VXI VM2601 User Manual

80 msa/s, 14-bit digitizer/if receiver, 40 msa/s, 14-bit digitizer, 20 msa/s, 14-bit digitizer
Table of Contents


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80 MSa/
, 14-
40 MSa/
20 MSa/
P/N: 82-0063-000
Released September 14, 2006
VXI Technology, Inc.
2031 Main Street
Irvine, CA 92614-6509
, 14-
, 14-
(949) 955-1894


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for VXI VM2601

  • Page 1 VM2601 80 MSa/ , 14- /IF R IGITIZER ECEIVER VM2602 40 MSa/ , 14- IGITIZER VM2603 20 MSa/ , 14- IGITIZER ’ ANUAL P/N: 82-0063-000 Released September 14, 2006 VXI Technology, Inc. 2031 Main Street Irvine, CA 92614-6509 (949) 955-1894...
  • Page 2 VXI Technology, Inc.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Register Access Example..........................24 VXIplug&play Driver Example........................26 4 ...................................29 ECTION ............................29 OMMAND ICTIONARY Introduction...............................29 Alphabetical Command Listing ........................29 Command Dictionary............................37 SCPI C ...........................38 OMMON OMMANDS *CLS .................................38 *ESE .................................39 *ESR? ................................40 *IDN? ................................41 *OPC.................................42 *RST .................................43 *SRE .................................44 *STB? ................................45 VM2601/2/3 Preface...
  • Page 4 VXI Technology, Inc. *TRG ................................46 *TST? ................................47 *WAI ................................48 SCPI C .......................49 NSTRUMENT PECIFIC OMMANDS ABORt ................................49 ARM:AUTO ..............................50 ARM[:IMMediate]............................51 ARM:LEVel..............................52 ARM:SLOPe..............................53 ARM:SOURce ..............................54 CALCulate:FALL:TIMe...........................55 CALCulate:FREQuency? ..........................56 CALCulate:NDUTy? ............................57 CALCulate:NWIDth? ............................58 CALCulate:PDUTy?............................59 CALCulate:PERCent:NOVershoot? .........................60 CALCulate:PERCent:NPReshoot? ........................61 CALCulate:PERCent:NRINging? ........................62 CALCulate:PERCent:POVershoot?........................63 CALCulate:PERCent:PPReshoot?........................64 CALCulate:PERCent:PRINging? ........................65...
  • Page 5: Introduction Table Of Contents

    INPut:FILTer:FREQuency ..........................132 INPut:FILTer:STATe .............................133 INPut:IMPedance............................134 INPut:OFFSet ..............................135 INPut:RANGe..............................136 INPut:SOURce..............................137 MEASure:FALL:TIMe? ..........................138 MEASure:FREQuency?..........................139 MEASure:NDUTy? ............................140 MEASure:NWIDth? ............................141 MEASure:PDUTy? ............................142 MEASure:PERCent:NOVershoot? .........................143 MEASure:PERCent:NPReshoot? ........................144 MEASure:PERCent:NRINging?........................145 MEASure:PERCent:POVershoot?........................146 MEASure:PERCent:PPReshoot? ........................147 MEASure:PERCent:PRINging? ........................148 MEASure:PERiod? ............................149 MEASure:PWIDth? ............................150 MEASure:RISE:TIMe?...........................151 MEASure:VOLTage:AMPLitude? .........................152 MEASure:VOLTage:HIGH? ..........................153 MEASure:VOLTage:LOW? ...........................154 VM2601/2/3 Preface...
  • Page 6 VXI Technology, Inc. MEASure:VOLTage:MAXimum?........................155 MEASure:VOLTage:MEAN? ........................156 MEASure:VOLTage:MINimum? ........................157 MEASure:VOLTage:NOVershoot?........................158 MEASure:VOLTage:NPReshoot? ........................159 MEASure:VOLTage:NRINging? ........................160 MEASure:VOLTage:POVershoot? ........................161 MEASure:VOLTage:PPReshoot?........................162 MEASure:VOLTage:PRINging? ........................163 MEASure:VOLTage:PTPeak?........................164 MEASure:VOLTage:RMS?..........................165 READ?................................166 ROSCillator:FREQuency..........................167 ROSCillator:SOURce .............................168 SAMPle:CLOCk:FREQuency ........................169 SAMPle:CLOCk:SOURce..........................170 SWEep:COUNt...............................171 SWEep:POINts ...............................172 SWEep:TINTerval ............................173 SYNChronize:MODE .............................174 SYNChronize:STATe .............................175 TRIGger[:IMMediate] ............................176 TRIGger:LEVel ..............................177 TRIGger:SLOPe .............................178...
  • Page 7: Certification

    VXI Technology, Inc. shall not be liable for injury to property other than the goods themselves. Other than the limited warranty stated above, VXI Technology, Inc. makes no other warranties, express, or implied, with respect to the quality of product beyond the description of the goods on the face of the contract.
  • Page 9: Declaration Of Conformity

    FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A EN 61010-1:2001 The product was installed into a C-size VXI mainframe chassis and tested in a typical configuration. I hereby declare that the aforementioned product has been designed to be in compliance with the relevant sections of the specifications listed above as well as complying with all essential requirements of the Low Voltage Directive.
  • Page 10: General Safety Instructions

    VXI Technology, Inc. ENERAL AFETY NSTRUCTIONS Review the following safety precautions to avoid bodily injury and/or damage to the product. These precautions must be observed during all phases of operation or service of this product. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the product.
  • Page 11 Improper Use The operator of this instrument is advised that if the equipment is used in a manner not specified in this manual, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired. Conformity is checked by inspection. VM2601/2/3 Preface...
  • Page 12: Support Resources

    VXI Technology, Inc. UPPORT ESOURCES Support resources for this product are available on the Internet and at VXI Technology customer support centers. VXI Technology World Headquarters VXI Technology, Inc. 2031 Main Street Irvine, CA 92614-6509 Phone: (949) 955-1894 Fax: (949) 955-3041...
  • Page 13: Section 1

    ECTION NTRODUCTION VERVIEW The VM2601, VM2602, and VM2603 (refered to as the VM260x) modules are high-resolution, high-speed digitizers. All three modules have Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) functionality. In addition, the VM2601 also incorporates an Intermediate Frequency Receiver (IFR) function. This makes it ideal for applications in medical, automotive, semi-conductor, avionics, and communication test.
  • Page 15: Data Acquisition

    12-bit resolution and accurate to 1% of full scale. 2. Trigger source from the VXI TTL trigger bus: Any one of the eight TTL trigger bus lines may be selected as the trigger source. The unit may be programmed to trigger on either the rising or falling edge of this signal.
  • Page 16: Front Panel Connectors

    VXI Technology, Inc. RONT ANEL ONNECTORS + INPUT (J111) Positive differential input for DSO channel (channel A+) - INPUT (J112) ACC/ERR FAIL Negative differential input for DSO channel (channel A-) J105 J106 IF INPUT (J113) J107 Single-ended IFR input (channel B) J108 NOTE This connector is covered on the VM2602 and VM2603 modules.
  • Page 17 1-3: VM260 IGURE LOCK IAGRAM VM2601/2/3 Introduction...
  • Page 18 ENERAL EATURES • Up to 80 MHz bandwidth for DSO (no filter) and 100 MHz for IFR (VM2601 only) – ideal for HF and IF frequencies • Up to 80 MSa/s sample rate with pre and post trigger capability •...
  • Page 19 IF input (excluding harmonics) > 80 dB typical, 75 dB minimum (VM2601 only) ** 20 Hz to 1 MHz, 10 MSa/s, 20 MHz LPF on, FFT size = 16,384 (VM2601/2) ** 1 MHz to 10 MHz, SR , (SR /2) low-pass Filter ON (VM2602/3)
  • Page 20 VXI Technology, Inc. RMING RIGGERING LOCKING RIGGER OURCE Channel Input, EXT input, Serial Word Command, TTLT bus, Sync XTERNAL RIGGER Impedance 10 kΩ ±4 V Amplitude Level Accuracy ±5 mV AXIMUM RIGGER AMPLES Available memory – 1 RIGGER ELAY 0 – 3,600 seconds...
  • Page 21: Section 2

    All components should be immediately inspected for damage upon receipt of the unit. Once the VM2601 is assessed to be in good condition, it may be installed into an appropriate C-size or D-size VXIbus chassis in any slot other than slot 0. The chassis should be checked to ensure that it is capable of providing adequate power and cooling for the VM2601.
  • Page 22: Setting The Chassis Backplane Jumpers

    OGICAL DDRESS The logical address of the VM2601 is set by a single 8-position DIP switch located near the module’s backplane connectors (this is the only switch on the module). The switch is labeled with positions 1 through 8 and with an ON position. A switch pushed toward the ON legend will signify logic 1;...
  • Page 23: Section 3

    ROGRAMMING NTRODUCTION The VM2601 is a VXIbus message-based device whose command set is compliant with the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) programming language. All module commands are sent over the VXIbus backplane to the module. Commands may be in upper, lower, or mixed case.
  • Page 24: Notation

    VXI Technology, Inc. The following command is not correct because it uses part of the long form of TRIGger, but not all the characters of the long form: trigg:slop <slope> incorrect syntax - extra "g" All of the SCPI commands also have a query form unless otherwise noted. Query forms contain a question mark (?).
  • Page 25: Application Examples

    SCPI commands used by the VM2601 are explained in detail in Section 4. In this example, VM2601 sets the sweep points, sample clock frequency, input range, and trigger source. It returns the average, maximum, minimum, peak-to-peak voltage, and rms voltage of the data collected from a previous run.
  • Page 26: Register Access Example

    16383 The VM2601 digitizer’s sample memory is mapped into the VXI A32 address space by the VISA resource manager. When accessing the sample data through a call to viIn16() or viMoveIn16(), it is not necessary to know the absolute address assigned to the module. VISA uses the session handle to reference the assigned address space.
  • Page 27 3-1: A16 M ABLE EMORY [A32 Pointer Low] [A32 Pointer High] Data Low Data High Response [/Data Extended] Protocol [/Signal] Register [Offset Register] Status / Control Register Device Type ID Register VM2601/2/3 Programming...
  • Page 28: Vxiplug&Play Driver Example

    VXI Technology, Inc. & PLUG PLAY RIVER XAMPLE This example shows how to access the instrument using the VXIplug&play driver. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
  • Page 29 = 0; // segment number = 0, use the first segment ramOffs = 0; // ram offset = 0, first sample from the trigger point Now, get the samples! iStatus = vtvm2601_a32Fetch(instHndl, segNmbr, ramOffs, sampleCount, dPointer); return(iStatus); VM2601/2/3 Programming...
  • Page 30 VXI Technology, Inc. VM2601/2/3 Programming...
  • Page 31: Section 4

    OMMAND ISTING The following tables provide an alphabetical listing of each command supported by the VM2601 along with a brief description. If an X is found in the column titled *RST, then the value or setting controlled by this command is possibly changed by the execution of the *RST command. If no X is found, then *RST has no effect.
  • Page 32 Resets the module to a known state *SRE Set the Service Request Enable Register *STB? Query the Status Byte Register *TRG Causes a trigger event to occur *TST? Starts and reports a self-test procedure *WAI Halts execution of commands and queries VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 33 Specifies the slope of the Arm Signal. ARM:SOURce Sets the Arm Source. IMMediate ARM:STATe? Query returns whether or not the VM2601 is armed. ARM[:IMMediate] Advances to the next buffer and arms the unit. CALCulate:FALL:TIMe? Instructs the device to return the fall time measurement for the acquired data.
  • Page 34 CONFigure:PERCent:PPReshoot configure to measure positive preshoot as percent of amplitude CONFigure:PERCent:PRINging configure to measure positive ringing as percent of amplitude CONFigure:PERiod Defines the period parameters that will govern corresponding CALCulate and MEASure commands. VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 35 Retrieves the measurements taken by the INITiate command and places it in the output buffer. INITiate:DELay Set the pre-trigger sample count. 1024 INITiate[:IMMediate] Arms the VM2601 upon receipt of the command. INPut:COUPling Selects ac or dc coupling on the specified input channel. VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 36 Performs a sequence of commands to provide the negative preshoot value for the acquired data. MEASure:VOLTage:NRINging? measure negative ringing as peak-to-peak volts MEASure:VOLTage:POVershoot? Performs a sequence of commands to provide the positive overshoot value for the acquired data VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 37 Specifies the slope of the Trigger Signal for the VM2601. TRIGger:SOURce Selects the source for triggering the VM2601. IMMediate TRIGger:STATe? Query returns whether or not the VM2601 has been triggered. TRIGger[:IMMediate] Triggers the instrument on receipt of the command. VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 38 Queries the Questionable Status Condition Register. STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle Sets the Questionable Status Enable Register. STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? Queries the Questionable Status Event Register. SYSTem:ERRor? Queries the Error Queue. Clears queue SYSTem:VERSion? Queries which version of the SCPI standard the module complies with. VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 39: Command Dictionary

    Describes in detail what the command does and refers to additional sources. Description Examples Present the proper use of each command and its query (when available). Related Commands Lists commands that affect the use of this command or commands that are affected by this command. VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 40: Common Scpi Commands

    This command clears the Status Event Register, Operation Status Register, and the Questionable Data/Signal Register. It also clears the Operation Complete flag and clears all queues (except the output queue). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *CLS (Clears all status and event registers) Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 41: Ese

    The Event Status Enable query reports the current contents of the Event Status Enable Register. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *ESE 36 *ESE? 36 (Returns the value of the event status enable register) Related Commands *ESR? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 42: Esr

    -100 to -199 are command errors. The Power On bit is set when the module is first powered on or after it receives a reset via the VXI Control Register. Once the bit is cleared (by executing the *ESR? command) it will remain cleared.
  • Page 43: Idn

    0 (zero). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) VXI Technology, Inc.,VM2601,0,1.0 *IDN? (The revision listed here is for reference only; the response will always be the current revision of the instrument.)
  • Page 44: Opc

    Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *OPC (Sets the OPC bit in the Event Status Register) *OPC? 1 (Returns the value of the Event Status Register) Related Commands *WAI VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 45: Rst

    The Reset (RST) command resets the module’s hardware and software to a known state. See the Alphabetical Command Listing at the beginning of this chapter for the default parameter values used with this command. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *RST (Resets the module) Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 46: Sre

    Bit 6 - 0 (per IEEE 488.2 section Bit 7 - Operation Status Summary Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *SRE 4 (Sets the service request enable register) *SRE? 4 (Returns the value of the SRE register) Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 47: Stb

    Bit 4 - Questionable Status Summary (not used) Bit 5 - Message Available Bit 6 - Master Summary Status Bit 7 - Operation Status Summary Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *STB? 16 (Queries the Status Byte Register) Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 48: Trg

    Command Syntax *TRG Command Parameters None *RST Value Query Syntax None Query Parameters Query Response Description The Trigger command causes a trigger event to occur. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *TRG (Triggers an event) Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 49: Tst

    LED blinks. The self test tests the following: 0 = Passed 1 = Failed sample RAM test Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *TST? 0 (Begins the self-test procedure returns the result) Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 50: Wai

    It provides a way of synchronizing the module with its commander. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) *WAI (Pauses the execution of additional commands until the No Operation Pending message is true.) *OPC Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 51: Instrument Specific Scpi Commands

    None *RST Value None Query Syntax Query Parameters Query Response Description The Abort command disarms the VM2601 and stops data sampling (if active). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) ABOR (Stops data sampling and disarms the module) INITiate[:IMMediate] Related Commands...
  • Page 52: Arm:auto

    This command enables or disables the automatic re-arm process. This applies to multiple segment acquisitions only (see SWEep:COUNt for more information on segments). As an example, assume that the VM2601 is configured for 64 segments, auto-rearm is enabled, the input trigger source is selected, and the input signal is a repetetive pulse burst with a duration of [0.1 * (sample rate * number of samples)] occurring at random...
  • Page 53: Arm[:Immediate]

    Query Syntax Query Parameters Query Response Description Arms the instrument on receipt of the command and puts the device into Waiting For Trigger mode. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) ARM:IMM (Arms VM2601) Related Commands ARM:LEVel ARM:SLOPe ARM:SOURce VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 54: Arm:level

    Sets the level at which the instrument will be armed by a signal present at the ARM/GP1 input, assuming that ARM:SOURce EXT has been selected. The range is approximately ±4 V. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) ARM:LEV 2.56 (Sets the comparator level to 2.56 V) Related Commands ARM:IMMediate ARM:SLOPe ARM:SOURce VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 55: Arm:slope

    Specifies the slope of the arm signal when the arm source is set to EXTernal or TTL. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) ARM:SLOP NEG (Sets the VM2601 to arm on a negative slope.) ARM:SLOP? NEG (Indicates that the VM2601 will arm on a negative slope.) Related Commands...
  • Page 56: Arm:source

    SYNC : Master/Slave SYNC subsystem TTLT : VXIbus TTL backplane trigger Examples Command / Query Response (Description) ARM:SOUR TTLT3 (Sets the arm source to TTLT3.) ARM:SOUR? TTLT3 (Indicates that the arm source is the TTLT3 line.) Related Commands ARM:IMMediate ARM:LEVel ARM:SLOPe VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 57: Calculate:fall:time

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:FTIM? (Returns the fall time measurement.) CONFigure:FALL:TIMe Related Commands MEASure:FALL:TIMe VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 58: Calculate:frequency

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:FREQ? (Returns the frequency measurement.) CONFigure:FREQuency Related Commands MEASure:FREQuency VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 59: Calculate:nduty

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:NDUT? (Returns the negative duty cycle measurement.) CONFigure:NDUTy Related Commands MEASure:NDUTy VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 60: Calculate:nwidth

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PWID? (Returns the positive pulse width measurement.) CONFigure:NWIDth Related Commands MEASure:NWIDth VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 61: Calculate:pduty

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PDUT? (Returns the positive duty cycle measurement.) CONFigure:PDUTy Related Commands MEASure:PDUTy VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 62: Calculate:percent:novershoot

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PERC:NOV? (Returns the negative overshoot voltage as a percentage of the signal amplitude.) CONFigure:PERC:NOV Related Commands MEASure:PERC:NOV VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 63: Calculate:percent:npreshoot

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PERC:NPR? (Returns the negative pershoot value as a percent of the signal amplitude.) CONFigure:PERC:NPR Related Commands MEASure:PERC:NPR VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 64: Calculate:percent:nringing

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PERC:NRIN? (Returns the negative ringing value as a percent of the signal amplitude.) CONFigure:PERC:NRIN Related Commands MEASure:PERC:NRIN VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 65: Calculate:percent:povershoot

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PERC:POV? (Returns the positive overshoot as a percent of the signal amplitude.) CONFigure:PERC:POV Related Commands MEASure:PERC:POV VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 66: Calculate:percent:ppreshoot

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PERC:PPR? (Returns the positive preshoot measurement as a percent of the signal amplitude.) CONFigure:PERC:PPR Related Commands MEASure:PERC:PPR VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 67: Calculate:percent:pringing

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PERC:PRIN? (Returns the positive ringing value as a percent of the signal amplitude.) CONFigure:PERC:PRIN Related Commands MEASure: PERC:PRIN VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 68: Calculate:period

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PER? (Returns the period measurement.) CONFigure:PERiod Related Commands MEASure:PERiod VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 69: Calculate:pwidth

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PWID? (Returns the positive pulse width measurement.) Related Commands CONFigure:FREQuency MEASure:PWIDth VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 70: Calculate:rise:time

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:RISE:TIM? (Returns the rise time measurement.) CONFigure:RISE:TIMe Related Commands MEASure:RISE:TIMe VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 71: Calculate:voltage:amplitude

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:AMPL? (Returns the voltage amplitude measurement.) CONFigure:VOLTage:AMPLitude Related Commands MEASure: VOLTage:AMPLitude VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 72: Calculate:voltage:high

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:HIGH? (Returns the high input voltage value.) Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:HIGH MEASure:VOLTage:HIGH VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 73: Calculate:voltage:low

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:LOW? (Returns the low input voltage value.) Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:LOW MEASure: VOLTage:LOW VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 74: Calculate:voltage:maximum

    ARM, TRIGger), and the data may be transferred to the host (register access) before the execution CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:MAX? Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:MAXimum MEASure: VOLTage:MAXimum VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 75: Calculate:voltage:mean

    ARM, TRIGger), and the data may be transferred to the host (register access) before the execution CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:MEAN? CONFigure:VOLTage:MEAN Related Commands MEASure: VOLTage:MEAN VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 76: Calculate:voltage:minimum

    ARM, TRIGger), and the data may be transferred to the host (register access) before the execution CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:MIN? Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:MINimum MEASure: VOLTage:MINimum VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 77: Calculate:voltage:novershoot

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:NOV? (Returns the voltage of the negative overshoot.) CONFigure:VOLTage:NOVershoot Related Commands MEASure: VOLTage:NOVershoot VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 78: Calculate:voltage:npreshoot

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:NPR? (Returns the negative preshoot voltage.) CONFigure:VOLTage:NPReshoot Related Commands MEASure: VOLTage:NPReshoot VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 79: Calculate:voltage:nringing

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:NRIN? (Returns the value of the negative ringing voltage.) CONFigure:VOLTage:NRINging Related Commands MEASure:VOLTage:NRINging VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 80: Calculate:voltage:povershoot

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:POV? (Returns the positive overshoot voltage.) Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:POVershoot MEASure: VOLTage:POVershoot VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 81: Calculate:voltage:ppreshoot

    ARM, TRIGger), and the data may be transferred to the host (register access) before the execution CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:PPR? Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:PPReshoot MEASure: VOLTage:PPReshoot VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 82: Calculate:voltage:pringing

    CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:PRIN? (Returns the positive ringing voltage.) CONFigure:VOLTage:PRINging Related Commands MEASure:VOLT:PRINging VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 83: Calculate:voltage:ptpeak

    ARM, TRIGger), and the data may be transferred to the host (register access) before the execution CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:PTP? Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:PTPeak MEASure: VOLTage:PTPeak VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 84: Calculate:voltage:rms

    ARM, TRIGger), and the data may be transferred to the host (register access) before the execution CALC query. This sequence is not a prerequisite for sending a CALCulate query, but is required for valid data to be returned. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:VOLT:RMS? CONFigure:VOLTage:RMS Related Commands MEASure: VOLTage:RMS VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 85: Calibration:adc:gain

    This command is ‘context sensitive’, i.e. it sets the ADC gain factor for the specified ADC in the currently selected input range. On the VM2601, if the IFR input is selected, the only valid value for the <adc_type> parameter is FAST and only one range (±0.5 V) is applicable for the FAST ADC. Note that the IFR input is not installed on the VM2602 and VM2603.
  • Page 86: Calibration:adc:offset

    This command is ‘context sensitive’, i.e. it sets the ADC offset factor for the specified ADC in the currently selected input range. On the VM2601, if the IFR input is selected, the only valid value for the <adc_type> parameter is FAST and only one range (±0.5 V) is applicable for the FAST ADC. Note that the IFR input is not installed on the VM2602 and VM2603.
  • Page 87: Calibration:count

    Calibration commands should only be executed by qualified personnel. Changing these values incorrectly can cause the instrument to perform improperly. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CAL:COUN? 24 (Returns the number of times the CAL:STOR command has been performed.) Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 88: Calibration:dac:gain

    Calibration commands should only be executed by qualified personnel. Changing these values incorrectly can cause the instrument to perform improperly. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CAL:DAC:GAIN 2,.98 Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 89: Calibration:dac:offset

    Calibration commands should only be executed by qualified personnel. Changing these values incorrectly can cause the instrument to perform improperly. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CAL:DAC:OFFS 2,1900 Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 90: Calibration:default

    Calibration commands should only be executed by qualified personnel. Changing these values incorrectly can cause the instrument to perform improperly. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CAL:DEF (Resets the ADC and DAC gain and offset settings to thei default/*RST values.) Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 91: Calibration:reset

    Calibration commands should only be executed by qualified personnel. Changing these values incorrectly can cause the instrument to perform improperly. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CAL:RES (Resets all calibration factors to the values stored in non-volatile memory.) CALibration:DEFault:GAIN Related Commands CALibration:DEFault:OFFSet CALibration:SECure VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 92: Calibration:secure:code

    Calibration commands should only be executed by qualified personnel. Changing these values incorrectly can cause the instrument to perform improperly. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CAL:SEC:CODE #206VM2601 (Sets the factory code setting of VM2601) Related Commands CALibration:SECure:STATe CALibration:STORe VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 93: Calibration:secure[:State]

    In addition, the CAL:STORe command is disabled, effectively write protecting the non-volatile memory. In order to disable the security state, the security code must be supplied. The factory default security code is VM2601 (see CALibration:SECure:CODE for more information). To enable security, the code does not need to be supplied.
  • Page 94: Calibration:store

    Changing these values incorrectly can cause the instrument to perform improperly. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CAL:SEC OFF,#206VM2601 (Disables calibration security.) CAL:STOR (Stores correction data into non-volatile memory.) CAL:SEC 1 (Enables calibration security.) CALibration:COUNt Related Commands CALibration:SECure:CODE CALibration:SECure:STATe VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 95: Combine:feed

    Returns the value currently selected for the <mark_source> for the indicated <mark> Description Feeds <mark_source_1> to D14 and <mark_source_2> to D15 with each sample taken during data acquisition. The markers are retrieved with the raw data. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) COMB:FEED GP0,GP1 None Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 96: Configure

    PERiod is the default setting. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:RTIM? 0,1024,10,90,5.0 (Takes a rise time measurement between the 10 and 90 percent reference levels) CONF? RTIM? (Returns the currently configured measurement.) None Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 97: Configure:adc

    This command selects between the two converters. The fast ADC converts at up to 80 MSa/s for the VM2601, 40 MSa/s for the VM2602, and 20 MSa/s for the VM2603. The slow ADC converts at up to 10 MSa/s for all three modules. The slow converter provides improved dc accuracy for low-frequency measurements.
  • Page 98: Configure:fall:time

    • <hi_ref> = fall time begins when a negative transition of the input signal crosses this reference point. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:FTIM 0,2048,10,90,x CALCulate:FALL:TIME? Related Commands CALCulate:FTIMe? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 99: Configure:frequency

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:FREQ 0,65536,x Related Commands CALCulate:FREQuency? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 100: Configure:horizontal:resolution

    Sets the sample period (period = 1/rate). The minimum and maximum sample times for each ADC type are defined below: FAST ADC Minimum = 1 / SR = 12.5 ns/sample for the VM2601 = 25 ns/sample for the VM2602 = 50 ns/sample for the VM2603 Maximum = 16,777,216 / SR = 209.7 ms/sample...
  • Page 101: Configure:nduty

    • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:NDUT 0,2048,50,x CALCulate:NDUTy? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 102: Configure:nwidth

    • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:NWID 0,262144,50,x CALCulate:NWIDth? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 103: Configure:pduty

    • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:PDUT 100,1024,50,x CALCulate:PDUTy? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 104: Configure:percent:novershoot

    <start_samp> is negative, pre-trigger samples will be included in the measurement. • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:PERC:NOV 0,65536,x Related Commands CALCulate: PERC:NOV? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 105: Configure:percent:npreshoot

    <start_samp> is negative, pre-trigger samples will be included in the measurement. • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:PERC:NPR 100,1024,50,x Related Commands CALCulate: PERC:NPR? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 106: Configure:percent:nringing

    <start_samp> is negative, pre-trigger samples will be included in the measurement. • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:PERC:NRIN 0,524288,x Related Commands CALCulate:PERC:NRIN? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 107: Configure:percent:povershoot

    <start_samp> is negative, pre-trigger samples will be included in the measurement. • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:PERC:POV 0,524288,x Related Commands CALCulate:PERC:POV? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 108: Configure:percent:ppreshoot

    <start_samp> is negative, pre-trigger samples will be included in the measurement. • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:PPR 0,524288,x Related Commands CALCulate:PERCent:PPReshoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 109: Configure:percent:pringing

    <start_samp> is negative, pre-trigger samples will be included in the measurement. • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:PERC:PRIN 0,524288,x Related Commands CALCulate:PERCent::PRINging? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 110: Configure:period

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:PER 0,256,x Related Commands CALCulate:PERiod? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 111: Configure:pwidth

    • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:PWID 0,16384,50,x CALCulate:PWIDth? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 112: Configure:rise:time

    • <hi_ref> = rise time ends when a positive transition of the input signal crosses this reference point. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:RTIM 0,16384,10,90,x CALCulate:RTIMe? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 113: Configure:sar:time

    SAR Time High State 90% reference 10% reference Low State SAR Time time ( s) µ Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:SAR:TIM 0.001 (Configures the SAR time to be 0.001 s.) CONF:SAR:TIM? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 114: Configure:sar:time

    -1.0 indicates the SAR time is set to its default value of 3 times the transition time. (See CONFigure:SAR:TIMe for more information). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:SAR:TIM? 0.001 (Indicates that the SAR time is set to 0.001 s.) CONF:SAR:TIM Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 115: Configure:voltage:amplitude

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:AMPL 0,65536,x CALCulate:VOLTage:AMPLitude? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 116: Configure:voltage:high

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:HIGH 0,65536,x CALCulate:VOLTage:HIGH? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 117: Configure:voltage:low

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:LOW 500,32768,x CALCulate:VOLTage:LOW? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 118: Configure:voltage:maximum

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:MAX 0,32768,x CALCulate:VOLTage:MAXimum? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 119: Configure:voltage:mean

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:MEAN 0,131072,x CALCulate:VOLTage:MEAN? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 120: Configure:voltage:minimum

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:MIN 0,65536,x CALCulate:VOLTage:MINimum? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 121: Configure:voltage:novershoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:NOV 0,65536,x Related Commands CALCulate:VOLTage:NOVershoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 122: Configure:voltage:npreshoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:NPR 1000,65536,x Related Commands CALCulate:VOLTage:NPReshoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 123: Configure:voltage:nringing

    <start_samp> is negative, pre-trigger samples will be included in the measurement. • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:NRIN 64,2048, Related Commands CALCulate:VOLTage:NRINging? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 124: Configure:voltage:povershoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:POV 0,524288,x Related Commands CALCulate:VOLTage:POVershoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 125: Configure:voltage:ppreshoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:PPR 0,524288,x Related Commands CALCulate:VOLTage:PPReshoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 126: Configure:voltage:pringing

    <start_samp> is negative, pre-trigger samples will be included in the measurement. • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:PRIN 64,2048, Related Commands CALCulate:VOLTage:PRINging? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 127: Configure:voltage:ptpeak

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:PTP 0,1048576,x Related Commands CALCulate:VOLTage:PTPeak? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 128: Configure:voltage:rms

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:RMS 0,8192,x CALCulate:VOLTage:RMS? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 129: Control:ipower

    This interval allows the instrument to complete the process of initialization. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONT:IPOW 1 (Turns the instrument power ON) CONT:IPOW 1 1 (Indicates that instrument power is ON) Related Commands None VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 130: Fetch

    Query Response Returns the measurements taken by a previously performed INITiate command. Description Retrieves the measurements taken by the INITiate command and places it in the output buffer. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) FETC? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 131: Initiate:delay

    MEMORY SIZE is 16,777,216 samples (small memory) or 33,554,432 samples (optional large memory.) Examples Command / Query Response (Description) INIT:DEL 7.5e5 (Sets the pre-trigger sample count to 750,000.) INIT:DEL? 7.5e5 (Indicates that the pre-trigger sample count is set to 750,000.) ABORt Related Commands SWEep:POINts VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 132: Initiate[:Immediate]

    Query Syntax Query Parameters Query Response Description Transitions the instrument from the “initiated” state to the “waiting for arm” state of the SCPI ARM-TRIGger model. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) INIT (Arms the VM2601) ABORt Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 133: Input:coupling

    Selects ac or dc coupling on the specified input channel. This command only applies to the DSO input, as the IFR input is always dc coupled. Note, the IFR input is only available on the VM2601.. Examples Command / Query...
  • Page 134: Input:filter:frequency

    INPut:FILTer:FREQuency <filt_freq> Command Parameters <filt_freq> = 20e6 | 40e6 (VM2601) 10e6 | 20e6 (VM2602) 5e6 | 10e6 (VM2603) *RST Value 20e6 (VM2601) or 10e6 (VM2602) or 5e6 (VM2603) Query Syntax INPut:FILTer:FREQuency? None Query Parameters Query Response Returns the value of the <filt_freq> parameter.
  • Page 135: Input:filter:state

    For the specified input channel, turns the currently selected low-pass filter ON or OFF. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) INP:FILT:STAT 1 (Enable the input filter state) INP:FILT:STAT? 1 (Indicates that the input filter is enabled) Related Commands INPut:FILTer:FREQuency VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 136: Input:impedance

    75 Ω, or 150 Ω input impedance is selected. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) INP:IMP 50 (Sets the input impedance to 50 Ω) INP:IMP? 50 (Indicates that the input impedance is set to 50 Ω) Related Commands None VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 137: Input:offset

    This command applies to the DSO input only. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) INP:OFFS 5 (Sets the input offset to 5 V) INP:OFFS? 5 (Indicates that the input offset is set to 5 V) None Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 138: Input:range

    75 Ω, or 150 Ω input impedance is selected. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) INP:RANG 5 (Sets the input range to 5 V) INP:RANG? 5 (Indicates that the input range is set to 5 V) Related Commands None VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 139: Input:source

    Query Response DSO | IFR Description This command selects the input source used by the VM2601. The user can select either the differential DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) or single ended IFR (Intermediate Frequency Receiver). This command does not pertain to the VM2602 or VM2603, as the IFR input is not installed on these modules.
  • Page 140: Measure:fall:time

    • <hi_ref> = fall time begins when a negative transition of the input signal crosses this reference point. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:FTIM? 0,100,10,90,x Related Commands CONFigure:FALL:TIME CONFigure:FTIME CALCulate:FALL:TIME? CALCulate:FTIME? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 141: Measure:frequency

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:FREQ? 0,65536,x Related Commands CONFigure:FREQuency CALCulate:FREQuency? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 142: Measure:nduty

    • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instrument. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:NDUT? 0,2048,50,x CONFigure:NDUTy Related Commands CALCulate:NDUTy? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 143: Measure:nwidth

    • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:NWID? 0,262144,50,x CONFigure:NWIDth Related Commands CALCulate:NWIDth? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 144: Measure:pduty

    • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:PDUT? 100,1024,50,x CONFigure:PDUTy Related Commands CALCulate:PDUTy? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 145: Measure:percent:novershoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:PERC:NOV? (Returns the negative overshoot percentage.) Related Commands CALCulate:PERCent:NOVershoot? CONFigure:PERCent:NOVershoot VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 146: Measure:percent:npreshoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:PERC:NPR? (Returns the negative preshoot percentage.) Related Commands CONFigure:PERCent:NPReshoot? MEASure:PERCent:NPReshoot VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 147: Measure:percent:nringing

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PERC:NRIN? (Returns the negative ringing percentage.) Related Commands CONFigure:PERCent:NRINging? MEASure:PERCent:NRINging VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 148: Measure:percent:povershoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:PERC:POV? (Returns the positive overshoot percentage.) Related Commands CALCulate:PERCent:NOVershoot? CONFigure:PERCent:NOVershoot VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 149: Measure:percent:ppreshoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:PERC:NPR? (Returns the negative preshoot percentage.) Related Commands CONFigure:PERCent:PPReshoot? MEASure:PERCent:PPReshoot VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 150: Measure:percent:pringing

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = expected peak-to-peak signal voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CALC:PERC:PRIN? (Returns the positive ringing percentage.) Related Commands CONFigure:PERCent:PRINging MEASure:PERCent:PRINging VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 151: Measure:period

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:PER? 0,256,x CONFigure:PERiod Related Commands CALCulate:PERiod? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 152: Measure:pwidth

    • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:PWID? 0,16384,50,x CONFigure:PWIDth Related Commands CALCulate:PWIDth? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 153: Measure:rise:time

    • <hi_ref> = rise time ends when a positive transition of the input signal crosses this reference point. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:RISE:TIM? 0,16384,10,90,x Related Commands CONFigure:RISE:TIME CONFigure:RTIME CALCulate:RISE:TIME? CALCulate:RTIME? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 154: Measure:voltage:amplitude

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:AMPL? 0,65536,x Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:AMPLitude CALCulate:VOLTage:AMPLitude? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 155: Measure:voltage:high

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:HIGH? 0,65536,x CONFigure:VOLTage:HIGH Related Commands CALCulate: VOLTage:HIGH? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 156: Measure:voltage:low

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instrument. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:LOW? 500,32768,x CONFigure:VOLTage:LOW Related Commands CALCulate: VOLTage:LOW? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 157: Measure:voltage:maximum

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:MAX? 0,32768,x CONFigure:VOLTage:MAXimum Related Commands CALCulate: VOLTage:MAXimum? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 158: Measure:voltage:mean

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:MEAN? 0,131072,x CONFigure:VOLTage:MEAN Related Commands CALCulate: VOLTage:MEAN? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 159: Measure:voltage:minimum

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:MIN? 0,65536,x CONFigure:VOLTage:MINimum Related Commands CALCulate: VOLTage:MINimum? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 160: Measure:voltage:novershoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:NOV? 0,65536,x Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:NOVershoot CALCulate: VOLTage:NOVershoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 161: Measure:voltage:npreshoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:NPR? 1000,65536,x Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:NPReshoot CALCulate: VOLTage:NPReshoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 162: Measure:voltage:nringing

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the expected peak-to-peak voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:NRIN? 0,16384,x (Returns the negative ringing measurement.) CONFigure:VOLTage:NRINging? Related Commands MEASure:VOLTage:NRINging VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 163: Measure:voltage:povershoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:POV? 0,524288,x Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:POVershoot CALCulate: VOLTage:POVershoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 164: Measure:voltage:ppreshoot

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:PPR? 0,524288,x CONFigure:VOLTage:NPReshoot Related Commands CALCulate: VOLTage:NPReshoot? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 165: Measure:voltage:pringing

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the expected peak-to-peak voltage (if sent). Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:PRIN? 0,16384,x (Returns the positive ringing measurement.) Related Commands CONFigure:VOLTage:PRINging? MEASure:VOLTage:PRINging VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 166: Measure:voltage:ptpeak

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:PTP? 0,1048576,x CONFigure:VOLTage:PTPeak Related Commands CALCulate: VOLTage:PTPeak? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 167: Measure:voltage:rms

    • <#_samp> = indicates the number of samples to be used in the measurement. • <expected_val> = the value that is expected to be returned by the instruement. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) MEAS:VOLT:RMS? 0,8192,x CONFigure:VOLTage:RMS Related Commands CALCulate: VOLTage:RMS? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 168: Read

    This query performs a sequence of commands which allows acquired data to be viewed. After performing a CONFigure:…? subsystem query, the READ? query performs an INITiate[:IMMediate] command and a FETCh? query. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONF:VOLT:MAX? READ? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 169: Roscillator:frequency

    Examples Command / Query Response (Description) ROSC:FREQ 5e6 (Sets the reference oscillator to 5 MHz.) ROSC:FREQ? 5 (Indicates that the reference oscillator is operating at 5 MHz.) Related Commands ROSCillator:SOURce VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 170: Roscillator:source

    Query Response Description Selects the reference oscillator source. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) ROSC:SOUR EXT (Sets the reference oscillator to be external). ROSC:SOUR? EXT (Indicates that the VM2601 is utilizing an external reference oscillator.) ROSCillator:FREQuency Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 171: Sample:clock:frequency

    Returns the current value of the <sample_clock_freq> parameter Description This command sets the sample clock frequency. The maximum sample rate (SR ) of the FAST ADC is 80 MHz for the VM2601, 40 MHz for the VM2602, and 20 MHz for the VM2603. Examples Command / Query...
  • Page 172: Sample:clock:source

    Examples Command / Query Response (Description) SAMP:CLOC:SOUR EXT (Selects an external source as the sample clock.) SAMP:CLOC:SOUR? EXT (Indicates that an external sample clock source is selected.) None Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 173: Sweep:count

    Examples Command / Query Response (Description) SWE:COUN 3.2e4 (Sets the number of segments to 32,000) SWE:COUN? 3.2e4 (Indicates that the number of segments has been set to 32,000.) None Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 174: Sweep:points

    • Memory size for the optional 32 MSa RAM = 33,554,432. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) SWE:POIN 4 (Sets the sample count to 4.) SWE:POIN? 4 (Indicates that the sample count size is set to 4.) INITiate:DELay Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 175: Sweep:tinterval

    This command sets the sample rate for the ADC. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) CONFigure:ADC FAST (Selects the fast ADC) SWE:TINT 1e-3 (Sets the ADC sample rate to 1 ms) SWE:TINT? 1e-3 (Indicates that the ADC sample rate is 1 ms) None Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 176: Synchronize:mode

    Returns the value currently selected for the <sync_mode> parameter Query Response Description This command sets the instrument to perform as either a MASTer or as a SLAVe when synchronized with other VM2601 modules. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) SYNC:MODE SLAV...
  • Page 177: Synchronize:state

    Description This command enables or disables the module’s ability to synchronize with other VM2601 modules. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) SYNC:STAT 1 (Enables synchronization operation.) SYNC:STAT? 1 (Indicates that synchronization has been enabled.) Related Commands SYCHronize:MODE VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 178: Trigger[:Immediate]

    If the arm source and the trigger source are set to immediate, the data acquisition sequence is: INITiate[:IMM], ARM, TRIGger. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) TRIG Related Commands INITiate:DELay INITiate[:IMMediate] *TRG VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 179: Trigger:level

    The input trigger source is only available on the DSO input. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) TRIG:LEV 0.5 (Sets the trigger level to 0.5 V) TRIG:LEV? 0.5 (Indicates that the trigger level is set to 0.5 V) Related Commands TRIGger:SLOPe TRIGger:SOURce VOLTage:RANGe VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 180: Trigger:slope

    Query Response Description The Trigger Slope command selects the active edge for triggering the VM2601. Selecting the positive slope will require that the trigger input make a negative to positive transition through the trigger level, while a negative slope requires the trigger input to make a positive to negative transition.
  • Page 181: Trigger:source

    TRIGger:SOURce Purpose Selects the trigger source for the VM2601. Type Setting Command Syntax TRIGger:SOURce <trig_source> Command Parameters <trig_source> = EXTernal | IMMediate | INPut | SYNC | TTLT<0-7> *RST Value IMMediate Query Syntax TRIGger:SOURce? Query Parameters None Returns the value currently selected for the <trig_source> parameter...
  • Page 182: Trigger:state

    VXI Technology, Inc. TRIGger:STATe? Purpose Query returns whether or not the VM2601 has been triggered Type Setting Command Syntax TRIGger:STATe <boolean> Command Parameters <boolean> = 1 | 0 *RST Value Query Syntax TRIGger:STATe? Query Parameters None Boolean ASCII value Query Response Description This command returns the current state of the trigger mode.
  • Page 183: Required Scpi Commands

    Not used Program Running Not used Reserved Always 0 Example Command / Query Response (Description) STAT:OPER:COND? 16 (Making a measurement (0x010 hex) STAT:OPER:COND? 3072 (Measurement complete because of ABORt (0xC00 hex) MEASure?, READ?, INITiate, ABORt Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 184: Status:operation:enable

    Examples Command / Query Response (Description) STAT:OPER ENAB 33 (Enables bit 0 and bit 5) STAT:OPER:ENAB? 33 (Indicates that bit 0 and 5 are enabled) Related Commands STATus:OPERation:CONDition? STATus:OPERation[:EVENt] VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 185: Status:operation[:Event]

    Query Parameters Query Response Description Queries the bits set in the event register of the Operation Status Register. This command clears all bits in the event register. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) STAT:OPER? Related Commands STATus:OPERation:CONDition? STATus:OPERation:ENABle? VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 186: Status:preset

    The Status Preset command presets the Status Registers. The Operational Status Enable Register is set to 0 and the Questionable Status Enable Register is set to 0. This command is provided for SCPI compliance only. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) STAT:PRES Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 187: Status:questionable:condition

    Query Parameters Query Response Description The Questionable Status Condition Register query is provided for SCPI compliance only. The VM2601 does not alter any bits in this register and a query always reports a Examples Command / Query Response (Description) STAT:QUES:COND?
  • Page 188: Status:questionable:enable

    The Status Questionable Enable query reports the contents of the Questionable Data/Signal Register's enable register, then clears the register contents and enters the value into the computer. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) STAT:QUES:ENAB 64 STAT:QUES:ENAB? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 189: Status:questionable[:Event]

    The query reports the bits set in the event register of the Questionable Data/Signal register. This command reads the event register, then clears all bits in the event register and enters the value into the computer. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) STAT:QUES? Related Commands VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 190: System:error

    See the SCPI standard Volume 2: Command Reference for details on errors and reporting them. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) SYS:ERR? -350, “Queue overflow” Related Commands None VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 191: System:version

    SYSTem:VERSion? Query Parameters None Numeric ASCII value Query Response Description The System Version query reports the version of the SCPI standard with which the VM2601 complies. Examples Command / Query Response (Description) SYST:VERS? 1994.0 Related Commands None VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 192: Error Messages

    Invalid Input Source The<input source> parameter is defined incorrectly for INPut:SOURce. Either DSO or IFR are acceptable for the VM2601. Only DSO is acceptable for the VM2602 or VM2603. Invalid ADC Type The <config_adc> parameter is defined incorrectly for the CONFigure:ADC command.
  • Page 193 (e.g. a number greater than 255 is written to an 8-bit register.) Max Error String The maximum length of the <string> parameter was exceeded. This parameter must be 12 characters or less. VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 194 VXI Technology, Inc. VM2601/2/3 Command Dictionary...
  • Page 195: Noise Specification

    OISE IS ALCULATED The VM2601 calculates root-mean-square voltage (V rms) on an “ac + dc” basis, but the noise specification is an “ac only” measurement. When calculated, a 50 Ω load is applied to the front end of the VM2601 and then two measurements are taken using the following commands: CALCulate:VOLTage:RMS? and CALCulate:VOLTage:MEAN?.
  • Page 196 VXI Technology, Inc. When the VM2601 makes an rms measurement, it does so in this manner: ∑ When it takes a mean measurement, it does so in this manner: ∑ Mean This means that V can be calculated as: Noise −...
  • Page 197: Index

    CONFigure:VOLTage:MAXimum ......33, 116 CALCulate:VOLTage:AMPLitude? ......31, 69 CONFigure:VOLTage:MEAN ......... 33, 117 CALCulate:VOLTage:HIGH? ........31, 70 CONFigure:VOLTage:MINimum......33, 118 CALCulate:VOLTage:LOW?........31, 71 CONFigure:VOLTage:NOVershoot ......33, 119 CALCulate:VOLTage:MAXimum? ......31, 72 CONFigure:VOLTage:NPReshoot......33, 120 CALCulate:VOLTage:MEAN? ........31, 73 CONFigure:VOLTage:NRINging........121 CALCulate:VOLTage:MINimum? ......31, 74 CONFigure:VOLTage:POVershoot ......33, 122 VM2601/2/3 Index...
  • Page 198 VXI Technology, Inc. CONFigure:VOLTage:PPReshoot......33, 123 MEASure:FREQuency? ........... 34, 139 CONFigure:VOLTage:PRINging ........124 MEASure:NDUTy?..........34, 140 CONFigure:VOLTage:PTPeak.........33, 125 MEASure:NWIDth?..........34, 141 CONFigure:VOLTage:RMS........33, 126 MEASure:PDUTy? ..........34, 142 CONFigure?..............33, 94 MEASure:PERCent:NOVershoot?......... 143 connectors.................16 MEASure:PERCent:NPReshoot?........144 CONTrol:IPOWer?...........33, 127 MEASure:PERCent:NRINging? ........145 MEASure:PERCent:POVershoot? ......... 146 MEASure:PERCent:PPReshoot? ........
  • Page 199 SYSTem:ERRor?............36, 188 SYSTem:VERSion? ..........36, 189 tree-structured language............21 trigger source ..............18 TRIGGER/GP0 INPUT ............14 TRIGger:LEVel ............35, 177 TRIGger:SLOPe ............35, 178 TRIGger:SOURce.............35, 179 TRIGger:STATe? .............35, 180 TRIGger[:IMMediate] ..........35, 176 VMIP ................20 voltage specifications............18 VXIbus ................21 VXI plug&play driver examples........26 WEEE .................8 VM2601/2/3 Index...

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