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Rally 7424 User Manual

85 watt 12 volt power inverter


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Summary of Contents for Rally 7424

  • Page 2: Power Source

    CAUTIONS • Do not place this Power Converter in confined spaces or inside battery compartment of vehicle or boat. Use only in properly ventilated areas. • Do not place item(s) over the Power Converter. Make sure that air is allowed to circulate freely around it. • Do not place the Power Converter in direct sunlight or near any device which is generating heat above room temperature. • Do not operate the Power Converter in ambient air temperature below -10°F or above 110°F. • Do not open the converter housing case. • Secure the Power Converter and device being operated to prevent them from moving while the vehicle is in motion. • Do not use an AC (110 Volt) extension cord longer than 25 feet. • Do not use a 12 Volt DC extension cord of any type or length. • Start and run your vehicle hourly to prevent battery discharge. IMPORTANT: Disconnect the Power Converter and turn OFF the device being used before engine start up. • Regularly check that all connections are secure and tight. A loose connection can create high electrical resistance and generate excessive heat which will damage the converter.