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Revison 3.0
Released: 29.03.2010
Junkersstraße 14
D-30179 Hannover
TEL +49 (0) 511 96 99 70
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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for K&F SONA 5

  • Page 1 K&F￿SONA￿5 Revison 3.0 User's￿Manual Released: 29.03.2010 Important￿Information, Please￿Read￿Before￿Use! KLING & FREITAG GmbH Junkersstraße 14 D-30179 Hannover TEL +49 (0) 511 96 99 70 FAX +49 (0) 511 67 37 94
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    User's manual K&F SONA 5 Table of contents Introduction Symbols in User's Manual Information about this User's Manual Product￿Description Scope of Delivery Overview of Components Accessories Required Tools Safety￿Instructions Mounting the Speakers / Wall and Ceiling Installation Notes for Mounting the Speakers...
  • Page 4: Introduction

    Thank you for your decision to buy a KLING & FREITAG sound system. To guarantee a trouble-free oper- ating of the equipment and to allow your KLING & FREITAG SONA 5 system to achieve its full potential please read the operating instructions carefully before use. With the purchase of a SONA 5 system, you have acquired a large sound system with the highest possible quality and performance capabilities.
  • Page 5 User's manual K&F SONA 5 Product￿Description Scope￿of￿Delivery • Loudspeaker with integrated ball joint swivel arm M (56mm) for wall, ceiling or stand mountings • User's Manual • Loudspeakers with option 'Phoenix connector' or '100 Volt' are supplied including the corre- sponding 4-pole Phoenix plug.
  • Page 6: Required Tools

    User's manual K&F SONA 5 Required￿Tools • 2.5 mm Allen head wrench • 19 mm jaw spanner • Mounting accessories for installation on walls or ceilings Safety￿Instructions Mounting￿the￿Speakers￿/￿Wall￿and￿Ceiling￿Installation The speakers may only be mounted to wall and ceilings by qualified personnel.
  • Page 7: Notes For Mounting The Speakers

    User's manual K&F SONA 5 Notes￿for￿Mounting￿the￿Speakers Mount the speakers securely. To avoid injury or damage, always be sure to mount the speakers securely so that they do not fall. Please note that speakers can move as a result of vibrations. To prevent them from falling from their mounted position, they must be secured properly.
  • Page 8 24dB/oct. at 60Hz has to be inserted into the signal chain. Operations￿with￿CD￿44￿Controller: • For optimal performance and operating safety of the SONA 5 speakers we recommend using the system controller K&F CD 44. • When operating the loudspeaker with amplifers without clipping limiter and nominal amplifier power less than 100W@8Ohm requires to set a Limit Reduction of 3dB for the K&F CD 44 con-...
  • Page 9 User's manual K&F SONA 5 Wall￿and￿Ceiling￿Installation Screw the mounting plate (A) through all 4 mount- ing holes onto the wall or ceiling. Choose fasten- ers that are suitable for the wall or ceiling material. After installation, the mounting plate incl. speak- er must be capable of carrying the 6-fold of its own weight.
  • Page 10 User's manual K&F SONA 5 Screw the retainer nut (A) onto thread reducer (B) using a 19 mm jaw spanner. While doing this, align the swivel arm. Now align the loudspeaker arm as desired, and then re-tighten the Allen screws that you previously loosened.
  • Page 11 User's manual K&F SONA 5 Stand￿Installation The retainer nut of the swivel arm is equipped with a 5/8" thread into which a reducer with an inner thread of M10 is screwed. You can exchange this thread reducer for a commercially available reducer for microphone stands so you can mount the swivel arm onto a microphone stand.
  • Page 12 K&F SONA 5 Operation￿with￿or￿without￿a￿controller Operation￿without￿a￿Controller The SONA 5 system is designed so that it can be operated passively without a controller directly on a power amplifier. Follow the instructions in chapter "[Protecting the Speakers / Operating Safety]" beginning on page 7.
  • Page 13: Wiring Instructions

    User's manual K&F SONA 5 Wiring￿instructions • Before connecting your SONA 5 system switch off all equipment and turn down all level con- trols. • Only use high-quality speaker cables with a sufficient wire gauge. The wire gauge depends on the length of the speaker cable.
  • Page 14 Switch off all equipment and turn down all level controls of the mixing console and the power amplifiers. • Wire your systems according to the instructions in this manual. SONA 5 Important • Switch on the mixing console first, then the controller and the power amplifier. Always use the before mentioned switching order.
  • Page 15 User's manual K&F SONA 5 11. Technical￿Specifications Design Passive 2-way bassreflex system Frequency￿range￿-10￿dB 80 Hz - 23 kHz Frequency￿range￿+/-￿3￿dB 110 Hz - 22 kHz Coverage￿angles￿nominal 120° x 90° (hor. x vert.) Power￿handling 100 watts (IEC 268-5) SPL￿(1W￿/￿1m) 89 dB SPL Max.￿SPL￿(1m)
  • Page 16: 13. Dimensions

    User's manual K&F SONA 5 13. Dimensions 13.1 with￿swivel￿arm￿M￿(56mm)￿-￿(included) 140,3 mm / 5,524" 56 mm / 2,218" 170 mm / 6,693" 9,9 mm / 0,390" 2,5 mm / 0,098" 150,2 mm / 5,915" 262,7 mm / 10,343" Ø 5,5 mm / Ø 0.217 45 mm / 1,772"...
  • Page 17: With Swivel Arm M (32Mm) - (Accessory)

    User's manual K&F SONA 5 13.2 with￿swivel￿arm￿M￿(32mm)￿-￿(Accessory) 202 mm / 7,954" 230 mm / 9,052" 32 mm / 1,261" 200 mm / 7,865" KLING & FREITAG GMBH © 2009 Revision 3.0 Page 17 of 19...
  • Page 18: With Swivel Arm M (109Mm) - (Accessory)

    User's manual K&F SONA 5 13.3 with￿swivel￿arm￿M￿(109mm)￿-￿(Accessory) 279 mm / 10,980" 212 mm / 8,346" 109 mm / 4,288" 203 mm / 7,998" 62,7 mm / 2,469" KLING & FREITAG GMBH © 2009 Revision 3.0 Page 18 of 19...
  • Page 19: 14. Disposal

    Therefore old SONA 5 loudspeakers can be disposed of in public collection/recycling points, contrary to Kling & Freitag products which are limited to commercial use. Of course old SONA 5 loudspeakers can be returned to us and KLING & FREITAG GmbH will take care of appropriate disposal.

Table of Contents