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User manual

Document version 1.5


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Flymaster Avionics B1

  • Page 1: User Manual

    User manual Document version 1.5...
  • Page 3 Information in this document is subject to change without notice. FLYMASTER Avionics reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the FLYMASTER Avionics website ( for current updates and...
  • Page 4 Flymaster B1. Flight safety is the sole responsibility of the pilot. It is unsafe to operate the Flymaster B1 while in the air. Failure by the pilot equipped with a Flymaster B1 to pay full attention to the aircraft and flying conditions while flying could result in accident with property damage and/or personal injury.
  • Page 5 5.7.1. Damper..........................15 5.7.2. Cadence..........................15 5.7.3. Dynamic Frequency......................15 5.7.4. Buzzer (Next to Climb Indicator)..................15 5.7.5. Auto Silent.........................17 5.8. Screen Contrast......................17 5.9. M1 Config........................18 5.10. Language/Units......................18 5.11. Firmware........................19 5.12. Shutdown.........................19 6. Updating B1 Firmware....................20 7. .Forced firmware update..................22 7.1. Introduction........................22 7.2. Update procedure.......................22...
  • Page 7: Introduction

    Fully charge the battery before start using FLYMASTER B1 . Charging battery can be performed either by connecting the wall socket charger or the PC USB cable (both included in the package) to the B1 USB port located on the right side of the B1 (see Figure 1).
  • Page 8: The Keys

    2.1. The Keys Figure 2 –FLYMASTER B1 B1 B1 B1 keyboard Four keys are used to interact with FLYMASTER B1 (see Figure 2). Each key may have more than one function, depending on the context. Functions are represented on the keys by a graphic or a word. All functions are listed on the Table 1.
  • Page 9: Turning The Unit On And Off

    Figure 3 –Settings Menu Mode 2.2. Turning the Unit On and Off To turn on the B1, briefly push the S1 key, this will display the start up screen. A 10 second countdown will start, push the S2 (Enter key) to confirm power up before time is elapsed Figure 4 –...
  • Page 10: Understanding The Flight Screen

    B1 User Manual The flight timer will start automatically whenever the altitude varies more than 5 meters. The timer stops when the B1 is turned off. When a flight is started, data collected during flight time is automatically recorded in the internal memory.
  • Page 11: Flight Duration

    The FLYMASTER B1 has a timer that indicates the flight duration in Hour:Minute:Second. The timer is started once an altitude variation of ±5 meters is detected, and is stopped when the B1 is turned off. The data collected after the timer starts is automatically recorded in the internal memory.
  • Page 12: Motor Flight Screen

    Digital Vario Figure 6 - Digital and analogue vario When the B1 detects that the pilot is climbing, a black bar located on the left side of the analogue vario starts to grow from the bottom of the scale to the top ,and for each increase of 0,1 m/s , the bar will increase to the maximum of +10m/s (see Figure 7 a) ).
  • Page 13: Connection Status

    Connection Status Fuel level Engine Temperature Figure 8 - Motor Flight Screen 3.2.1. Connection Status The connection status indicator displays if the B1 is connected with the M1. To properly configure the connection see section 5.9. Symbol Description • Connection not established •...
  • Page 14: Engine Temperature

    The Engine Temperature section displays the value in degree Celsius of the temperature that the M1 sends. Additionally the B1 will display a segmented bar that will increase for 0 ,and for each decrease of 10% of fuel a segment will disappear until the fuel level reach 0%.
  • Page 15: Flight Log

    B1 User Manual Option Selection Parameters Figure 12 –Settings Menu Options The settings menu screen is divided in two parts (see Figure 12). The top one shows all the settings menu options. Menu option can be changed by pressing S3 and S4 keys. The current menu option is always highlighted and for most of the options his parameters can be seen on the bottom part of the screen.
  • Page 16: Set Altimeter

    B1 User Manual Figure 13 –Flight Log Flights can be chose by using S3 and S4 keys. For each flight the flowing information is displayed: • ID – Flight identification • Duration – Flight duration • Max Climb – Maximal climbing rate •...
  • Page 17: Digital Vario

    B1 User Manual Figure 14 –Set altimeter 5.3. Digital Vario Setting the integration time for the digital vario discussed in section 3.1.6 may be done using this menu item. After pressing S2 (Enter) key, the integration time period can be changed using S3 and S4 keys.
  • Page 18: Date Time

    B1 User Manual 5.4. Date Time The Date Time menu option allows the user to set the internal B1 time and date. This value is used to identify each flight log. This option allows also to set an alarm. The alarm can be useful to wake up in the morning dreaming of a good thermal.
  • Page 19: Audio Frequencies

    The final option allows the user to adjust the sound volume. When the sound icon is highlighted, the B1 beeps 5 times to demonstrate the currently selected sound level. Using the S3 and S4 keys the sound level can be adjusted to the desired volume.
  • Page 20: Advanced Features

    Figure 18 – Audio Frequencies 5.7. Advanced Features The advanced features settings option can be used to adjust the B1 acoustics to the user preferences. Using these features the user can turn the vario sound more or less responsive, and can also turn on and off the buzzer functionality.
  • Page 21: Damper

    Default value for dynamic frequency is on. 5.7.4. Buzzer (Next to Climb Indicator) B1 B1 B1 B1 features a next to climb acoustic indicator, which is an important FLYMASTER development in detecting weak lifts. This indication can be set to be always On, or to start only when an altitude variation of ±5 meters is detected (see section 5.7.5).
  • Page 23: Auto Silent

    Note: The activation of the backlight reduces the duration of the battery. His use in low battery conditions is not advised. The activation of the motor mode, changes the flight screen to motor flight screen(see section 3.2) and enables the reception of M1 data from the B1(if M1 configuration is done correctly).
  • Page 24: M1 Config

    The M1 config option ,allows the user to proper configure the B1, enabling the reception of data sent from the Flymaster M1. To configure the B1 simply input the last 5 numbers of the serial number of the Flymaster M1 using the S3 and/or S4 keys ,to confirm press S2 key.
  • Page 25: Firmware

    When Shutdown menu option is highlighted the user can see the level of the battery in percentage, if S2 key is pressed, the B1 is turned off. The B1 has automatically saved all flight data before it had been turned off. Figure 24 – Shutdown...
  • Page 27 B1 User Manual Figure 26 – Firmware menu option...
  • Page 28: Forced Firmware Update

    7.2. Update procedure To update the B1 you will need to install the B1’s USB driver which is available on our web site, in the section downloads of the b1 variometer.

Table of Contents