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Recipes - Breville Mix & Store Turbo LHM200 Instruction Book



White Chocolate Mousse
Makes - 2 cups
Preparation time – 20 minutes
Cook time – 15 minutes
Chilling time – 2 hours
350ml fresh cream
180g white cooking chocolate
3 egg yolks
50g caster sugar
2 tsp. corn flour
1 tsp. vanilla paste
250g fresh strawberries, cleaned and cut in quarters
1. Prepare the double boiler. Heat 1L of water
in a medium saucepan. Place the cream and
chocolate into a medium stainless steel mixing
bowl and place the bowl over the boiling water,
don't allow the bowl to touch the water – stir
until melted. Take off the heat and set aside.
2. Place the egg yolks and sugar into a separate
medium mixing bowl. Fit the hand mixer with
the whisk attachment and whisk the egg yolks
and sugar for 2 minutes until pale. Add the corn
flour and vanilla paste to the egg mixture and
continue to whisk for a further minute to combine.
3. Prepare an ice bath. Fill a large bowl halfway
with ice cubes. Cover the ice with cold water.
Place a smaller bowl into the iced water. This
is the bowl that we will add the cooked custard
to – this will allow the custard to cool quickly
to prevent curdling. Set aside until required.
4. Pour the slightly cooled chocolate cream mixture
into the egg yolk mixture and whisk to combine.
Return the mixture to the pot, place on a low
to medium heat and stir constantly until thick.
Remove from the heat and pour into the small
bowl in the ice bath. Continue to stir regularly to
release the heat until cooled. Place the custard into
the fridge until completely cold, about 2 hours.
5. Place the cooled custard into a mixing bowl and
fit the hand mixer with the whisk. Whisk the
custard until thick and it is able to hold its shape.
6. Spoon into serving glasses and
top with fresh strawberries.
Banana Loaf
Makes - 23cm loaf
Preparation time – 10 minutes
Cook time – 50 minutes
1 ½ cups self-raising flour
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
125g butter, softened
½ cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla essence
2 ripe bananas, peeled and mashed
½ cup milk
Cream cheese frosting
60g butter, softened
100g cream cheese, softened
½ tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. vanilla essence
1 ½ cup icing sugar, sifted
1. Pre-heat oven to 180°C. Grease and line
a 23cm loaf tin with baking paper.
2. Sift together the flour and cinnamon. Fit the
hand mixer with the beater attachments. Place
the butter and sugar into a medium mixing bowl
and beat on speed 1 until the butter and sugar
are combined. Increase to speed 5 and beat for
3 minutes, stopping the mixer and scraping
the bowl every minute, until pale and creamy.
3. Add the eggs one at a time and beat well
between each addition on speed 4. Add
the vanilla and mashed banana and beat
on speed 3 for 1 minute to combine.
4. Reduce to speed 1 and gradually add flour
and milk alternately until well combined.
5. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf
tin and bake for 50 minutes or until
cooked through and golden brown.
6. Allow the loaf to cool slightly before
turning out onto a cooling rack to cool.
Cream cheese frosting
1. Fit the hand mixer with the beater attachments.
Place the butter, cream cheese, lemon juice and
vanilla into a medium mixing bowl and beat
on speed 1 for 30 seconds until the butter and
cream cheese are combined. Increase to speed
5 and beat for 2 minutes, scraping the mixing
bowl every minute, until pale and creamy.
2. Reduce to speed 1 and gradually add
the icing sugar. Increase to speed 5 and
beat for 1 minute until smooth.
3. Spread only on the loaf once cool to avoid
the icing becoming soft and melting.

