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Sega GENESIS FB8280C Instruction Manual page 10


Game title: Kid Chameleon
When his friends get sucked into a virtual reality game and
can't escape, it is up to Kid Chameleon to enter the game
himself and save the day! Using his ability to change his
shape into various other forms, Kid Chameleon must do
battle against his foes. Each form adds a special ability which
must be used to pass each of the game's stages. With over
100 levels of gameplay, you will find plenty of challenges on
your quest. Your friends are depending on you, so it's time to
get in the game!
Control the direction.
Start game. Pause and un-pause game.
Use weapon if available.
No function.
No function.
No function.
Game title: Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
After an ancient battle between the people of Orakio and Laya,
peace reigned for a thousand years across the entire planet.
The victorious Orakians were ruled by the young prince Rhys.
Upon the day of his wedding, the prince's enemies emerged
from the shadows and kidnapped his bride. Devastated, Rhys
began his epic quest to learn the identity of the kidnappers
and find his beloved Maya. Deep down, Rhys knows that
only the Layans would attempt such a crime. Rhys must be
victorious in battle against his newfound enemies and reclaim
his bride or global war will begin once more!
Control the direction.
Start game. Pause and un-pause game.
Use magic.
Cancel the selected item.
Enter the menu. Confirm the selected item.
No function.
No function.
No function.
Game title: Phantasy Star II
Set in a futuristic world, the people of the planet Mota
engage in experiments to make biomechanical creatures.
While most of the experiments resulted in useful creatures
that serve the people, one was made that posed a great
danger to Mota. As this disaster struck, the signal for help
came from the experimental labs, summoning you to action.
With the aid of a few fellow fighters you begin an adventure
that starts with a simple mission but you soon discover that
the fate of the entire planet is at stake!
Control the direction.
Start game. Pause and un-pause game.
Use magic.
Cancel the selected item.
Enter the menu. Confirm the selected item.
No function.
No function.
No function.
Game title: Ristar
Greedy, an evil tyrant, has one goal in mind: control all the
planets of the solar system. With only one planet left, Greedy
believes he is near the end of his quest. The only holdout
from Greedy's relentless onslaught was guarded by a mighty
hero. When Greedy managed to capture this protector,
Greedy thought his work was done. That was when Ristar, the
son of the hero, emerged to stop Greedy, rescue his father
and save the solar system. Action and puzzles await in this
inter-stellar adventure!
Control the direction.
Start game. Pause and un-pause game.
Grab. Attack.
No function.
No function.
No function.
Long press for attack upward.

