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Spectrum MULTISPORT 500 Manual

Spectrum MULTISPORT 500 Manual

Computerized control console


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GENERAL - Spectrum's Multisport 500 control console is housed in a housed in a
Protective, convenient carrying case. This control console is 100% low voltage and does not
require a 120-volt power cord. All scoreboard functions are controlled by long life, sealed
membrane switches. Each time a switch on the control console is pushed, a /beep/ will be heard
to indicate the switch has been energized. Some switches are color- coded and LED's (light
emitting diodes) are used to enhance visual recognition of switches and their status. A
microcomputer chip inside the control console reads the keyboard 10 times a second, processes
the data and sends it to the scoreboard where it is interpreted by an /interpreter module/ and
displayed on the scoreboard.
MULTISPORT - This controller can operate different scoreboards. After plugging the
controller in, a number will be selected to choose a sport. The different sports available are:
If the wrong sport is chosen, press, "RESET", then "MODE" then the number for the correct



CLOCK - All clock controls are on the left side of the control console.
CLOCK ON/OFF - Move the "CLOCK ON OFF" switch to start and stop the clock. A green
LED will light to indicate if the clock is on.
CLOCK TIME SET - Make sure clock is off. Enter any period of time from 99:59 to 1 second.
Push the "CLOCK SET" switch. The digits will appear on the scoreboard. The clock's
maximum read-out is 99:59. Any digit from 0 to 9 may be entered except for the third digit (the
computer will not accept a number over 5 for the third digit). (The computer will not accept a
number over 5 for the third digit).
AUTOMATIC CLOCK UPDATE - (Not available with all sports) When a time ending with :00
is entered (example: 15:00 not 15:59) and the clock is in the count down mode, that same time
will automatically set-up on the clock after the clock has stopped at 0:00. The period indicator
will also advance by one, automatically.
CLOCK UP/DOWN- Turn the clock off. Push the "CLOCK UP/DOWN" switch. A LED will
indicate if the clock is in the up or down counting mode. If counting down, the clock will
automatically stop at 0:00 if counting up, the click will not stop automatically.
SCORES- Home and visitor score displays may be advanced in two ways: (1) Push a number
switch on the keyboard then the "HOME" or "VISITOR" score switch to add the number to the
digit displayed on the scoreboard, or (2) push the "HOME" or "VISITOR" score switch and the
digit will increment by one.



Summary of Contents for Spectrum MULTISPORT 500

  • Page 1 MULTISPORT 500 COMPUTERIZED CONTROL CONSOLE GENERAL - Spectrum’s Multisport 500 control console is housed in a housed in a Protective, convenient carrying case. This control console is 100% low voltage and does not require a 120-volt power cord. All scoreboard functions are controlled by long life, sealed membrane switches.
  • Page 2 RESET - To reset a digit, push “RESET” switch then the function switch to be reset. MODE – Pressing this switch will display the sport mode number in the last digit of the clock display. If the sport is Baseball, the number will appear in the Innings display. FOOTBALL OPERATION (#1) DOWN/QUARTER- Enter a number on the numeric keypad, then press the switch labeled “YARDS TO GO”.
  • Page 3 HORN – The manual horn can be blown at any time the clock is off by pushing then manual horn switch. The automatic horn may be turned on at any time (a LED will indicate when it is on). When on, the auto horn will blow for 2-1/2 seconds at the end of each period) 0:00. The horn will not automatically blow when the clock is in the up counting mode.
  • Page 4 OUT - Will increment the digit or indicator from zero to two when pressed. On the third push, the digit for out, ball and strike will be reset to zero automatically. HIT – Pressing this switch will turn the hit display on and off. ERROR –...
  • Page 5 HOCKEY OPERATION (#6) PEEIOD – Each time this switch is pushed the period indicator on the scoreboard will advance by one. HORN – The manual horn can be blown at any time the clock is by pushing the manual horn switch.