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User Guide

August 2017



Summary of Contents for Farasha Care.UP

  • Page 1: User Guide

    User Guide August 2017...
  • Page 2: Installation

    This product contains electronic parts, a battery, and a detachable strap; please keep it out of reach from young children for their own safety. To use the Care.UP©, you need to possess a smartphone with iOS (at least version 9) or Android (at least version 4.3) and Bluetooth 4.0, BLE or Bluetooth Smart.
  • Page 3: Product Details

    List Checkup 4.1. Product Quick Info The Care.UP© uses a touch-screen: you need to touch the screen with your bare fingers to use the me- nus and the different functionalities the watch proposes. Several icons appears recurrently: Touch this icon if you want to go back to the Dashboard.
  • Page 4 4.3. Options Press this button if you want to access the options of your Care.UP©. It directs you to the following screen: Main Options screen. 4.3-1. Options Permits you to enter a security code. Directs you to the C. Alerts menu.
  • Page 5 You can set the hour (HH), the minutes (mm) and the seconds (SS). a.2. Time B. Alarms You can plan an alarm by setting the hour (HH), the minutes (mm) and the seconds (SS). This alarm will trigger on a daily basis. b.1.
  • Page 6 Directs you to the c.6. Systolic and Diastolic Directs you to the c.8. Ovulation Alerts Blood Pressure Alerts screen. screen. Directs you to the c.7. Pedometer Alerts screen. You can adjust your heart rate alerts. Touch the right side of the bar to set the red level and touch the left side of the bar to set the green level.
  • Page 7 You can adjust your sleep alerts. Touch the right side of the bar to set the red level and touch the left side of the bar to set the green level. c.5. Sleep Alerts You can adjust your systolic blood pressure alerts. Touch the right side of the bar to set the red level and touch the left side of the bar to set the green level.
  • Page 8 You can adjust your pedometer alerts. It represents the daily mini- mum steps you want to do. Touch the right side of the bar to set the red level and touch the left side of the bar to set the green level. c.7.
  • Page 9 (English), ES (Español) or FR (Français). a.1. Languages 3.7. Reset If you reset your Care.UP©, all your data will be lost. If you do not want to lose your data while resetting, synchronize your watch with the Farasha™ App for smartphone before. 4.4. List This screen displays your last five automatic captures, listed by dates.
  • Page 10 5. Dashboard Capture Details Sports Medical Folder 5.1. Medical Folder Touch this icon to access the Medical Folder menu. Main Medical Folder screen. 5.1-1. Medical Folder Directs you to the A. Personal data menu. Directs you to the B. Allergies menu. Directs you to the C.
  • Page 11 A. Personal Data This screen allows you to enter you personal data, such as your blood group, your age, your sex and your height and weight. It displays your body mass index. This screen displays an overview of your personal data. Touch one of the data to modify its content.
  • Page 12 C. Hospitalizations This screen allows you to add your recent hospitalizations (up to five). To add an hospitalization, touch the plus icon. To suppress or modify an hospitalization, touch its name (see c.2. Hospitalizations). c.1. Hospitalizations When you want to modify an hospitalization, this screen will allow you to change the year (YYYY), the month (MMM) and the day (DD).
  • Page 13 (see e.2. Last consultations). An alert will warn you if you did not consult a doctor in one of the specialties available in Care.UP© for at least six months. e.1. Last consultations Touch the red cross if you want to disable this medical specialty.
  • Page 14 5.2. Capture Details Touch this icon to access the Capture Details menu. This screen allows you to access to your capture details (heart rate, temperature, sport, sleep, blood pressure, pedometer, drugs, consul- tations and ovulation). Red icons indicate critical values, orange icons indicate superior to the average values, and green icons indi- cate normal values.
  • Page 15 This screen displays the graphs of your current heart rate capture. Touch this screen anywhere if you want to go back to the heart rate main screen (see a.2. Heart Rate). a.3. Heart Rate B. Temperature Your temperature capture will launch automatically once you are in this screen.
  • Page 16 C. Sports This screen displays your last sports capture. If you want to access your last five sports captures (see c.2. Sports), touch the list icon. c.1. Sports This screen displays your last five sport captures. c.2. Sports D. Sleep This screen displays your sleep last captures.
  • Page 17 E. Blood Pressure If you capture your blood pressure for the first time, you will need to calibrate your Care.UP© first (see e.3. Blood Pressure). Your blood pressure capture will launch automatically once you are in this menu: put your finger on the front oxymeter of your Care.UP©.
  • Page 18 Blood Pressure Stay in the same position as described in e. Blood Pressure. Wait for the Care.UP© to calculate your blood pressure. e.7. Blood Pressure F. Pedometer This screen permits you to access your last pedometer capture.
  • Page 19 This screen displays your last five pedometer captures. Red values indicate far below daily objective days, orange values indicate sligh- tly below daily objective days and green values at or beyond daily objective days. f.2. Pedometer This screen gives an overview of your day’s results compared with your daily objective.
  • Page 20 This screen permits you to delete a treatment. Confirm by touching the red cross. g.3. Drugs H. Consultations This screen displays your next consultation. If you want to sup- press a consultation, touch the red cross (see h.3. Consultations). If you want to modify it, touch the name of the consultation;...
  • Page 21 I. Ovulation If you use the ovulation menu for the first time, you will need to calibrate your Care.UP© first. Touch the i.1. Ovulation screen anywhere to access the i.3. Ovulation screen. This screen displays your current ovulation probability (in %) and which day of your menstrual cycle you are at.
  • Page 22 Walking. Swimming. Other sports could be added depending on Farasha™ R&D team. Make sure you have your smartphone with the Farasha™ App with you so you can collect your results and data. A. Competition This mode allows you to capture your performances during a competition.
  • Page 23 Send” blue text to send and save your data. If you choose to do so, please make sure your phone is next to your Care.UP© (no more than 15 feet/5 meters). If you do not want to save and send your data, touch the red cross.
  • Page 24 If you choose to do so, please make sure your phone is next to your Care.UP© (no more than 15 feet/5 meters). If you do not want to save and send your data, touch the red...
  • Page 25 Send” blue text to send and save your data. If you choose to do so, please make sure your phone is next to your Care.UP© (no more than 15 feet/5 meters). If you do not want to save and send your data, touch the red cross.
  • Page 26: Water Resistance

    You will be proposed to update your Care.UP© device if you use the Synchronization option (see  4.3. Options – G. Synchronization) and if your device is out-of-date. UPDATE PROCESS Plug the watch to a plug socket and keep it plugged during the entire update process (see 3.1.
  • Page 27: Common Troubleshooting

    Try to power up the watch again. If it does not work, try to charge the device by plugging it to a plug socket and see if anything changes. Wait half an hour before powering up your Care.UP©. If the problem persists, please contact our customer service.