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Important Note - Behringer Xair18 Manual


The input 'PC out' has been set at level 42 and will play audio stimuli. The signal is linked to 'PC in' at a
volume level of 58. This feeds the signal back to the computer for time trigger detection or recording.
Also the input ('PC in') is connected to the 'speaker' output. The volume being at 50 will play the sound
over the wall mounted speakers.


Save your settings by pressing in the top-menu the option 'File'!
Then select 'save file' and select the location within your experiment folder in
E:/data/userfiles/*yourfolder*. Additionally, make a backup of this file on a drive that is backed up
automatically (DRDR, workgroup files). The default extension for these files is *.scn .
At the start of each measurement session load your own settings file by selecting 'open file' in the
We STRONGLY recommend to check the settings. Are they correct and do all devices work properly?
( broken equipment, switches on microphones might be off, batteries might be empty).

