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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Orion 442

  • Page 2 CUPRINS SECTIUNEA 1:INAINTE DE UTILIZARE Atentionari de siguranta Recomandari SECTIUNEA 2:INSTALARE Indepartarea suruburilor de la transport Reglarea picioarelor Conectarea electrica Conectarea sistemului de alimentare cu apa Conectarea sistemului de evacuare a apei SECTIUNEA 3:SPECIFICATII TEHNICE SECTIUNEA 4:PANOU DE COMANDA Buton Start/Pause Indicatori luminosi Butoane Butonul de reglare a temperaturii...
  • Page 3 SECTIUNEA 1:INAINTE DE UTILIZARE ATENTIONARI DE SIGURANTA Nu utilizati un trilpu-stecher sau prelungitor. Nu introduceti stecherul in priza daca cablul prezinta defectiuni. Daca cablul este defect, trebuie inlocuit de catre producator sau un centru autorizat, pentru prevenirea accidentelor. Cand scoateti din priza, trageti de stecher, niciodata de cablu. Nu introduceti stecherul in priza daca aveti mainile ude.
  • Page 4 Ca o consecinta a procedurilor de control, e posibil sa mai ramana putina apa in masina. Acest lucru nu constituie un pericol. SECTIUNEA 2: INSTALARE Inante de a folosi masina de spalat, fiti atent la urmatoarele chestiuni: INDEPARTAREA SURUBURILOR DE LA TRANSPORT Suruburile de la transport, situate in partea posterioara a masinii, trebuie indepartate inainte de utilizarea propriu-zisa a masinii de spalat.
  • Page 5 Cand ati reusit sa echilibrati masina, strangeti capacele de plastic, prin rotire. Nu asezati sub masina cartoane, bucati de lemn sau materiale similare pentru a regla pozitia masinii, fata de neregularitatile suprafetei pe care sta. CONECTAREA ELECTRICA Masina Dvs de spaalt functioneaza la 220-240 V si 50 Hz. Un stecher special cu impamantare a fost atasat la cablul masinii dvs de spalat.
  • Page 6 Valva pentru apa rece CONECTAREA SISTEMULUI DE EVACUARE A APEI Asigurati-va ca furtunurile de apa nu sunt indoite, intoarse, strivite sau suprasolicitate prin intindere excesiva. Furtunul de evacuare trebuie montat la o inaltime de minim 60 cm, maxim 100 cm fata de sol. Capatul furtunului de evacuare poate fi orientat direct catre orificiul de scurgere al apei murdare sau cu ajutorul unui dispozitiv, se poate monta in sifonul de la chiuveta.
  • Page 7 SECTIUNEA 3:SPECIFICATII TEHNICE 442/542/ 642/842/1042 Capacitate maxima de rufe uscate (kg) Cantitate de rufe recomandata (kg) Inaltime (cm) Latime (cm) 59,6 Adancime (cm) 400/500/ Ciclu maxim de stoarcere ( rotatii/ min) * 600/800/1000 (*) ciclul maxim de stoarcere variaza in functie de modelul ales.
  • Page 8 SECTIUNEA 4:PANOUL DE CONTROL 1-Compartiment pentru detergent 5-Buton programe 2-Indicator Start/pause 6-Buton Start/pause 3-Indicatori luminosi pentru diverse functii 7-Butoane pentru diverse functii 4-Indicator Setare program 8-Indicator Sfarsitul programului...
  • Page 9 BUTON START/PAUSE Pentru a porni un program selectat sau a face o pauza pe durata functionarii. ATENTIE! Este necesar ca butonul de programe sa fie in pozitia O (Off/ inchis) inainte de a selecta un program sau de a schimba unul aflat in derulare.
  • Page 10 BUTONUL DE PROGRAME Cu acest buton, puteti selecta programu; cu care doriti sa spalati rufele. Puteti roti butonul in ambele directii. Trebuie sa fiti atenti la faptul ca semnul de setare de pe butonul de programe trebuie sa se afle exact in dreptul programului pe care doriti sa il selectati.
  • Page 11 Bumbac 90°C Bumbac 60°C cu prespalare Bumbac 60°C Bumbac 40°C Spalare ecologica Spalare rapida Eco 20° Sintetice 60°C Sintetice 40°C Sintetice –apa rece Delicate 30°C Lana 30°C Clatire Stoarcere Evacuare OFF/ Inchis SECTIUNEA 5: SPALAREA RUFELOR Conectati masina la priza. Deschideti robinetul de apa.
  • Page 12 Intoarceti pe dos hainele cum sunt: pantaloni, tricouri, maiouri. Rufele de dimensiuni mici, cum sunt sosetele si batistele, ar trebui introduse intr-o punga speciala pentru spalare. Maxim 90 C Maxim 60 C Maxim 30 C Nu se spala in masina de spalat Introducerea rufelor in masina Deschideti usa masinii de spalat.
  • Page 13 Puteti folosi detegenti lichizi la toate programele fara prespalare. Turnati detergentul lichid in compartimentul 2 ; cantitatea acestuia depinde de recomandarile de pe ambalaj. OPERAREA MASINII DE SPALAT Selectarea programelor si caracteristicile acestora Selectati programul si functiile suplimentare, in functie de rufele pe care doriti sa le spalati, conform Tabel- 1.
  • Page 14 Usa se va debloca in cca 2 minute dupa terminarea programului. Deschideti usa, tragand manerul acesteia spre Dvs si scoateti rufele din cuva. Dupa ce scoateti toate rufele, lasati usa cuvei deschisa, pentru ca interiorul acesteia sa se usuce bine. Deconectati masina de spalat de la priza.
  • Page 15 CAPACITATE MAXIMA COMPART. RUFE USCATE (kg) PROGRAM TIPURI DE RUFE EXPLICATII DETERGENT 442/ 542/ 642/842/1042 Murdare, tesatura din BUMBAC 90 bumbac sau in BUMBAC 60 Foarte murdare, din bumbac sau in, colorate (PRESPALARE) Lenjerie de corp, lenjerie de pat, fete...
  • Page 16 TIPURI DE RUFE EXPLICATII DETERGENT FUNCTII SUPLIMENTARE 442/542/642/842/1042 Cand aveti nevoie de o clatire suplimentara pentru rufele Dvs, dupa terminarea procesului de spalare, puteti folosi acest program pentru CLATIRE toate tipurile de rufe, indiferent de tesatura. Cand aveti nevoie de o stoarcere suplimentara pentru rufele Dvs, dupa terminarea procesului de spalare, puteti folosi acest program pentru STOARCERE toate tipurile de rufe, indiferent de tesatura.
  • Page 17 Scoateti furtunul de alimentare din spatele masinii. Scoateti filtrele cu un patent si frecati bine cu o perie. Curatati filtrele furtunului, situate la capatul dinspre robinet, dupa ce le scoateti manual, impreuna cu garnitura. Dupa ce curatati filtrele, asezati-le in pozitia in care erau initial. FILTRUL POMPEI Sistemul filtrului pompei prelunge te durata de via a pompei...
  • Page 18 ATENTIE! Pericol de oparire! Datorita faptului ca e posibil ca pompa sa fie inca fierbinte, asteptati intai sa se raceasca. SERTARUL PENTRU DETERGENT In timp, detergentii pot forma sedimente in sertarul de detergent Pentru a curata aceste sedimente, scoateti din cand in cand sertarul pentru detergent. Pentru aceasta: Trageti sertarul pana la capat (DESEN-1) Ridicati partea frontala a sertarului, continuati sa trageti, pana reusiti sa il...
  • Page 19 FISA PENTRU SIFON Scoateti sertarul pentru detergent. Scoateti fisa de la sifon si curatati cu grija reziduurile de balsam. Asezati apoi fisa in pozitia corecta. Verificati daca ati pozitionat-o bine. CABINETUL Stergeti suprafata exterioara a cabinetului cu apa calduta si un detergent care sa nu dauneze acesteia.
  • Page 20 SECTIUNEA 7:INFORMATII PRACTICE Bauturi alcooloce: Portiunea patata trebuie intai spalata cu apa Rece, apoi stersa cu glicerina si apa si clatita cu o solutie de otet cu apa. Crema de pantofi: Frecati usor pata, fara sa stricati materialul, apoi frecati cu detergent si clatiti. Daca nu dispare, frecati cu o solutie lcatuita din 1/3 alcool pur (96 de grade) si 2/3 apa, apoi clatit cu apa calduta.
  • Page 21 Mucegai: Petele de mucegai trebuie indepartate cat mai Repede posibil. Pate se spala cu detergent, si daca nu dispare, trebuie stearsa cu apa oxigenata (in proportie de 3%). Cerneala: Tineti suprafata patata sub jet de apa rece pana cand nu mai curge apa colorata. Apoi frecati cu apa, combinata cu suc de lamaie si detergent si spalati dupa 5 minute.
  • Page 22 METODE DE DEFECTIUNE CAUZA PROBABILA REMEDIERE Nu este conectata la Introduceti stecherul in priza. priza. Siguranta e defecta. Schimbati siguranta Verificati daca aveti Nu aveti curent electric curent electric Nu ati apasat butonul Apasati butonul Masina nu Start/Pause Start/Pause. functioneaza. Butonul de programe Rotiti butonul de este in pozitia O (off/...
  • Page 23 METODE DE DEFECTIUNE CAUZA PROBABILA REMEDIERE Cantitatea de rufe din Nu previne operarea cuva e prea mica. masinii Cantitatea de rufe din Nu depasiti cantitatea cuva e prea mare sau maxima admisa si Masina vibreaza. rufele nu sunt distribuiti rufele in mod distribuite in mod echilibrat.
  • Page 24 METODE DE DEFECTIUNE CAUZA PROBABILA REMEDIERE Ati depasit capacitatea Nu depasiti capacitatea maxima de incarcare maxima. cu rufe. Folositi detrgentul in Nu obtineti rezultate Gradul de duritate al cantitatea satisfacatoare in urma apei este prea mare recomandata de spalarii. producatorul acestuia. Imprastiati rufele in Rufele nu sunt bine masina intr-o maniera...
  • Page 25 METODE DE DEFECTIUNE CAUZA PROBABILA REMEDIERE Sistemul de control al incarcaturii cu rufe va incerca sa distribuie Nu este o defectiune. rufele din cuva intr-o Acest lucru se maniera omogena. Procesul de stoarcere datoreaza probabil Dupa aceasta, va nu incepe sau incepe controlului echilibrarii incepe si procesul de cu intarziere.
  • Page 26 INDICATOR POSIBILA METODA DE EROARE EROARE CAUZA REMEDIERE Deschideti complet robinetul Nivelul apei din de apa. Verificati masina se afla sub daca apa nu este dispozitivul de cumva oprita. Indicatorul incalzire. E posibil Daca problema Setare program ca presiunea persista, masina Err 02 lumineaza sursei de...
  • Page 27 INDICATOR POSIBILA METODA DE EROARE EROARE CAUZA REMEDIERE Indicatoarele Opriti masina si Dispozitivul de Start/Pause si scoateti din priza. incalzire a apei Terminare Inchideti robinetul Err 05 sau senzorul de program si apelati la un un caldura s-a lumineaza centru de service defectat.
  • Page 28 SECTIUNEA 10: SIMBOLURI INTERNATIONALE PENTRU SPALARE Temperatura Temperatura Temperatura de NU spalati spalare. redusa la calcat. medie la calcat. (spalare manuala) Temperatura Atarnati pentru Nu calcati. Nu stoarceti. ridicata la calcat. uscare. Lasati la scurs. Uscati intins. Fara inalbitor. Folositi inalbitor. Acestea sunt simboluri pentru moduri de curatare chimica a rufelor.
  • Page 29: Table Of Contents

    THE CONTENTS SECTION 1:BEFORE USING Safety warnings Recommendations SECTION 2:INSTALLATION Removal of transportation screws Adjustment of feet Electrical connection Water supply connection Water drain connection SECTION 3:TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 4:CONTROL PANEL Start/Pause button Function indicator lights Function buttons Temperature knob Program knob SECTION 5:WASHING YOUR LAUNDRY Before washing...
  • Page 30: Section 1:Before Using

    SECTION 1:BEFORE USING SAFETY WARNINGS Do not use a multiple socket or extension cord. Do not insert a plug with damaged or broken cord into the socket. If the cord is damaged it should be replaced by the manufacturer or appointed service agent in order to avoid a hazard.
  • Page 31: Section 2:Installation

    If you will not use your machine for a long time, unplug your machine, close the water supply and leave the door open in order to keep the inside of the machine dry and for prevention from unpleasant odour. As a result of the quality control procedures, a certain amount of water may remain in your machine.
  • Page 32: Electrical Connection

    You can adjust the balance of your machine from its feet. First, loosen the plastic adjustment nut. Adjust by rotating the feet upwards or downwards. After the balance has been reached, tighten the plastic adjustment nut again by rotating it upwards. Never put cartons, wooden blocks or similar materials under the machine to balance the irregularities on the level of the ground.
  • Page 33: Water Drain Connection

    Cold water inlet WATER DRAIN CONNECTION Be sure that water inlet hoses are not folded, twisted, crushed or elongated by stretching. Water drain hose should be mounted at a height of minimum 60 cm, maximum 100 cm from the ground. The end of the water drain hose may directly be fitted to the dirty water outlet hole or a special apparatus mounted on the outlet bracket of the wash-stand.
  • Page 34: Section 3:Technical Specifications

    SECTION 3:TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 442/542/ 642/842/1042 Maximum dry laundry capacity (kg) Recommended loading (kg) Height (cm) Width (cm) 59,6 Depth (cm) 400/500/ Maximum spin cycle ( rpm ) 600/800/1000 (*) Maximum spin cycles depend on the model you’ve chosen...
  • Page 35: Section 4:Control Panel

    SECTION 4:CONTROL PANEL 1-Detergent drawer 5-Program knob 2-Start/pause light 6-Start/pause button 3-Function indicator lights 7-Function buttons 4-Program ready light 8-Program end light...
  • Page 36: Start/Pause Button

    START/PAUSE BUTTON Used to start a selected program or pause during running. WARNING! It is required for the program knob to be brought to O(off) position before selecting the program or changing a continuing program. FUNCTION INDICATOR LIGHTS When the start/pause button or any function button is pressed,the corresponding light turns on.The light turns off when the function button or start/pause button is re-pressed, or when the process the selected function is completed.
  • Page 37: Program Knob

    WARNING! Functions vary depending on the model you have chosen.If you forgot to use additional function and your machine starts to wash push the additional function button if the indicator light is on. Additional function will be activated.If the indicator light is not on,additional function will not be activated.
  • Page 38: Section 5:Washing Your Laundry

    Cotton 90°C Cotton 60°C with prewash Cotton 60°C Cotton 40°C Eco wash Quick wash Eco 20° Synthetic 60°C Synthetic 40°C Synthetic cold Delicate 30°C Wool 30°C Rinsing Spin Draining SECTION 5: WASHING YOUR LAUNDRY Plug the machine. Open the tap water. First wash cycle There may be water left inside your machine after factory tests and trials.It is recommended that the first wash cycle should be made without any laundry...
  • Page 39 Pull the textiles like trousers,knitted fabric,t-shirt and sweat shirt inside out. Wash your small clothes like socks and handkerchiefs in a washing bag. Wash up tol 90 C Wash up to 60 C Wash up to 30 C Not washable in washing machine Placement of the clothes into the machine Open the door of your machine.
  • Page 40: Running The Machine

    You can use fluid detergents in all programs without pre-washing. For this, mount the fluid detergent level plate in the second compartment of the detergent drawer and arrange the amount of fluid detergent according to the levels on this plate. RUNNING THE MACHINE Program selection and features Select the program and additional functions appropriate for your clothes from...
  • Page 41: Section 6:Maintenance And Cleaning

    The door will be unlocked in approximately two minutes after the program ends.You can open the door by pulling the handle of the door towards yourself and take out your clothes. After you unload your clothes leave the door open to dry the interior of your machine.
  • Page 42 MAX DRY LOAD DETERGENT CAPACITY (kg) PROGRAM TYPE OF LAUNDRY EXPLANATIONS COMPART. 442/ 542/ 642/842/1042 Dirty, boil, cotton and linen COTTON 90 textile COTTON 60 Very dirty, cotton, coloured and linen textile (PREWASH) Underwears, sheet, Dirty, cotton, coloured and table cloth, t-shirt,...
  • Page 43 EXPLANATIONS COMPART. BUTTON 442/542/642/842/1042 RINSING When you need an additional rinsing to be done to your clothes after the washing process, you can use this program for all kinds of clothes. When you need an additional spinning to be done to your clothes after the washing process, you can use this program for all kinds of SPINNING clothes.
  • Page 44: Pump Filter

    Remove the water inlet hose. Remove the filters found on the water inlet valves by using a pincer and wash thoroughly with a brush. Clean the filters of the water inlet hoses located on the tap side by removing manually together with the seal. After you clean the filters, you can fit them the same way as you have removed.
  • Page 45: Detergent Drawer

    WARNING! Danger of being scalded! Since the water inside the pump maybe hot, wait for it to cool. DETERGENT DRAWER Detergents may form a sediment in your detergent drawer or in housing of the detergent drawer in time. To clean the sediment, pull out the detergent drawer from time to time.To pull out the detergentdrawer: Pull the detergent drawer to the end.(DIAGRAM-1) Lift the front of the drawer, continue to pull until the drawer is pull...
  • Page 46: Siphon Plug

    SIPHON PLUG Pull out the detrgent drawer. Remove the siphon plug and clean the residues of the softener thoroughly. Fit the cleaned siphon plug in its location. Check if it placed properly. THE CABINET Clean the exterior surface of the cabinet of your machine with lukewarm water and a cleaning substance that will not irritate the cabinet.
  • Page 47: Section 7:Practical Information

    SECTION 7:PRACTICAL INFORMATION Alcoholic beverages: The stain point, should first be washed with cold water, than should be wiped with glycerine and water and be rinsed with water mixed with vinegar. Shoe Polish: The stain should be slightly scratched without ruining the cloth, rubbed with detergent and rinsed.
  • Page 48: Section 8:Avoiding Minor Faults

    Mould: Mould stains should be cleaned as soon as possible. The stain should be washed with detergent, and if it does not disappear, it should be wiped with oxygenated water (in proportion of 3%). Ink: Hold the stained area under cold water and wait until the inky water completely runs off.
  • Page 49 METHODS OF FAILURE PROBABLE CAUSE ELIMINATION Insert the plug into the It is unplugged. socket. Your fuse is defected. Change your fuse. The electric power is Check the electric off. power. Start/pause button has Press the start/pause Your machine does not not been pressed.
  • Page 50 METHODS OF FAILURE PROBABLE CAUSE ELIMINATION There is a small It does not prevent amount of clothes in operation of the the device. machine. Do not exceed the Excessive amount of recommended quantity clothes are filled in the Your machine is of clothes and spread machine or the clothes vibrating.
  • Page 51 METHODS OF FAILURE PROBABLE CAUSE ELIMINATION Clothes exceeding the Put the clothes in your maximum capacity machine in a manner has been filled in your not to exceed its machine. maximum capacity. Use the amount of The washing result is Your water may be detergent according to not good.
  • Page 52: Section 9:Automatic Failure Detection System

    METHODS OF FAILURE PROBABLE CAUSE ELIMINATION The unbalanced load control system will try to distribute your clothes in a homogenous manner. No failure. The The spining process is After your clothes are unbalanced load not done or starts with distributed, passage to control may works in delay .
  • Page 53 FAILURE FAILURE PROBABLE THE PROCESS CODE INDICATOR FAILURE TO BE DONE Turn on the tap to the end.Water may be cut, check it.If the problem is still The water level continuing,your in your machine machine will The program is below heater. automatically Err 02 ready light...
  • Page 54 FAILURE FAILURE PROBABLE THE PROCESS CODE INDICATOR FAILURE TO BE DONE Shut down your The heater of your machine and The start/pause machine or the unplug. Turn off Err 05 light and program heat sensor has your tap and apply end light blink.
  • Page 55: Section 10:International Washing Signs

    SECTION 10: INTERNATIONAL WASHING SIGNS Washing Do not wash Lukewarm iron. Medium hot iron. temparature. (hand wash) Do not tumble Hot iron. Do not iron. Hang to dry. dry. Drip dry. Dry flat. Do not bleach. Handy to bleach. All of these are dry cleaning symbols. The letters are to instruct the cleaner what type of solvent to be used.
  • Page 56 52127577...

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