Buick 2015 IntelliLink Details Book page 9

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taBle of contents
inteRactinG WitH intellilink
Video: customize the Home Page and app tray
custoMize tHe HoMe PaGe
touching and holding an icon on the Home Page
puts the page into edit mode, signified by the
brackets around the icons. then, you can:
• drag the icons to a new position on the page
• drag the icons to the right edge of the page
and hold until they move to the next page
• drag items into the app tray
• drag items out of the app tray
to exit edit mode, press the "Home" button.
lacRosse & ReGal
featuRinG intellilink
lacRosse & ReGal
• • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
veRano & encoRe
use GestuRes on tHe toucH scReen
to make it easier and faster to navigate through
intellilink's screens, intellilink recognizes many
gestures that will be familiar to users.
• Press to select an icon
or option, activate an
application or change the
location within a map
• Press and hold to start
another gesture, move
or delete an application
• Drag to move an
application on the Home
Page or to pan a map
to drag an item, you
must first press and hold
it, then you can drag it
up, down, right or left
to the new location
• Swipe or fling through
a list to reveal more
favorites, to pan a map
or to change
page views. to fling or swipe through a list,
for example, place your finger on the screen
then move it up or down rapidly
• to enhance touch screen operation:
– Start on Home Page
– Press "Settings"
– Press "Display"
– Press "Calibrate"
– then follow the instructions on the screen
Requires optional intellilink with navigation.

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