Logic L5.5E User Manual
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S6T050 User Manual
L5.5E User Manual


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Logic L5.5E

  • Page 1 S6T050 User Manual L5.5E User Manual...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    S6T050 User Manual Contents 1 . Appearance and Keypad Operations ..................... 1 2. Using Memory Card as U Disk ...................... 2 3. WiFi ............................... 5 4. Bluetooth ............................7 5. Mail ..............................9 5.2 Email ............................9 6.Dialling ............................11 7.
  • Page 3: Appearance And Keypad Operations

    S6T050 User Manual 1 . Appearance and Keypad Operations Keys Functions Press this button to return home from any application or interface. home Long press it to open google search. recent Press it to open recently opened application window. Press it to return to the previous interface,or to close dialog box 、options’ back menu、notification panel or the keypad.
  • Page 4 S6T050 User M Manual 2. Usin ng Memo ory Card as U Dis If you wan nt to send m music, pictu ures or other r files to th e phone’s m memory card rd from the computer, shou uld set mem mory card as s u disk firs Set memo...
  • Page 5 S S 6T050 User M Manual debugging netw connec cted avai ilable...
  • Page 6 S6T050 User M Manual 4) Insert th he SD Card Open U USB connec Notice :O On the PC o operation as sistant tool such as mo obile phone, , Must be op p en the USB B debuggin ng.
  • Page 7: Wifi

    S6T050 User M Manual 3. WiF Wifi pro ovides as fa ar as 300fee et (100M) r range of wi ireless netw work access s. If you us se cell phon ne to nt or 「hot conn nect wifi, y you should c connect to th he wireless...
  • Page 8 S6T050 User Manual In the interface of wireless and network, touch Wi-Fi settings. The founded Wi-Fi networks will show on the Wi-Fi network list. Touch other Wi-Fi networks, and then you can connect to this network. Notices: in addition, mobile phone can also surf the Internet by GPRS. Our current SIM card GPRS to open after the default boot.
  • Page 9: Bluetooth

    S6T050 User M Manual 4. Blue etooth Turn on B Bluetooth or r set the pho one can be d detected 1) Enter se ettings. 2) Select B Bluetooth b box,then ope en bluetooth h box, the s status box w will show thi his icon ( ),then it s...
  • Page 10 S6T050 User M Manual Pairing an nd connectio on of Blueto ooth headse 1) Enter se ettings. 2)Select B Bluetooth b ox,then ope en bluetooth h box, then n your phon ne will scan n for the Blu uetooth dev vices with hin range ,a...
  • Page 11: Mail

    S6T050 User M Manual 5.Mail 5.1 Gmail 1) Cre eate an elec ctronic mail account Open gmail.,You u can activ vate or edit t existing e e-mail accou unts as we ell as create e a new e- mail acco ount.
  • Page 12 S6T050 User M Manual c.For account cre eation name e, the editor r of the law w that email l user name e, and click next. Comp plete set, synchronou us mailbox. Create and d send Ema When n creating m mails, select mails >...
  • Page 13 S6T050 User M Manual 6.Diallin When the icon of net twork serve er appears i in the scree en, you coul ld dial or re eceive calli ings. The si ignal on the top r right corner r show the s trength of n network sign nal (When t...
  • Page 14: Dialling

    S6T050 User M Manual Dialling ard , enter At the dia ling Keybo the phone n number, and d then click k the dialing g key , after that,you sh hould ose one SIM M card or i internet call l.
  • Page 15 S6T050 User M Manual Receive ca allings (top left wi When call ling comes ill show fro m which SI IM card)pr ress“Answ wer”and slid de towards r right unti il the middle e button, th en you can receive call lings.
  • Page 16: Messaging

    S6T050 User M Manual 7. Mes saging :the mess ,will be r Important sage title of f this phone e is the pho one number reserved in s similar fo or of dial og,instead d of the us sual folder structure.
  • Page 17 S6T050 User M Manual add contacts w ithout succe ess. You mu ust manually y add again otices: a, I If you wan nt send MM MS with ma any pages, you sho ould select “append PP PT” in the “append”...
  • Page 18 S6T050 User M Manual 1)When the messag ge is sent aft ter the succe ess, accordi ing to China a unicom m mobile SIM1 1 or SIM2 s ends essage of ti me, there w will be a che eckmark bes side the littl le symbol.
  • Page 19: Contacts

    S6T050 User M Manual 8. Con tacts Open the menu o of applicatio ons>contact the de efault displa ay mobile p hone contac ct and SIM card contac cts, contact sort by piny yin initials. ”Icons,Can Click“Add Contact” n create New w Contacts Select save c contacts to p...
  • Page 20 S6T050 User M Manual In contact t interface e, click on th he Menu bu utton a.Click M Meun>Search h,You can n enter the c ontact searc ch interface Enter the l list of Num mbers or lette ers and part t name, that will be sho own in searc...
  • Page 21 S6T050 User M Manual c.Menu >I Import/expo In the mo bile phone can local, S SIM card an nd SD card d three parti ies achieve contact inf formation of f the copy y each othe First choo ose the "cop py source"...
  • Page 22 S6T050 User M Manual You can m modify the g group name, , delete or a add group o f contacts 3). Menu u >Delete You can d delete the gr roup, and wi ill not delet te the contac ct itself.
  • Page 23 S6T050 User M Manual h.Menu >S Setings Can be set t up sorting and the for rmat of the n name...
  • Page 24: Internet Explorer

    S6T050 User Manual 9. Internet Explorer Internet explorer 1) In the browser screen, and then touch input url address bar. 2) Using the keyboard input web address. At the same time, in the address you entered is in line with web address will appear on the screen.
  • Page 25 S6T050 User M Manual Browser S Settings 1) general l Settings, in ncluding ho ome page se et functions such as bel 2) privacy y and securit ty, includin g clear histo orical recor rd, clear the cache, and other funct tions 3) Accessi ibility funct...
  • Page 26: Recorder

    S6T050 User Manual 10. Recorder Recorder can only save the audio files as 3gpp format. 1) Click the recorder application. 2) Keep the phone’s microphone near the voice source. 3) Click recorder to record voices ,and click to stop or Recordinglist.
  • Page 27: Clock

    S6T050 User M Manual 11.Cloc 1)Open t the menu of f application n, click , The alarm clock k Settings in nto the inter rface Alarm After func ctions set, phone will arrives in th he setting ti ime to alert you by ring ging or vibr ating to ach...
  • Page 28 S6T050 User M Manual 12.Cac culator calculator this functi ion can turn n your phone e into calcu ulator, it c can do some e simple cal lculations. ·Touch t the number keys to mak ke it appear r in the blan nk box.
  • Page 29 S6T050 User M Manual 13.Cam mera 13.1 came Prior prep paration Install me emory card before usin ng the came era or video o camera. A All your pho otos or vide eos taken by y the ne are store ed in memor ry card.
  • Page 30: Camera

    S6T050 User Manual Shared Settings of Camera and Video camera 1)Flash mode:Auto、On、off. 2)GPS location info :on 3)exposure:-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 4) Color effect:None、Mono、Sepia、Negative、Aqua、Blackboard、Whiteboard. 5) Scene mode: Auto、 Night、 Sunset、 Party 、 Portrait、 Landscape、 Night portrait、 Theatre、 Beach、 Snow、Steady Photo、Fireworks、Sport、Candle light.
  • Page 31 S6T050 User M Manual Take video Press the h home page, touch the m menu, select t the camera a. Switch to o video mod 1) with the e screen on your subjec 2) directly y on the scre een touch th he shutter bu utton.
  • Page 32 S6T050 User M Manual 14. Ima ages Open imag Press hom me,touch la abel of appl lications,t then touch p photos’ galle In the inte erface of cam mera,Pres ss menu to o open it,the en touch to operate. Gallery in nterface A.
  • Page 33 S6T050 User M Manual pict tures to be tr ransmitted v via bluetoot see photo In photos look at inte erface, slidin ng around o on the screen n, can be fo orward or ba ackward vie ew the photo edit pictu ures A.
  • Page 34: Images

    S6T050 User M Manual • View im mages 1) In the p picture inter rface, touch photo album um to view i images. 2) Touch t the thumbna ail to view p pictures on full screen. You can c choose to d display sma all or large thumbnails...
  • Page 35 S6T050 User Manual Tip you can in the music library or play screen, all songs in the broadcast media library in a random order. Press the Menu button, and then touch party shuffle. Will start playing randomly selected from the first song.
  • Page 36 S6T050 User M Manual 16. Cale ender Calendar p program, m main interfac Enter the c calendar pro ogram, use white color r on the surf face of the m month or pe erimeter to h highlight on n the me day, the d default to di isplay this w...
  • Page 37: Fm Radio

    S6T050 User M Manual 17.FM M Radio FM Radio Through th his program m, you may listen to FM M radio on t the device, FM radio u use the wire ed headset a as an antenna t to receive signals, before op pening this...
  • Page 38: Settings

    S6T050 User M Manual 18.Sett tings Your serv vice provide er may def fault some device sett tings, so yo ou may not t be able t to change t these setti ings. Wireless & & internet •Wi-Fi 1) Fligh ht mode Touch to op pen or close...
  • Page 39 S6T050 User M Manual h.Cast scre  Sound&no ottification ing : This optio on gives the phone tone es’ settings u under the st tatus of rece eiving calls or notificat tion. Includi feedback ( ( Button ope Vibr ration, volu ume, ring to ones, ring t tones notific...
  • Page 40 S6T050 User M Manual 1) Set up screen lo ocks e images、P PIN or pass sword to loc ck the screen . Touch “ im mages ” , the first tim me there wi ill be a simp ple unlock instructions s and examp ples,...
  • Page 41 S6T050 User M Manual 3) Key yboard Setti ings brating whe en buttons a are pressed, Playing sou und when button ns are presse ed, Capitaliz zing automa atically, Spe eech Input(b by microph hone on the keybo ard), Inputt ting words(s speech can b be altered b...
  • Page 42 S6T050 User M Manual ndow anima tion scale: m. Tra ansition anim mation scale n. Do on’t keep acti ivities o. Bac ckground pro ocess limit p. Sho ow all APRs  About t phone You c can check th he informati ion on statu us bar and re...
  • Page 43: Notices For The Use Of Phone

    S6T050 User Manual 19. Notices for the use of phone Your phone is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The following suggestions can help you comply with the terms of repair kits, to extend the life of mobile phone. 1)Place the mobile phone and their parts and components out of reach of small children.
  • Page 44 S6T050 User Manual NOTE 1: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.

Table of Contents