Operator Panel; Rear Access Area; Figure; Rear Access Area - Sepa Rate Source - Westinghouse IQ DATA PLUS II User Manual

Line metering and protection system
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Operator Panel

norma lly a ccessible from the ou tside of the pa nel or door,
provides a m ea ns to:
Monitor the a ctua l metered valu es
dow. (See Figure 3.1)
Determ ine which m eter ed valu e
mea ns of a n ill u m inated LED located at the left of the
m onitor menu
Step throu gh the menu of m eter ed items and a ctua l
va l u es
Determine that a tr ip or a larm condition ex ists by mea ns
of 2 distinct LEO s
Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com


Rear Access Area - Separate Source Power Module
T he Operator Pa nel, which is
the Display Win­
oemg displayed by
Determine the cause of a tr ip or a larm condition by mea ns
of a single-digit code shown in the Display Window. ( T he
descr iption of each code num ber is pr inted on the bottom
of the Operator Pa nel.)
Attem pt to r eset the u nit after a tr ip or a larm condition
has occurred by mea ns of a Reset pu shbutton
T he u se of the Operator Pa nel is deta iled in S ection 3.

Rear Access Area-

i s norma lly accessible from the r ear of the pa nel's door. All
wi r ing connections to the u nit are made at the chassis' r ear.
Stu dy Figure 2.1 a nd note the following items:
Shaded area designates information that
replaces or supplements applications using
the 120/240 VAC Separate Source Power
Supply Module.
T D 17271A
T he r ear of the IQ Data Plu s I I


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