Disclaimer The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Drawings and diagrams are not binding.
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Issued: May 2017 Revision: B 1. Application Duplex communication channels for transfer of up to 192 M13637-3 v12 The IED is used for the control, protection and monitoring of intertrip and binary signals are available on each remote-end different types of bays in power networks.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Description of configuration A30 M15200-3 v7 REC670 A30 – Double busbar in single breaker arrangement 12AI (6I + 6U) Control Control Control S CILO S CSWI S XSWI...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Description of configuration A31 GUID-3E17DBD1-28EB-43DF-B6F3-BAFECB338A10 v2 REC670 A31 – Bus Coupler Bay arrangement 12AI (6I + 6U) Control Control Control S CILO S CSWI S XSWI QC11 QC21...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Description of configuration B30 M15200-12 v5 REC670 B30 - Double breaker arrangement 12AI (6I + 6U) Control Control Control S CILO S CSWI S XSWI WA2_VT Control Control...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Description of configuration C30 M15200-24 v5 REC670C30 – Complete one-and a half breaker diameter arrangement 24AI (6I + 6U, 6I+6U) Control Control Control S CILO S CSWI S XSWI...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 2. Available functions Main protection functions GUID-66BAAD98-851D-4AAC-B386-B38B57718BD2 v12 Table 1. Example of quantities = number of basic instances = option quantities 3-A03 = optional function included in packages A03 (refer to ordering details)
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Bay control REC670 (Customized) SAPFRC Rate-of-change frequency protection 6-E01 6-E01 6-E01 6-E01 FTAQFVR Frequency time accumulation protection 0-12 Multipurpose protection CVGAPC General current and voltage protection...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Control and monitoring functions GUID-E3777F16-0B76-4157-A3BF-0B6B978863DE v12.1.1 IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Bay control REC670 Control SESRSYN Synchrocheck, energizing check and synchronizing 0-6, 0-2 SMBRREC Autorecloser 0-6, 0-4 1-H04...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Bay control REC670 FUFSPVC Fuse failure supervision VDSPVC Fuse failure supervision based on voltage difference 1-G03 1-G03 1-G03 1-G03 Logic SMPPTRC Tripping logic...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Bay control REC670 CVMMXN, Measurements VMMXU, CMSQI, VMSQI, VNMMXU CMMXU Measurements AISVBAS Function block for service value presentation of secondary analog inputs EVENT...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 2. Total number of instances for basic configurable logic blocks Basic configurable logic block Total number of instances GATE PULSETIMER RSMEMORY SRMEMORY TIMERSET Table 3. Total number of instances for configurable logic blocks Q/T...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Communication GUID-5F144B53-B9A7-4173-80CF-CD4C84579CB5 v12 IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Bay control REC670 (Customized) Station communication LONSPA, SPA SPA communication protocol LON communication protocol HORZCOMM Network variables via LON PROTOCOL...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Bay control REC670 (Customized) FRONT, LANABI, Ethernet configuration of links LANAB, LANCDI, LANCD GATEWAY Ethernet configuration of link one OPTICAL103 IEC 60870-5-103 Optical serial...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Basic IED functions GUID-C8F0E5D2-E305-4184-9627-F6B5864216CA v9 Table 5. Basic IED functions IEC 61850 or function Description name INTERRSIG SELFSUPEVLST Self supervision with internal event list TIMESYNCHGEN Time synchronization module...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 5. Basic IED functions, continued IEC 61850 or function Description name RUNTIME IED Runtime Comp CAMCONFIG Central account management configuration CAMSTATUS Central account management status TOOLINF Tools Information component...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Each autoreclosing function is configured to co-operate with • Overriding of synchrocheck the synchrocheck function. • Pole discordance supervision • Operation counter The autoreclosing function provides high-speed and/or delayed three pole autoreclosing.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 the master-follower method, the circulating current method Circuit breaker SXCBR and the reverse reactance method. The first two methods M13489-3 v6 The purpose of Circuit breaker (SXCBR) is to provide the...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 A second harmonic blocking level can be set for the function AutomationBits, command function for DNP3.0 AUTOBITS and can be used to block each step individually. SEMOD158591-5 v7...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 NS4PTOC can be used as main protection for unsymmetrical The thermal overload protection estimates the internal heat fault; phase-phase short circuits, phase-phase-earth short content of the transformer (temperature) continuously. This circuits and single phase earth faults.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Normally the own breaker is tripped to correct such a prepare for system restoration at power outages or as long- situation. If the situation persists the surrounding breakers time delayed back-up to primary protection.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 7. Frequency protection GUID-020CE8CF-9BEA-455D-ACBD-13023B93B4D1 v4 Frequency time accumulation protection FTAQFVR is based Underfrequency protection SAPTUF on measured system frequency and time counters. FTAQFVR M13349-3 v12 Underfrequency occurs as a result of a lack of generation in for generator protection provides the START output for a the network.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 9. Secondary system supervision VDSPVC is designed to detect fuse failures or faults in voltage measurement circuit, based on phase wise comparison of Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC voltages of main and pilot fused circuits. VDSPVC blocking...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 and re-closing during certain conditions, but naturally, it can behind this IED. To overcome these conditions, weak-end not fully replace a communication channel. infeed (WEI) echo logic is used. The weak-end infeed echo is limited to 200 ms to avoid channel lockup.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 • INVERTER function block that inverts one input signal to Fixed signal function block the output. M15322-3 v11 The Fixed signals function FXDSIGN generates nine pre-set (fixed) signals that can be used in the configuration of an IED, •...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 output at the last received value and blocks new integer The Disturbance report functionality is a common name for values to be received and converted to binary coded outputs.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 term (for example corrective actions) and in the long term (for connected to the Event function (EVENT). The event function example functional analysis). block is used for LON and SPA communication.
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 time, number of operation cycles and estimate the M13394-3 v7 Pulse-counter logic (PCFCNT) function counts externally accumulated energy during arcing periods. generated binary pulses, for instance pulses coming from an...
The LHMI is used for setting, monitoring and controlling. SPA communication protocol SEMOD120134-5 v1 A single glass or plastic port is provided for the ABB SPA protocol. This allows extensions of simple substation 15. Basic IED functions automation systems but the main use is for Substation Time synchronization Monitoring Systems SMS.
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 communication with unsolicited events, time synchronizing 18. Hardware description and disturbance reporting is provided for communication to Hardware modules RTUs, Gateways or HMI systems. IP14529-1 v1 Power supply module PSM...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 communication (SPA, IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP3 port) and High impedance resistor unit M16727-3 v2 one port is dedicated for LON communication. The high impedance resistor unit, with resistors for pick-up...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 IEC06000182-2-en.vsd IEC06000182 V2 EN-US Figure 8. A 1/2 x 19” size IED side-by-side with RHGS6. M15243-12 v7 xx08000165.vsd IEC08000165 V1 EN-US Figure 7. Case with rear cover and 19” rack mounting kit...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 19. Connection diagrams Connection diagrams for Configured products Connection diagrams Connection diagram, REC670 2.1, A30 1MRK002803-FA GUID-CF4EFFA5-3081-4FC7-9A14-ED127C3C0FDE v3 The connection diagrams are delivered on the IED Connection diagram, REC670 2.1, A31 1MRK002803-FD Connectivity package DVD as part of the product delivery.
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 20. Technical data General M10993-1 v3 IP11376-1 v2 Definitions Reference value The specified value of an influencing factor to which are referred the characteristics of the equipment Nominal range...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 8. TRM - Energizing quantities, rated values and limits for measuring transformer modules Quantity Rated value Nominal range Current = 1 or 5 A (0-1.8) × I...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Binary inputs and outputs M12576-1 v7 IP15844-1 v1 Table 12. BIM - Binary input module Quantity Rated value Nominal range Binary inputs DC voltage, RL 24/30 V RL ±20% 48/60 V RL ±20%...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12573-1 v8 Maximum 176 binary input channels may be activated simultaneously with influencing factors within nominal range. Table 14. IOM - Binary input/output module Quantity Rated value Nominal range...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12318-1 v6 Maximum 176 binary input channels may be activated simultaneously with influencing factors within nominal range. Table 15. IOM - Binary input/output module contact data (reference standard: IEC 61810-2)
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 15. IOM - Binary input/output module contact data (reference standard: IEC 61810-2), continued Function or quantity Trip and signal relays Fast signal relays (parallel reed relay) Breaking capacity for AC, cos φ > 0.4 250 V/8.0 A...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SEMOD175395-2 v6 Table 17. SOM - Static Output Module (reference standard: IEC 61810-2): Static binary outputs Function of quantity Static binary output trip Rated voltage 48 - 60 VDC...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12441-1 v7 Table 19. BOM - Binary output module contact data (reference standard: IEC 61810-2) Function or quantity Trip and Signal relays Binary outputs Max system voltage 250 V AC, DC...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 22. Frequency influence (reference standard: IEC 60255–1) Dependence on Within nominal range Influence Frequency dependence, operate value ±2.5 Hz for 50 Hz ±1.0% / Hz ±3.0 Hz for 60 Hz Harmonic frequency dependence (20% content) ±2.0%...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 24. Insulation Test Type test values Reference standard Dielectric test 2.0 kV AC, 1 min. IEC 60255-27 ANSI C37.90 Impulse voltage test 5 kV, 1.2/50 ms, 0.5 J Insulation resistance >100 MW at 500 VDC...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Differential protection M13081-1 v11 Table 28. 1Ph High impedance differential protection HZPDIF Function Range or value Accuracy Operate voltage (10-900) V ±1.0% of I at I ≤ I I=U/R ±1.0% of I at I >...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Current protection M12336-1 v11 Table 29. Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC Function Range or value Accuracy Operate current (5-2500)% of lBase ±1.0% of I at I ≤ I ±1.0% of I at I >...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12342-1 v16 Table 30. Four-step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC Function Setting range Accuracy Operate current, step 1 - 4 (5-2500)% of lBase ±1.0% of I at I ≤ I ±1.0% of I at I >...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M15223-1 v14 Table 32. Four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC technical data Function Range or value Accuracy Operate current, step 1 - 4 (1-2500)% of lBase ±1.0% of I at I ≤...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-E83AD807-8FE0-4244-A50E-86B9AF92469E v5 Table 33. Four step negative sequence overcurrent protection NS4PTOC Function Range or value Accuracy Operate current, step 1 - 4 (1-2500)% of lBase ±1.0% of I at I £...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SEMOD173350-2 v13 Table 34. Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection SDEPSDE Function Range or value Accuracy (0.25-200.00)% of lBase Operate level for 3I ·cosj ±1.0% of I at I £...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12352-1 v13 Table 35. Thermal overload protection, one time constant LCPTTR/LFPTTR Function Range or value Accuracy Reference current (2-400)% of IBase ±1.0% of I Reference temperature (0-300)°C, (0 - 600)°F ±1.0°C, ±2.0°F...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12353-1 v11 Table 37. Breaker failure protection CCRBRF Function Range or value Accuracy Operate phase current (5-200)% of lBase ±1.0% of I at I £ I ±1.0% of I at I > I Reset ratio, phase current >...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SEMOD175152-2 v10 Table 40. Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP Function Range or value Accuracy Power level (0.0–500.0)% of SBase ±1.0% of S at S ≤ S for Step 1 and Step 2 ±1.0% of S at S >...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-6A7DA510-E145-4C5B-A7DC-97BC4258E621 v8 Table 43. Capacitor bank protection CBPGAPC Function Range or value Accuracy Operate value, overcurrent (10-900)% of lBase ±2.0% of I at I ≤ I ±2.0% of I at I > I Reset ratio, overcurrent >95% at (100-900)% of IBase...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Voltage protection M13290-1 v14 Table 44. Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV Function Range or value Accuracy UBase Operate voltage, low and high step (1.0–100.0)% of ±0.5% of U Absolute hysteresis (0.0–50.0)% of...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M13304-1 v12 Table 45. Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV Function Range or value Accuracy Operate voltage, step 1 and 2 (1.0-200.0)% of UBase ±0.5% of U at U ≤ U ±0.5% of U at U >...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M13317-2 v12 Table 46. Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV Function Range or value Accuracy Operate voltage, step 1 and step 2 (1.0-200.0)% of UBase ± 0.5% of U at U ≤...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SEMOD175210-2 v6 Table 48. Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV Function Range or value Accuracy Operate voltage (1–100)% of UBase ±0.5% of U Pulse timer when disconnecting (0.050–60.000) s ±0.2% or ±15 ms whichever is greater...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Frequency protection M13360-1 v13 Table 49. Underfrequency protection SAPTUF Function Range or value Accuracy Operate value, start function, at symmetrical three (35.00-75.00) Hz ±2.0 mHz phase voltage Operate time, start at f + 0.02 Hz to f...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M14976-1 v8 Table 51. Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC Function Range or value Accuracy Operate value, start function (-10.00-10.00) Hz/s ±10.0 mHz/s Operate value, restore enable frequency (45.00-65.00) Hz ±2.0 mHz...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Multipurpose protection M13095-2 v7...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 53. General current and voltage protection CVGAPC Function Range or value Accuracy Measuring current input phase1, phase2, phase3, PosSeq, - NegSeq, -3*ZeroSeq, MaxPh, MinPh, UnbalancePh, phase1-phase2, phase2-...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 53. General current and voltage protection CVGAPC , continued Function Range or value Accuracy Independent time delay, undervoltage at 1.2 to 0.8 x U , step 1 (0.00 - 6000.00) s...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SEMOD175176-2 v5 Table 54. Rotor earth fault protection based on General current and voltage protection (CVGAPC) and RXTTE4 Function Range or value For machines with: • rated field voltage up to 350 V DC •...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-7EA9731A-8D56-4689-9072-D72D9CDFD795 v7 Table 55. Voltage-restrained time overcurrent protection VRPVOC Function Range or value Accuracy Start overcurrent (2.0 - 5000.0)% of IBase ±1.0% of I at I ≤ I ±1.0% of I at I >...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Secondary system supervision M12358-1 v8 Table 56. Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC Function Range or value Accuracy Operate current (10-200)% of IBase ±10.0% of I at I ≤ I ±10.0% of I at I >...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-E2EA8017-BB4B-48B0-BEDA-E71FEE353774 v4 Table 58. Fuse failure supervision VDSPVC Function Range or value Accuracy Operate value, block of main (10.0-80.0)% of UBase ±0.5% of Ur fuse failure Reset ratio <110%...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Control M12359-1 v12 Table 59. Synchronizing, synchrocheck and energizing check SESRSYN Function Range or value Accuracy Phase shift, j (-180 to 180) degrees line Voltage high limit for synchronizing and synchrocheck (50.0-120.0)% of UBase...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12379-1 v11 Table 60. Autorecloser SMBRREC Function Range or value Accuracy Number of autoreclosing shots 1 - 5 Autoreclosing open time: shot 1 - t1 1Ph (0.000-120.000) s ±0.2% or ±35 ms...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SEMOD175215-2 v12 Table 61. Voltage control TR1ATCC and TR8ATCC Function Range or value Accuracy Transformer reactance (0.1–200.0)Ω, primary Time delay for lower command when fast step down mode is activated (1.0–100.0) s...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 61. Voltage control TR1ATCC and TR8ATCC, continued Function Range or value Accuracy Time after position change before the value is accepted (1–60) s ±0.2% or ±200 ms...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Scheme communication M16038-1 v11 Table 62. Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent protection ZCPSCH Function Range or value Accuracy Scheme type Intertrip Permissive UR Permissive OR Blocking...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Logic M12380-1 v9 Table 65. Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC Function Range or value Accuracy Trip action 3-ph, 1/3-ph, 1/2/3-ph Minimum trip pulse length (0.000-60.000) s ±0.2% or ±15 ms whichever is greater 3-pole trip delay (0.020-0.500) s...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-45DF373F-DC39-4E1B-B45B-6B454E8E0E50 v1 Table 72. Number of GATE instances Logic block Quantity with cycle time 3 ms 8 ms 100 ms GATE GUID-0EC4192A-EF03-47C0-AEC1-09B68B411A98 v1 Table 73. Number of INV instances...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-0B07F78C-10BD-4070-AFF0-6EE36454AA03 v1 Table 80. Number of XOR instances Logic block Quantity with cycle time 3 ms 8 ms 100 ms GUID-23D4121A-4C9A-4072-BBE3-6DB076EDAB79 v1 Table 81. Number of ANDQT instances...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-94C803B4-6C5A-4072-AB5C-20DDE98C9A70 v1 Table 88. Number of RSMEMORYQT instances Logic block Quantity with cycle time 3 ms 8 ms 100 ms RSMEMORYQT GUID-341562FB-6149-495B-8A63-200DF16A5590 v1 Table 89. Number of SRMEMORYQT instances...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-3820F464-D296-4CAD-8491-F3F997359D79 v1 Table 94. Number of BTIGAPC instances Function Quantity with cycle time 3 ms 8 ms 100 ms BTIGAPC GUID-B45901F4-B163-4696-8220-7F8CAC84D793 v1 Table 95. Number of IB16 instances...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Monitoring M12386-1 v13 Table 100. Measurements CVMMXN Function Range or value Accuracy Frequency (0.95-1.05) x f ±2.0 mHz Voltage (10 to 300) V ±0.3% of U at U≤ 50 V ±0.2% of U at U>...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-ED634B6D-9918-464F-B6A4-51B78129B819 v5 Table 103. Phase-neutral voltage measurement VNMMXU Function Range or value Accuracy Voltage (5 to 175) V ±0.5% of U at U ≤ 50 V ±0.2% of U at U > 50 V...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-C43B8654-60FE-4E20-8328-754C238F4AD0 v2 Table 107. Limit counter L4UFCNT Function Range or value Accuracy Counter value 0-65535 Max. count up speed 30 pulses/s (50% duty cycle) M12760-1 v9.1.1 Table 108. Disturbance report DRPRDRE...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 GUID-83B0F607-D898-403A-94FD-7FE8D45C73FF v6 Table 110. Insulation liquid monitoring function SSIML Function Range or value Accuracy Oil alarm level 1.00-100.00 ±10.0% of set value Oil lockout level 1.00-100.00 ±10.0% of set value Temperature alarm level -40.00-200.00...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M13765-1 v4 Table 114. Indications Function Value Buffer capacity Maximum number of indications presented for single disturbance Maximum number of recorded disturbances M12702-1 v4 Table 115. Event recorder...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Metering M13404-2 v5 Table 119. Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT Function Setting range Accuracy Input frequency See Binary Input Module (BIM) Cycle time for report of counter (1–3600) s value SEMOD153707-2 v4 Table 120.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Station communication M15031-1 v7 Table 121. Communication protocols Function Value Protocol IEC 61850-8-1 Communication speed for the IEDs 100BASE-FX Protocol IEC 60870–5–103 Communication speed for the IEDs 9600 or 19200 Bd Protocol DNP3.0...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12589-1 v4 Table 126. SLM – LON port Quantity Range or value Optical connector Glass fiber: type ST Plastic fiber: type HFBR snap-in Fiber, optical budget Glass fiber: 11 dB (1000m/3000 ft typically *)
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 M12756-1 v8 Remote communication Table 131. Line data communication module Characteristic Range or value Type of LDCM Short range (SR) Medium range (MR) Long range (LR) Type of fiber...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Hardware M11778-1 v4 SEMOD53385-1 v1 Table 132. Case Material Steel sheet Front plate Steel sheet profile with cut-out for HMI Surface treatment Aluzink preplated steel Finish Light grey (RAL 7035) M12327-1 v3 Table 133.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Basic IED functions M11963-1 v5 Table 138. Self supervision with internal event list Data Value Recording manner Continuous, event controlled List size 40 events, first in-first out M12331-1 v7 Table 139.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SEMOD141136-2 v8 Table 142. IRIG-B Quantity Rated value Number of channels IRIG-B Number of optical channels Electrical connector: Electrical connector IRIG-B Pulse-width modulated 5 Vpp Amplitude modulated – low level 1-3 Vpp –...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Inverse characteristic M12388-1 v17 Table 143. ANSI Inverse time characteristics Function Range or value Accuracy Operating characteristic: 0.10 ≤ k ≤ 3.00 ANSI/IEEE C37.112 , 1.5 x I ≤...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 144. IEC Inverse time characteristics Function Range or value Accuracy Operating characteristic: 0.10 ≤ k ≤ 3.00 IEC 60255-151, ±2.0% 1.5 x I ≤ I ≤ 20 x I or ±40 ms whichever is...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SEMOD116978-2 v8 Table 146. Inverse time characteristics for overvoltage protection Function Range or value Accuracy Type A curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01 ±5.0% or ±45 ms whichever is greater æ...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 147. Inverse time characteristics for undervoltage protection Function Range or value Accuracy Type A curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01 ±5.0% or ±45 ms whichever is greater æ...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 148. Inverse time characteristics for residual overvoltage protection Function Range or value Accuracy Type A curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of ±5.0% or ±45 ms whichever is greater 0.01...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 21. Ordering for customized IED GUID-43BAC6E7-5454-464E-A4B0-97D2A602785D v4.2.1 Table 149. General guidelines Guidelines Carefully read and follow the set of rules to ensure problem-free order management. Please refer to the available functions table for included application functions.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 153. Differential protection Position Table 154. Differential functions Function Function Ordering no Positi Available Selected Notes and identification rules 1Ph High impedance differential protection HZPDIF 1MRK005904-HA Table 155. Impedance protection siti Table 156.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 160. Frequency protection Position Table 161. Frequency functions Function Function Ordering no positi Available Selected Notes and identification rules Underfrequency protection SAPTUF 1MRK005914-AA Overfrequency protection SAPTOF 1MRK005914-BA...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 169. Control functions Function Function Ordering no Positi Available Selected Notes and identification rules Synchrocheck, energizing check and synchronizing SESRSYN 1MRK005917-AA Rule: Can only be ordered with...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 171. Scheme communication functions Function Function Ordering no Positi Available Selected Notes and identification rules Scheme communication logic for distance or Overcurrent protection ZCPSCH 1MRK005920-AA Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for distance protection...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 179. Casing selection Casing Selection Notes and Rules 1/2 x 19" case 3/4 x 19” case 1 TRM slot 3/4 x 19" case 2 TRM slots 1/1 x 19” case 1 TRM slot 1/1 x 19"...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 184. Analog system selection Analog system Selection Notes and Rules No first TRM included Note: Only the same type of TRM (compression or ringlug) in the Compression terminals same terminal.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 185. Maximum quantity of I/O modules Note: When ordering I/O modules, observe the maximum quantities according to the table below Case sizes BOM/ Maximum in case 1/1 x 19”, one (1) TRM 14 cards, including a combination of four cards of type BOM, SOM and MIM 1/1 x 19”, two (2) TRM...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Table 186. Binary input/output module selection Binary input/output Selection Notes and Rules modules Slot position (rear view) Note! Max 3 positions in 1/2 rack, 8 in 3/4 rack with 1 TRM, 5 in 3/4...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 SOM Static output Note: SOM must not be placed in module, 12 outputs, the following positions: 1/2 case 48-60 VDC slot X51, 3/4 case 1 TRM slot X101, 3/4 case 2 TRM slot X71,...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 22. Ordering for pre-configured IED GUID-25AF8847-411F-4F1D-91ED-0ED71C5AA8A1 v8.1.1 Guidelines Carefully read and follow the set of rules to ensure problem-free order management. Please refer to the available functions table for included application functions.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Software options Notes and Rules No option All fields in the ordering form do not need to be filled in High impedance differential protections - 3 blocks Note: A02 only in A30/A31/B30,...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Casing Notes and Rules 1/2 x 19" case 3/4 x 19" case 1 TRM slot 3/4 x 19" case 2 TRM slots 1/1 x 19" case 1TRM slots 1/1 x 19"...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Binary input/output module, mA and time synchronizating Notes and Rules boards. For pulse counting, for example kWh metering, the BIM with enhanced pulse counting capabilities must be used.
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Remote end communication, DNP serial comm. and time synchronization Notes and Rules modules Slot position (rear view) Note: The maximum number and type of LDCM modules supported depend on the total amount of...
1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 23. Ordering for Accessories Accessories IP15151-1 v1 GPS antenna and mounting details M12374-3 v5 GPS antenna, including mounting kits Quantity: 1MRK 001 640-AA Cable for antenna, 20 m (Appx. 65 ft)
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 External resistor unit SEMOD120228-4 v7 High impedance resistor unit 1-ph with resistor and voltage dependent resistor for 20-100V operating voltage Quantity: RK 795 101-MA High impedance resistor unit 3-ph with resistor and voltage dependent resistor for...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 User documentation Rule: Specify the number of printed manuals requested Application manual Quantity: 1MRK 511 358-UEN ANSI Quantity: 1MRK 511 310-UUS Technical manual Quantity: 1MRK 511 359-UEN ANSI...
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1MRK 511 361-BEN B Bay control REC670 2.1 IEC Product version: 2.1 Engineering manual, 670 series Quantity: 1MRK 511 355-UEN ANSI Quantity: 1MRK 511 355-UUS Cyber security guideline Quantity: 1MRK 511 356-UEN Reference information M2175-3 v4 For our reference and statistics we would be pleased to be provided with the following application data:...
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