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Navigator CCD-420 User Manual page 4

Wireless 2,5 inch color tft lgd monitoring system


System lnstallation
when installing the camera, check the reception of the monitor befofe flnai installation. Have someone
hold the camera in lhe afea lo be monitored. Have another person move ihe monitor to a variety of
Iocalions ihroughout lhe house to check reception. lf interference or other problems occur, refer to the
T.oubleshooting Guide.
Wireless 2.5" Color TFT LCD Monitoring Sysetem
To install the system, follow these step!:
1. Plug the 5V AC/DC adapter cord into the DC Input Jack on the side of the monitor.
2. Plug the adapter into a standard (1.10V-240V) AC ouflet. press ihe power button io iurn on the
3. ,4^/ oulputs on the LCD monitor can be connected to the A / input on a TV set for a lafge screen
display, or to the FJV inputs on a VCR for recofdinq.
4 You can use either AC/DC adapter fof long time u; of 4 "A,qA' battery fof mobite use.
The life time oJ 4 "AArq" bahery operation is 45 minutes.
1. Plug the 7.5V AC/DC adapter cord into the DC inDut iack on the back ofthe came|a.
2. Plug the adapter into a standard (.1.10V_240V)
AC ouitet.
3. You ca_n use either AC/DC adapter for long tjme use or 2 "AA" battery for mobile use.
The l;fe time of 2 "AA" battery operation is .l.Shr Wo lR tunction and thr W lR funclon.
System Setup:
1 Select lhe channel (Channel 1-3) to be used on both lhe camera and receiver.
NOTE: N4ake sure the camera and receiver are set to the
same channel (1,2,3) and Camera should be turn on_
2 S€t l}E seleded charnet by gent y pushrng lhe d p_slvitcf
ic{ s€rnE ct€nrE1 on mth the carrEfa arE| ttE tecgt€r
I tD
Fd €rpts,
b s.t bo0t tE cam€ia ard .ecelEr on
Channet 'l: Pnsh lhe Channel 1 dip-switch tocated on
Camfr'Set to
the side of lhe camera and the receiver to be in same
Channel ,l
l H - t
Receiver S€t to
Channel 1
3. For baby monitoring teature, please select the camera ON/OFF switch to be "OFF,'on the
transmitter unit but make surc the camera and aeceiver are set to the same channel.
lf more than one camera is to be installed and operated at the same time:
For example, to operate two camefas: set Camera 1 to Channel .j, set Came[a 2 to Channel 2 ,
and on the receiver, sel channels 1 of 2 to ON.
For more than one camefa operation, one image(CH1 or CH2) is showed at a time without auto
scanning feature. See "Carnera and Receiver Settinq Chart" below for detail.
CameE Sel io
Additional Notice- Vvhen installing lhe camera, check ihe recepiion ofthe receiver before final
installation. Have someone holcl the camera in lhe area to be monitored and another person to
check the reception with your TV cr mcnit.i. lf interference or other probtems occur, refef to the
Troubleshooting cuide.
CarrFla Sel lo

