analyzers. outputs represent displayed measurements for φA, φB, or φC.
  • Page 18: Option Iox

    φC volts, amps, watts; 3φ Option RX7 is a set of rack ears that allow 3-wire total watts and 3φ 4-wire total watts. mounting of the 2300 in a standard 19" equipment rack. 3-4-1. Scaling and Accuracy 3-7.
  • Page 21: Section Iv Front Panel Controls

    3φ 3-wire or 3φ 4-wire push-buttons. This bank of push-buttons selects the voltage These push-buttons are not installed in the range of the 2300. Voltage inputs greater than 2301/2301L single-phase instruments. the selected range may yield invalid readings. The voltage ranges of the Model 2300L are 5, 4-1-2.
  • Page 22 4-1-10. RUN/HOLD Push-buttons Note: Placing the instrument in the HOLD mode does not affect the overload indicators. The RUN/HOLD feature on the Model 2300 It is possible to change ranges while in the may be used to simultaneously freeze the HOLD mode however the displays will not be Volts, Amps and Watts displays.
  • Page 25: Section V Rear Panel Controls

    (∅B). These terminals are not installed in Models 2301/2301L. This contains the main AC power fuse. Fuse values are listed on the 2300 rear panel. 5-1-9. "φC TERMINAL CLUSTER" 5-1-3. "LINE VOLTAGE" Switch These are the input terminals for channel C (∅C).
  • Page 27: Section Vi Manual Operation

    A and the voltage between phase A and which can damage the transformer, the 2300, neutral. Channels B and C similarly measure and the operator. phases B and C. The 2300 sums the phase A, B, and C readings when the 3φ 4-WIRE mode 6-3. Operation is selected.
  • Page 28 6-4-5. Single-Phase Two-Wire Source connections are shown using channel C of the Power Connections 2300. Any of the channels, A, B, or C may be used for single phase measurements. Some applications require measuring the power from a source rather than the power 6-4-1.
  • Page 29 These connections are shown in the Model 2300. Figure 6-15. When the Model 2300 is connected in this manner, the watts reading should be multiplied by...
  • Page 30 For into a load. These connections are shown in best performance, the CURRENT COMMON Figure 6-21. When the Model 2300 is used in terminals should be grounded. this manner, the watts reading should be multiplied by minus one (-1). Caution! Do 6-4-17.
  • Page 31: Single-Phase Measurements

    These connections are shown in 4) Select the lowest voltage range that Figure 6-23. When the Model 2300 is used in provides the required display resolution this manner, the watts reading should be without the voltage peak overload LED multiplied by minus one (-1) and the PT ratio.
  • Page 32: Three-Phase, Four-Wire Measurements

    Model 2300: your measurement requirement application was not discussed in the preceding 1) Connect the 2300 as shown in Figures 6- paragraphs, also refer to the Application 17 to 6-24 as determined by your Notes of Section 11. application.
  • Page 45: Section Vii Remote Operation

    IEEE Standard 488 of This section describes the operation of the 1978). 2300 Series of Power Analyzers via the optional IEEE-488 interface bus. It is Handshake: An exchange of signals between assumed throughout this section that the user...
  • Page 46 The way in which device dependent messages will be interpreted by the receiving device, The 16 signal wires are as follows: leaving these up to the manufacturer to define. These are defined for the 2300 in Section 7-7. 8 data wires (DIO0...
  • Page 47: Universal Commands

    (1978) standard. using HP Basic and it is assumed that the 2300 has its listen address set to 15. If you are When received by the 2300 it will respond using a programming language other than HP...
  • Page 48 "unofficial" command by the 2300 is not key or control on the devices. This command defined and may cause bus errors if used. is not implemented in the 2300 and is ignored if received. This command is implemented in HP Basic by the statement TRIGGER 715 for the address 7-4-8.
  • Page 49: Setting The Ieee Address

    2300 has an address of 15 and that HP take over as controller. The 2300 does not Basic is the programming language. If you...
  • Page 51: Commands And Examples Using Hp Basic

    (carriage return, line-feed) as the end of the LOCAL command line. These items should be When the 2300 is in the LOCAL state the automatically sent by the system controller REMOTE indicator on the front panel is and are not shown in the examples that extinguished and full manual control of the follow.
  • Page 52 2300 responds with a non- zero byte 7-7-5. Output Data Selection Queries of data informing the controller of the reason for the SRQ. If the 2300 did not generate the These queries select which measurement data SRQ, a zero byte is used as the response.
  • Page 53 20OUTPUT 715;"T4" use the data for watt-hours 30OUTPUT 715;"F" stop compiling & calculate The 2300 may be read at any time; however, 40 WAIT .5 recommended delay 500ms caution must be taken to avoid erroneous data.
  • Page 54: Ieee-488 Device-Dependent Command Set Summary For 2300/01

    Analyzers. Refer to the preceding paragraphs for greater details on use of the various commands. The settings labeled "default" are the conditions that exist whenever the 2300 is initially powered up. The default conditions are also restored upon returning the 2300 to Local mode. The commands are listed in alphabetical order.
  • Page 55 SRQ enable command Disable SRQ (default) Assert SRQ for invalid input data Start compiling command Starts compilation of average watts or watt-hour data. Output data selection query (Selects data output to the controller on the next read) Requests voltage data (default) Requests current data Requests power data Requests average power data...
  • Page 56: Section Viii Calibration Procedure

    8-1. General The following test equipment is This section provides calibration procedures required for calibration of the 2300 Series of for the 2300 Series Digital Power Analyzers. Digital Power Analyzers: Two calibration procedures are included. First, the Routine Calibration of Section 8-4...
  • Page 57 18) Repeat steps 16 and 17 for minimum When calibrating Models 2301 and interaction. 2301L, only steps 1 through 12 need be performed. 19) Select the 300 (30) volt range. 20) Apply 300.0 volts and adjust φBR25 for a 1) Connect the DVM low lead to a phase A display of 300.0.
  • Page 58 Disconnect the DVM. MBR228 for a display of 0.1000. Repeat steps 20 and 21 for minimum 2) Connect the 2300 as shown in Figure 8-4 interaction. using the 1 amp shunt. Select the 0.5 amp range. 3) Select φA and the 1 amp range.
  • Page 59 2301L, only steps 1 through 20 need be 8-8. performed. Select φB, the 1 amp and the 150 (15) 1) Connect the 2300 as shown in Figure 8-7. volt ranges. Apply 150.00 volts and 1.0000 amps 2) Select φA, the 1 amp and the 150 (15) volt and adjust φBR40 for a display of...
  • Page 60: Post-Maintenance Calibration

    Connect the 2300 as shown in Figure 3) Connect the 2300 as shown in Figure 8-1. 8-9. Move the DVM high lead to the left side of R37. Select φC, the 1 amp and the 150 (15) 4) Select φA and the 600 (60) volt range.
  • Page 61: Option Iox Calibration

    5.000 VDC on the DVM. 8-6-1. Channel A IOX Calibration Connect the 2300 as shown in Figure 1) Connect the 2300 as shown in Figure 8-7. 8-4 using the 100 amp shunt. Select φA, 150 (15) volts, 1 amp ranges.
  • Page 62: Option Io-3 Calibration

    5.000 volts at pin 8 of the IOX connector. 8-6-2. Channel B IOX Calibration 6) Apply .1000 amps and adjust RV6 for 1) Connect the 2300 as shown in Figure 8-8. .5000 volts at pin 8 of the IOX connector. Select φB, 150 (15) volts, and 1 amp 7) Repeat steps 5 and 6 for minimal interaction.
  • Page 63 DVM positive lead to pin 6. Apply 15.00 volts (1/10 of full scale) to the 2301. Adjust If IO-3 is installed in a Model 2300 as RV2 "Volts Zero" on the IO-3 board for .5000 opposed to a 2301, RV6 should be used volts on the DVM.
  • Page 73: 10-1. General

    This section gives the theory of operation of the isolator stage. the circuitry used in the 2300, and is divided into two parts. The first part is a functional 10-2-4. Isolators description referring to the block diagram shown in Figure 10-1.
  • Page 75: 10-3. Detailed Descriptions

    RMS The IEEE interface contains the circuitry AC voltage input. If the RMS converter or necessary to control and read the 2300 via the multiplier are operated outside of their range IEEE-488 bus.
  • Page 76 R33 to R36, The schematic for this section may be found opto-isolator IC6 is activated, which in turn on 2300-070. The gains of the current and drives the front panel peak overload LED. voltage amplifiers along with the current shunt selection are controlled by the front 10-3-3.
  • Page 77 IC5-7. The multiplexer outputs are applied to the A to D The schematic for this section may be found converter inputs for display. The voltage and on 2300-072, sheets 1-3. The operation of the current outputs receivers voltage, current, and watts A to D converters approximately 5 volts full scale for all ranges.
  • Page 78 The schematics for this section may be found on 2300-072 sheets 1, 2 and 3. The outputs During the third, or reference-integrate stage, from either the keyboard or the IEEE interface a precise reference voltage of polarity are selected by IC's 7, 15, and 23.
  • Page 79: 10-4. Models 2301, 2300L And 2301L

    10-3-13. Option IOX The schematic for this section may be found on 2300-073. The outputs of the current and voltage receivers are applied to unity gain inverting amplifiers IC1-3 and their associated components. The gain and offset of each amplifier are adjustable to allow calibration.
  • Page 80 _______________________________________________________________ The following pages contain notes specific to certain applications. Review of these notes is recommended in order to obtain maximum utility and safety from the 2300 Series of Power Analyzers. The topics are listed below. AN101 Protecting the 2300 from Inductive Loads Figure 1.
  • Page 81 AN107 Minimizing Error Sources Using Three-Wire Connections Figure 1. Three-wire Digital Power Analyzer Figure 2. Digital Power Analyzer Error Sources Figure 3. Error Source Reduction Figure 4. Measuring Power Loss in Connecting Leads AN108 Measuring Single-Phase Three-wire Power Figure 1. Single-phase Three-wire Power Figure 2.
  • Page 82 2300 from (source) and as far from the 2300 as practical. damage due to inductive kickbacks. Very high voltage spikes may be produced when...
  • Page 89 Current and potential transformers (CT's and IEEE interface, the controller can apply the PT's) may be used with any Valhalla Digital CT ratio to the measurements automatically. Power Analyzer to increase its measurement The maximum current rating of the CT should range.
  • Page 90 Most applications using PT's will also use extend the voltage measurement capabilities CT's as well. In this case, the power of Valhalla digital power analyzers. PT's are measurement must be multiplied by both the available in many ratios, maximum voltage CT and PT ratios.
  • Page 94 Three-phase variations on measurements can be quite significant. this drawing may be found in Section 6. look at how the 2300 measures power will aid When making source power measurements, the user in measuring source power. the power measurement should be multiplied by minus one (-1) to obtain the correct watts 103-2.
  • Page 99 The 2300 is ideally suited for measuring the The standard 3-phase 3-wire connections are power in a 3-phase 3-wire connected load. shown in Figure 1. In it, the 2300 uses the Some test procedures require that the two wattmeter method of measuring 3-phase individual phase currents be measured and 3-wire power.
  • Page 102 APPLICATION NOTE AN105 MEASURING TRANSFORMER LOSS WITH THE 2300 105-1. General The 2300 is ideally suited for measuring the loss of single phase transformers. following paragraph describes the connections required to display transformer loss on the 2300. 105-2. Connections Figure 1 details the connections to the 2300.
  • Page 104 The displays of the 2300 may be frozen using the recently added RUN/HOLD feature to 106-4. Single-Phase Systems make calculations easier.
  • Page 105 Refer to Figure 1: When calculating 3-phase VAR's it is safe to assume that the individual phase power 1) Connect the 2300 to the load as described factors are all lagging if the load has a in Section 6.
  • Page 107 APPLICATION NOTE AN107 MINIMIZING ERROR SOURCES IN THREE-WIRE CONNECTED DIGITAL POWER ANALYZERS 107-1. General 107-4. Error Reduction This application note describes the sources of The errors caused by the lead resistances can measurement error in three-wire type digital be reduced by a factor of 2 by simply power analyzers.
  • Page 112 The total single-phase three- wire power is the sum of the individual phase powers. Figure 2 details the connections to the 2300. Channels A and C are used to measure the individual phase powers. The individual phase powers are displayed by pressing the ∅A and ∅C display selection...

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