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Cateye Enduro 2 CC-ED200 Operating Instructions
Cateye Enduro 2 CC-ED200 Operating Instructions

Cateye Enduro 2 CC-ED200 Operating Instructions


l r - l
I lflflflPdll
I lHi$888881
l - l
Setting Values Cross Reference
(fhe fire size is marked on both sldes ot the tlre.)
Tabte de Conespon(1d,nce des yareuts de B6gtage (La dlnercim du pneu tigwe de chaqD catd du pneu)
Y€ftctebeUe ru Dinstellug des nrdumfmgcJ (die Radgriille entnehmen Sie der Aufschrift des Reifens)
t'( ?A'In
1 f (.t't t t 4 ^u&H t 4 t a1Rlffi l:Fts*dnat'*-f )
tcbclh dcllc Ccnirpondcnrc dci Yclorl dl Rogolcricrc lb direnrim &l pwndit trgorc r ogni bo # pmmlitol
Tobel loor he, bapelem oan ilc siolomrrch (de bandenmut staat vermed aos beide zijden wn de band)
dc V.t.rct
(El ,onofro de h ruedo esto morcodo ol lodo de h llonto)
* The values listed here are not detinilive information. Wheel circumference varies wilh the tire pressure.
* Les valeus indiqu4es fint apprcximativ$. La cit@nf6rcM de @e varie q forctiq de la pt#rcn de gonflage du pnu.
* Dic angcgcbcncn Zlhlen sind nur Niihcrutrlqswefte. l)er Radumlang kann jc nach Rcifcndruck ve6chieden $in.
' : a *B 6 < * A tr Q LL < A&1A (. t 4 + O 4F,E+ (: kt ) *4t L tt.
* De waarden in de tabel zijn niet mc4
de wielomtrek is ook afhankelijk van de bandercpaming
en het proliel.
Specif ications/C.E
ct6 riatiqu e a tech n queslIcchnischc
atlch G,hc
I sFc c{toat
Jo s I I t ltoclli
c cci c n c t
Controller/Svsleme de contrdle/Con l rolc r/+|]1fif;VEloborotore/Coil roll. rlConnolodor
---- -
--4-bit l-chio Microcomouter (Crystal Controlled Oscillator)
-------l---1---- LiquidCrystal Display
Sensor/Ddlecteur^Sensor/itX!:b;t/RiveloiorelSensorlSensor '-"-'
No Contact N4agnetic Sensor
Operating Temperatu rc RangelTempbature d'utilisationlzulissige Bctricbstcmperatur/{F,HiE,Eatffi
I -Year llvarranty for ilain Unit Only
and Battery Consumption excluded)
lftouble occurs doring normal use, the pad ofthe Majn Unil will be repaired or replaced free of charge. The seryice mu$
be performed by Cal Eye Co., Ltd. To relurn the product, pack it carefully and remember lo encloso the warianty cenifL
cale with insfudion for repair. Please wrile orVpe your name and address clearly on the wa.ranty ceftificate. Insurance,
handling and tanspodalion charges to our service shall be borne by person desiring seruice.
tor serulcel
CATEYE co,t-ro
2-8 25, Kuwazu, Higashi Sumiyoshrku, Osaka 546 0041 Japan
Attn.: CAT EYE Customer Service Section
Service & Research
lor United States Consumers:
CAT EYE Service & Research Conter
1705 1 4th St. 1 15 Boulder, CO 80302
Phone : 303 443 4595
Toll Free: 800-5CATEYE
:303-473 0006
I An de Garantie
Unit6 P?incipate
(e I'exclusion des accessoires et de la pile)
presente gatantie snt Eatuites et daivent 6xe elleluees
par CAT EYE Co., Ltd. Le prodft
e rcparer doil ate rctoune e CAT EYE Co ,
Ltd. diectenent
par lacheleur.
Toul ptoduil relaurnd au d'panenent
de Lapaation CAI €YE dail 'tre soigneusenent
emball. et le
de garantie ainsi que 16 instructim
de rdpaalian doivent aeanpagnet
le prcduit. ll esl conseill4 A |acheteu
d &ilte lisiblenent
ou de dactyiagaphter
ses nan el adrcsse sur le cedificat de gaqnle
ann que le produil lui sait dtt&tenenl
retourne apres reparailan
Le nit de i assuance ains eue les ftais de nanutenlan et de [anspan sonl A chaee de la perconne souhailanl une tepaqlion saus 1atantie
1 Jahr Gtrantie
auf den Computer
(Die Zubehi;r-lllontageteile und llatteie sind ron Garantieleislungen ausgeschlossen)
F a l l s w d h r c n d d e s n o m r l e n G e b r x u c h s F . h I i a u l i r c r e n . w i r d d a s e n G t r e c h e n d c l r i l d c ! ( i ) n r F u l c F k o s l e n h s r e p f f i e n o d e r e t s e t z l .
Dic Rrpafurur muB \on ( at Eyc Co., dur.heefdhd $crden. Wenn Si. das (;c.dt einscnden. packen Sie es $rghltig
ein u.d fng€t
Sie die Garnntiekade sowie RcpN'arurhin$eisc ilnbei. Achren Sie da.aul lhrcn Namcn und Ihle Aoschrift nril Schrcibmaschine odcr
in Druckbuchslaben deurlich lcsbar aul die Caranliekane zu schrciben. Vcrsicherungslosten rnd Koslen flr den Transpod bis zu
unse.em Kundendirnrt gchen 2u t-n$en der Pe6on, die unscten Kundendienst in Anspruch nehm€n mdchte.
(Anschritrt des Kudendi€nstes)
2-8-25 Krwazr, Higashi Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, 546-0041 Japan
Atn.: CAT EYE Customer Se.vice Scction
I +lrlE: I yts:.-9oa(fif,fiXtUtiEo;H*l*F<
JEd,\o-L. !UBL^ti:g+ltEtEt*+iXri< /:dr \o Sixrlr \ /.1:(B:oixi+lJ :j€iil:z:lCtqFFt 'et.,M4n-7&,11I
Z 5E{td tt-rt \/. t* 5f "
T 5 4 6 0 0 4 1 t [ & f i H { t H E * ; + 2 T
E 8 * 2 5 8
TEL: (06)719 6A63i4! )v4>
FAX: (06)719-2362
* v , t t U - / \ - ' r & t ! i t f f F L < r , * f 0 ) " l i | l E < t d t ' .
I Anno dl Gcrcnzlc
lGli occessori e lo oilo rono esclusi dollo qoronzio)
i. ."'o
di oroblemo dJ,onr
I rmo'mo no role. L-nito orrimle
ripo.oro o so$ tu 'o qrotuilomenb do Col Eye Co , Ld.. Al
momento de, ritono del o'o3o6o oi1"'
a66llo lo co" ., ; drcq."do;,
(e. L o'o d' qo'on, o con le truz'onl rr
le riporo'
/ o i , . , t n o m . e , , " d . . , ; z o d e l , o q u , - e n . e o . , o n o ^ , , " . - p . - . F : . . , - o o o ' " o g o . " i r , " r f , c o , o o g o , o n z ' o . t e s p e c d '
o . m o n , t c l l o n e e d , s p F d , z , o n " o l n o ' , o : - + z o P ' p o o / o n
' o ' o , ,
, "
l p l
\ ' - , 1 - J - ' o r i p o , o / i o @ .
CATEYE co.,ro.
2'8-25 Kwozu, Higoshi Sumiyoshi-ku, OSAKA 5tr6-0011, Gioppone.
Afl :Dipodomento Assistenzo Cl'enti
7 Jaer
oP dc con?uta
(bedtuding, mognee\ senso4 batteij en bevestigingsmateiaal uitgezonderd)
I ndien s y)hlln?n
sedurende nonnaalgebruik,
h\ureh tu sdrunlit
plt btlr, dan g.!. hiedt rcpatuttu ofvetuanging
bst.h , )\
D i l d i . n t d o o t d ! f u b r i k d t t ( d t s r Q ) . 1 . l i l . u i t g e t o e / . | t . | | o r d e n . d . t u n p u t e r n o e t d o o t d e i m p o t k u t t e t u | q e ? n t u n \ | o t l r k
R r j
tun d. ()dpulo
ntut d.:. zorsilldig
r.rpakt ||arden ln lient het Baruntie bewijs. tu aankoophot
wn het ptuhleem n.4..onLn
zijn tuor rek iling van d. kop.r
2-8-25, Kuwazu, Higashi Sumiyoshi Ku, Osaku 5 l(t'001 1 .lapan
(:oI ele &r$untt
Ai,o de Aercnito
pam lo Unlded
(* exclwn Accesqios/Acqhmbntos v Soleriol
i n c o r c d 6 o r o b l e n o s d u o n k s i u s o n o r r c t
t o u n ' d o d p , i n c i w l . e r o r e w , o d " o r e - p l o , o d o s i n c o s b o l g t n o
E l s e n i c i o
debe selilizodo
rcr el d,snibuidor CAT tYt e" su wa
p6'o en'ior et qoducrc
ol sq",cio de repotoc;on
o t i m e r o c u i d o d o s o n e n t e v n o o l " i d e i n c l u i e l c e n i t ; c o d o d e a o , o n n o e n s n u c c i o n e s p o r o e l s e r u i c i o d e t e p o r c ( i o n .
E n e l
de qorontio
constor so nombre y dixci6iconplen.
Los gosbs de seguro
I tonsPorE
correr o corgo de quien
solicte dicho servicio.
lDt6..t6n Paro t.t rcPdn.tca.t,
2'8'25, Kuwozu, Higoshi Svniyoshi-Ku, Osako 546'OO4l JAPAN
ATT: CAT EYE Custoner Servrce S<lbn
2 6 x 1 - 1 1 2
) 2 1 0 1 2 7 x 1 -
1 9 1 2 6 x
(AdreEre d'enyoi pour r6pantionl
2'8-25, Kuweu, Higashi Suniyoshi ku, Osaka 546'0041 Japon
Arn. : CAT EYE Cugomer SeNi@ Sectpn
Bracket Sensor Kil [Long]
]<n Suppott et Dttccteltt lLdlgJ
Haltcrung/Sensor-Kit uangl
) i l r ' v f n > t - *
v l l U v i 4 - ) r B l
Kit supporto dell'unitd principole e enore [Lungo]
Draadset llangl
l(il Soporle del Sensor
Center Mount Bracket Kit lLong]
Kit Suppotl pou Montage Central [Long]
Ilallcrungskit fiir Mittelmoillagc lang]
n > t - < ) > l - ) - t
r F + r f l l ) v n 1 - ) r B l
Kit per monloggio del ciclcompuler ol ceniro del monubrio ILungo]
n tru lL htr N i gm I I luns]
Kit Sopore poro Montoie Cenhol [Gronde]
# 1 € i 9 - 9 7 3 0
Heavy Duty Wke and Bracket Sensor Kit
Kit Fil Renforcd. SuDDod et Detecteul
Drahl und Hallerung/Sensor-Kil
ftir starke Bcanspruchung
r t i
7 t
i t 1 1 ! & T i t y l n > t
4 t t
Kit supporto dell' unild principole e sensore
Dikke draad en bracketset
Coble resislenfe v Kt Sorcrfe del Sensor
# 1€j9-9770
Bracket Sensor Kit for Extra Large Fork
Kit de Montage du @ller de D6tecteur pout fourcheextra large
Halterung und Radsensor fiir besonders gro0e Gabeln
j jyl.t>t
* yF
Kit di Montoggio del collore del Sensore per forcelle "exno lorge"
Sensor berestiEinset voor utra dikke vork
Kil obrozoderc de sasor poro horquilh extro lorgo
Bracket Sensor Kit for Aero Bar
Kit Suppoi et Detecteut pou Barrc 46rc
I Ialterung/Sensor-Kit fiir Aero-Stange
r 7 a / \
H ) . r ' y l + z > 1 t
+ . t f
Kit supporio sensore per ruol,e Aero
DrduJ\L t 5! uu rp. n bev. \I iBinI
Kil Soporle del Sensor poro Monillor Aero
# 1 E i 9 - t 5 € i 9
Stem l\rount Brackel Kit
Kit Support pour Montage su Btoche de Guidon
Halterungskil f0r Mortagc rm Lenkerschaft
7 j L f f i ) i t
L f t z > t t - *
y F
Kit per montoggio sull'otocco del monubrio
Draddsat stuurpen bevestiBing
Kil Soporle pora Monfoie q Polscio
Altachmst Kit (for CC-ED2oO)
Kit de Ganilttres (pour CC'ED200)
l J r l . s r ! ! i r i \ r r r r r r r r , l ( l r i r ( ( I i l ) l l l l r l
7 t r + t / t +
) f i C C F D 2 0 0 H l
Guornizioni do monlore (per CC-ED200)
ff :H:t,iil*1ffi
:r L'it;:;,,tr,
Elenenros de fiixi6n lporc CC+D?@$$
i l 1 E i 9 - 9 7 5 1
1 € i 9 - 9 7 E i O
Wheel Magnet tor Composit Wheel
Pout rcue composite
Fiir Vcrbundriider
1 > ' ' ) . t f ^ 4
) v H
Mognele per ruole
U)or o.a, (arbonwielen
Poro rueda de polos
t 1 6 9 - C i 1 7 E l
* 1 6 E i - 5 1 E l O
Wheel lllagnet
Aimant de Roue
^ . 1 - ) V - i 4 . , l -
Mognele per ruoto
tn6n de Ruedo
i l 1 € i € i - 5 1 5 ( l
Lithium Battery (CR2032)
U +t t^4tu \CR2a32)
Pile au Lithiun (CR2032)
Batteria al litio (CR2032)
Lithiumbattcric (CR
L ithiumba il e r ij ( C R 20 3 2 )
Borerio de Litio (CR2O32)
Kit ({or CC-MT3OO)
Kit de Gamitures (pour CC-Mf30O)
lJrl.slrgLrrg\rrrlcriaj (lnr ( ( i\rTl00)
7'i ,+ t>t + ,t iCC l\,4T300/q.
Guornizioni do montore {per CC-MT300)
Kubelb?testigingtet ltutr C( ll1T.l00) ,4



This manual is also suitable for:

Mity 3 cc-mt300