Indesit TAN 6 FNF D series Operating Instructions Manual

2-door fridge
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TAN 6 FNF D xx
Kullaným talimatlarý
Iki kapýlý buzdolabý
Kullaným talimatlarý, 1
Cihazýn tanýmý, 5

Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions, 1
Assistance, 2
Description of the appliance, 3
Description of the appliance, 5
Reversible doors,7
Troubleshooting, 15
Οδηγίες για τη χρήση
2-πόρτα του ψυγείου
Οδηγίες για τη χρήση, 1
Τεχνική Υποστήριξη, 2
Περιγραφή της συσκευής, 4
Περιγραφή της συσκευής, 6
Αντιστρεψιμότητα ανοίγματος θυρών, 7


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Indesit TAN 6 FNF D series

  • Page 1: Table Of Contents

    TAN 6 FNF D xx TAAN 6 FNF D xx TAAAN 6 FNF D xx Ελληνικά Türkçe Οδηγίες για τη χρήση Kullaným talimatlarý 2-πόρτα του ψυγείου Iki kapýlý buzdolabý Περιεχόμενα Ýçindekiler Οδηγίες για τη χρήση, 1 Kullaným talimatlarý, 1 Τεχνική Υποστήριξη, 2 Teknik Servis, 2 Cihazýn tanýmý, 3 Περιγραφή...
  • Page 2: Teknik Servis

    αυτόνομα (βλέπε Ανωμαλίες και λύσεις). • Αν παρά τους όλους ελέγχους, η συσκευή δεν λειτουργεί και το πρόβλημα που διαπιστώσατε συνεχίζει να υφίσταται, καλέστε το πλησιέστερο Κέντρο Τεχνικής Υποστήριξης. Γνωστοποιήστε: • τον τύπο της ανωμαλίας • το μοντέλο της μηχανής (Mod.) INDESIT COMPANY BEYAZ EÞYA PAZARLAMA • τον αριθμό σειράς (S/N) A.Þ. Οι πληροφορίες αυτές βρίσκονται στην ταμπελίτσα Karahasan Sok. No:11 Balmumcu 34349 χαρακτηριστικών στο διαμέρισμα ψυγείου κάτω αριστερά. Beþiktaþ/Ýstanbul Μην...
  • Page 3: Cihazýn Tanýmý

    Description of the appliance Cihazýn tanýmý Control panel Kontrol paneli 1. ON/OFF 1. ON/OFF Tuþu ON/OFF tuþu en az iki saniye basýlý tutularak cihazý tamamen It is possible to switch the whole product (both the refrigerator (soðutucu ve dondurucu bölmeleri) açmak veya kapatmak için and freezer compartments) on by pressing this button. The red kullanýlýr. Kýrmýzý LED ürünün kapalý olduðunu, yeþil LED ise LED indicates that the product is switched off, while the green açýk olduðunu gösterir. LED shows that it is operating. To switch the product off, press and hold the ON/OFF button for at least two seconds. 2. ECO ECO (Düþük tüketimli optimal ýsý) fonksiyonunun 2. ECO etkinleþtirmesinin ve etkisizleþtirmesinin iþletmesini saðlar. This is used to activate and deactivate the ECO function (the Etkinleþtirildiðinde otomatik olarak AUTO ve ECO Ledleri yanar. optimal temperature for energy saving levels). When activated, the AUTO LED and the ECO LED illuminate simultaneously. 3. ALARMLAR Ürüne baðlý olan tüm alarmlarýn gösterilmesini ve iþletilmesini 3. ALARMS saðlar. This controls all the alarm signals connected to product operation.
  • Page 4 Περιγραφή της συσκευής Πίνακας χειρισμού και ελέγχου 1. ON/OFF Πιέζοντας το κουμπί αυτό μπορείτε να θέσετε σε λειτουργία ολόκληρη τη συσκευή (διαμέρισμα ψυγείου και διαμέρισμα freezer). Το κόκκινο LED δείχνει ότι το προϊόν είναι σβηστό, το πράσινο LED ότι είναι σε λειτουργία. Για να σβήσετε τη συσκευή πρέπει να πατήσετε για τουλάχιστον 2 δευτερόλεπτα το κουμπί ON/OFF.
  • Page 5: Overall View

    Description of the appliance Cihazýn tanýmý Overall view Genel görünüm Kullaným talimatlarý birkaç model için geçerli olduðu için þekil The instructions contained in this manual are applicable to satýn aldýðýnýz cihazda olmayandeðiþik ayrýntýlarý gösterebilir. different model refrigerators. The diagrams may not directly Sonraki sayfalarda en karýþýk cisimler açýklanmýþtýr. represent the appliance purchased. For more complex features, consult the following pages. 1 AYAK 2 MEYVE ve SEBZE çekmecesi 1 Levelling FEET 2 FRUIT and VEGETABLE bin 3 WINE RACK* 3 WINE RACK 4 RAF* 4 SHELVES* 5 LIFT SHELF* 6 FRESH BOX bölümü...
  • Page 6 Περιγραφή της συσκευής Συνολική εικόνα Οι οδηγίες χρήσης ισχύουν για διάφορα μοντέλα οπότε μπορεί η εικόνα να παρουσιάζει λεπτομέρειες διαφορετικές σε σχέση με εκείνες της συσκευής που αποκτήσατε. Η περιγραφή των πλέον σύνθετων αντικειμένων βρίσκεται στις ακόλουθες σελίδες. 1 ΠΟΔΑΡΑΚΙ ρύθμισης 2 Λεκάνη...
  • Page 7: Kapýlarýn Açýlýþ Yönünün Deðiþtirilmesi

    Kapýlarýn açýlýþ yönünün deðiþtirilmesi Kapýlarýn açýlýþ yönünün deðiþtirilmesi gerekirse Teknik Servise baþvurunuz. Reversible doors If it is necessary to change the direction in which the doors open, please contact the Technical Assistance Centre. Αντιστρεψιμότητα ανοίγματος θυρών Στην περίπτωση που χρειαστεί να αλλάξετε τη φορά ανοίγματος των θυρών, απευθυνθείτε στην υπηρεσία Τεχνικής Υποστήριξης.
  • Page 8: Montaj

    Montaj kontrolüne sahiptir. Ýstenilen ya da istenilmeyen (black out) sebeplerden dolayý, elektrik her kesildikten sonra da ayný iþlem tekrarlanýr. ! Bu kitapçýðý gerektiði her an danýþabilmeniz için özenle saklayýnýz. Satýþ, devir yada taþýnma halinde, çalýþma sistemi Dondurucu bölmesi ve bununla ilgili uyarýlar konusunda cihazýn yeni sahibinin Cihaz çalýþtýrýldýðýnda dondurucu bölmesi otomatik olarak bilgilenmesi için bu kitapçýðýn cihazla birlikte kalmasýný standard konumu olan –18°C’ye ayarlanýr. Bölmenin soðumasýný saðlayýnýz. hýzlandýrmak için SUPER FREEZE fonksiyonunun seçilmesi ! Talimatlarý dikkatlice okuyunuz: montaj, kullaným ve güvenliðe tavsiye edilir (DONDURUCUnun gösterge panelinde önceden iliþkin önemli bilgiler içermektedir. ayarlanan ýsý derecesi görüntülenecek); bölme optimal ýsýya ulaþýnca seçilen fonksiyon devreden çýktýktan sonra Cihazýn yerleþtirilmesi ve baðlanmasý dondurulmuþ gýdalarý yerleþtirebilirsiniz. Konumlandýrma 1. Cihazý nemsiz ve havadar bir yere yerleþtiriniz. Soðutucu bölmesi 2. Arkadaki havalandýrma ýzgaralarýný kapatmayýnýz: kompresör Cihaz çalýþtýrýldýðýnda dondurucu bölmesi otomatik olarak ve kondenser ýsý yayar, bu yüzden cihazýn iyi çalýþmasýný standard konumu olan +5°C’ye ayarlanýr. Bölmenin soðumasýný ve tüketiminin azalmasýný saðlamak için iyi bir havalandýrma hýzlandýrmak için SUPER COOL fonksiyonunun seçilmesi gerektirirler. tavsiye edilir (SOÐUTUCUnun gösterge panelinde önceden 3. Cihazýn üst kýsmý ile üstüne konacak mobilya arasýnda en az ayarlanan ýsý derecesi görüntülenecek). birkaç saat geçtikten 10 cm, mobilya/duvar yanýna yerleþtirilmesi durumunda ise sonra buzdolabýnýza gýdalar yerleþtirilebilir.
  • Page 9 Soðutma sistemi FRESH BOX bölümü taze et ve balýk saðlamak için tasarlanmýþtýr. Bu bölme; içerdeki soðukluk deceresi (buzdolabýn en soðuk bölmesidir) No Frost ve oksidasyon ve kararma proseslerini engelleyen þeffaf kapaðý No frost sistemi ile devamlý soðuk hava dolaþýmý saðlanýr. sayesinde gýdalarýn uzun süre, bir haftaya kadar, saklamasýný saðlar Böylece nem toplanýr, buz ve çiy oluþmasý engellenir: soðutucu Ayrýca ‘Soðuk tabaklar’ için kullanýlabilir. bölmesinde gerekli olan nem oraný saðlanýr ve çiy oluþmasýný engellediði için gýdalarýn besin özelliklerinin korunmasý saðlanýr; dondurucu bölmesinde ise buz çözme iþlemine gerek kalmadan ve gýdalarýn birbiriyle yapýþmamasý saðlanarak buz oluþmasý engellenir. Gýda veya kaplar arka soðutma duvarý ile doðrudan temasa geçmemelidir. Havalandýrma deliklerinin kapatýlmasý kondens suyu oluþmasýna sebep olur. Þiþeleri kapatýnýz ve gýdalarý sarýnýz. Buzdolabınızı en iyi şekilde kullanınız • Isý derecesi ekrandan ayarlanmalýdýr. • Az süre içinde ýsý derecesini azaltmak için, ör. büyük miktarda alýþ veriþ yapýldýktan sonra bölme doldurulduðu zaman, SUPER COOL (hýzlý soðutma) fonksiyonunu açýnýz. Gereken KUTU MEÞRUBAT tutucusu süre geçtikten sonra fonksiyon otomatik olarak devreden Kutu meþrubat tutucusunun kapýnýn iç tarafýnda olmasý çýkar. ihtiyaçlarýnýzý karþýlayacak þekilde sadece kutu meþrubat deðil, • Sadece soðuk, ýlýk ve sýcak olmayan gýda yerleþtirilebilir yoðurt, tereyað gibi baþka kaplarý da yerleþtirmenizi saðlar.
  • Page 10: Bakým Ve Özen

    ICE DEVICE Mevcut olan havuzlarý alýp su ile doldurduktan sonra Ýcedevice bölgesine tekrar yerleþtiriniz. Yaklaþýk 2 saat sonra buz küpleri hazýr olur. Buzu alabilmek için mevcut olan iki kollarý saða doðru çevirmeniz yeterdir: buz küpleri altaki kaba düþer ve hizmete hazýr olur. Soðutucu bölmesinin ampulünü deðiþtirmeden önce buzdolabýnýn fiþini prizden çýkarýnýnz. Aþaðýdaki Talimatlarý özenle uygulayýnýz. Þekilde gösterildiði (þekile bakýnýz) gibi lamba kapaðýnýn arkasýnda bulunan sabitleme vidasýný (B) çevirerek lambayý çýkarýnýz. Aynýsýyla deðiþtiriniz (gücü 15W’tan daha yüksek olmamalýdýr). Bakým ve özen Elektrik þebekesinin devre dýþý býrakýlmasý Temizlik ve bakým iþlemi sýrasýnda cihazýn fiþini prizden çýkararak elektrik baðlantýsýný kesiniz. 1. ON/OFF düðmesini iki saniyeden fazla, ekran sönünceye kadar (ON/OFF tuþunun kýrýmýz led’i hariç) basýlý tutunuz. 2. fiþi prizden çekiniz ! Bu prosedürün uygulanmamasý durumunda alarm çalabilir: bu alarm bir anormallik belirtisi deðildir. Cihazýn normal çalýþmasýný saðlamak için DONDURUCU KONTROL ayarýný istenilen Önlemler ve öneriler deðere getiriniz. 1 ve 2 noktalarýný uygulayarak cihazýn elektrik ! Cihaz uluslararasý güvenlik normlarýna uygun þekilde þebekesi ile baðlantýsýný kesiniz. tasarlanmýþ ve imal edilmiþtir. Bu uyarýlar güvenlik amaçlý olup Cihazý temizleyiniz dikkatlice okunmalýdýr. • Buzdolabýnýn dýþ, iç duvarlarý ve contalarý, karbonat (yemek sodasý) veya nötr sabun eklenmiþ ýlýk su ile ýslatýlmýþ...
  • Page 11: Arýzalar Ve Onarýmlar

    • Arýza halinde onarmak amacýyla iç mekanizmalarý Ekran hafifçe yanýyor. kurcalamayýnýz. • Fiþi prizden çekiniz ve tersine çevirip tekrar prize takýnýz. • Bölmelerin ikisinin içinde buzu kazýmak veya eritmek için baþka aygýtlar veya gerekçeler deðil, sadece mevcut olan Alarm çalýyor, ALARM led’i yanýyor ve soðutucu buz küreðini kullanýnýz. bölmesindeki ampul yanýp sönüyor. • Buz küplerini dondurucu bölmesinden çýkarýr çýkarmaz • Soðutucu kapaðý iki dakikadan fazla açýk kalmýþ. Sesli sinyal aðzýnýza sokmayýnýz ve yemeyiniz. kapýyý kapatarak veya ALARM tuþuna basarak kapatýlýr. • Bu cihaz fiziksel, duyumsal veya mental kapasite azlýðýna sahip, veya tecrübe ve bilinçten yoksun kiþilerin (çocuklar Alarm çalýyor, ALARM led’i yanýyor ve dondurucu dahil) kullanýmý için uygun deðildir, emniyetlerinden sorumlu bölmesinin gösterge panelindeki led sýrayla yanýp sönmeye bir kiþi tarafýndan cihazýn kullanýmý konusunda eðitim baþlar.
  • Page 12: Installation,12

    Installation Freezer Compartment When the product is switched on the freezer compartment is set to its default value of -18°C. We recommend that the SUPER ! Before placing your new appliance into operation please read FREEZE function is set (the freezer status bar continues to display these operating instructions carefully. They contain important the set value) in order to accelerate the cooling process of the information for safe use, for installation and for care of the compartment; when the inside of the compartment has reached its appliance. optimal temperature the function will be deactivated and the food ! Please keep these operating instructions for future reference. may be placed inside. Pass them on to possible new owners of the appliance. Refrigerator Compartment Positioning and connection When the appliance is switched on the refrigerator compartment Positioning is set to its default value of +5°C. We recommend that the SUPER 1. Place the appliance in a well-ventilated humidity-free room. COOL function is set (the refrigerator status bar continues to 2. Do not obstruct the rear fan grills. The compressor and display the set value) in order to accelerate the cooling process of condenser give off heat and require good ventilation to the compartment. After a few hours it will be cool enough for food operate correctly and save energy. to be placed inside. 3. Leave a space of at least 10 cm between the top part of Navigating the display the appliance and any furniture above it, and at least 5 cm between the sides and any furniture/side walls.
  • Page 13: Chiller System

    ! The FREEZER status bar is also used to indicate an unusual ! hold the shelf with both hands and perform an even upward or temperature increase in the freezer compartment (see downward movement. Troubleshooting). If you wish to place the shelf in position A, simply lift it and it will lock into place automatically. To restore its original position Chiller system (B), simply lift the shelf slightly then push it downwards into the desired position. No Frost The No Frost system circulates cold air continuously to collect COOL BOX: for fresh meat and fish. Due to the compartment’s humidity and prevent ice and frost formation. The system low temperature (the coldest in the refrigerator) and to the clear maintains an optimal humidity level in the compartment, door that provides protection against oxidation and blackening, preserving the original quality of the food, preventing the food can be stored for even up to one week. It can also be food from sticking together and making defrosting a thing of used for “cold meals.” the past. Do not block the aeration cells by placing food or containers in direct contact with the refrigerating back panel. Close bottles and wrap food tightly. Using the refrigerator to its full potential • Adjust the temperature using the display. • Activate the SUPER COOL function to lower the temperature quickly, for example, when you place a large number of new food items inside a fridge and the internal temperature rises slightly. This function quickly cools the groceries by temporarily reducing the temperature until it reaches the ideal...
  • Page 14: Replacing The Light Bulb

    Replacing the light bulb ! Do not open the door during freezing. ! If there is a power cut or malfunction, do not open the freezer To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment, pull door. This will help maintain the temperature inside the freezer, out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the instructions ensuring that foods are conserved for at least 9 -14 hours. below. ! To avoid blocking the air circulation inside the freezer, it is Access the light bulb by removing the cover as indicated in the advisable not to obstruct the ventilation holes with food or diagram. Replace it with a similar light bulb within the power containers. range indicated on the cover (10W). ICE DEVICE After pouring water in the special ice cups, place them in their places in the ice device. After about 2 hours, the ice cubes will be ready. In order to get the ice cubes, it will be sufficient to turn the two buttons to the right. The ice cubes will fall in to the tray below, ready to be used. To replace the light bulb in the freezer compartment, pull out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the instructions below. Access the light bulb (A) by unscrewing the fixing screw (B) which is located at the back of the lampcover, as shown (see diagram). Replace it with a similar light bulb within the power range indicated on the cover (10W or 15W). Maintenance and care Switching the appliance off During cleaning and maintenance it is necessary to disconnect the appliance from the electricity supply: 1. Hold the ON/OFF button down for more than two seconds until OFF appears on both indicator displays (refrigerator and freezer).
  • Page 15: Respecting And Conserving The Environment

    The motor does not start. • Do not touch the internal cooling elements: this could cause skin • The appliance comes with a motor protection control (see abrasions or frost/freezer burns. Start-up and use). • When unplugging the appliance always pull the plug from the mains socket, do not pull on the cable. The display is on but it is dim. • Before cleaning and maintenance, always switch off the • Pull out and reverse the plug before putting it back in the appliance and disconnect it from the electrical supply. It is not socket. sufficient to set the temperature adjustment knobs on ON/OFF (appliance off) to eliminate all electrical contact. The alarm sounds, the ALARM LED lights up and the • In the case of a malfunction, under no circumstances should refrigerator compartment light flashes.
  • Page 16: Εγκατάσταση

    Εγκατάσταση περιμένετε περίπου 3 ώρες πριν τη συνδέσετε στην ηλεκτρική πρίζα για να ευνοηθεί η καλή λειτουργία της. • Πριν θέσετε τα τρόφιμα στο ψυγείο καθαρίστε καλά το ! Είναι σημαντικό να διατηρήσετε το εγχειρίδιο αυτό για εσωτερικό με χλιαρό νερό και διττανθρακικό. να μπορείτε να το συμβουλεύεστε οποιαδήποτε στιγμή. • Χρόνος προστασίας κινητήρα.
  • Page 17 του σχετικού LED και το ηχητικό σήμα. Το αναβοσβήσιμο και το ηχητικό σήμα δείχνει το τέλος της λειτουργίας και την ανάγκη αφαίρεσης της φιάλης από το διαμέρισμα καταψύκτη. Child Lock Για την ενεργοποίηση της λειτουργίας Child Lock, θα πρέπει να κρατήσετε πατημένο το κουμπί Child Lock για 2 δευτερόλεπτα, η ενεργοποίηση των πλήκτρων επιβεβαιώνεται από ένα σύντομο ήχο και από το άναμμα του σχετικού LED στο πληκτρολόγιο. Για την απενεργοποίηση της λειτουργίας πιέστε το κουμπί Child Lock για 2 δευτερόλεπτα, η απενεργοποίηση επιβεβαιώνεται...
  • Page 18: Συντήρηση Και Φροντίδα

    COOL BOX: για φρέσκο κρέας και ψάρι. Ο θάλαμος επιτρέπει την συντήρηση για μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα, μέχρι και μια εβδομάδα, χάρη στη χαμηλή θερμοκρασία – την πλέον ψυχρή του ψυγείου– στο διαφανές καπάκι που προστατεύει από φαινόμενα οξείδωσης και μαυρίσματος. Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί και για “κρύα πιάτα”. Αντικατάσταση...
  • Page 19: Ανωμαλίες Και Λύσεις

    • Η συσκευή πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται για τη συντήρηση και • Μην εισάγετε ζεστά τρόφιμα: θα ανέβαζαν την εσωτερική κατάψυξη τροφίμων, μόνο από ενήλικα άτομα και σύμφωνα θερμοκρασία αναγκάζοντας το συμπιεστή σε υπερβολικό με τις οδηγίες που αναφέρονται στο παρόν εγχειρίδιο. φόρτο εργασίας, με υπερβολική κατανάλωση ηλεκτρικής • Η συσκευή δεν εγκαθίσταται σε εξωτερικό χώρο, ακόμη κι ενέργειας. αν ο χώρος σκεπάζεται, γιατί είναι πολύ επικίνδυνο να την • Αποψύξτε τη συσκευή αν σχηματιστεί πάγος (βλέπε...
  • Page 20 195076653.07 05/2013 • Το ψυγείο ή ο καταψύκτης γεμίσανε υπερβολικά. Στο ψυγείο τα τρόφιμα παγώνουν. • Τέθηκε μια θερμοκρασία πολύ ψυχρή (βλέπε Εκκίνηση και χρήση). Ο κινητήρας λειτουργεί αδιαλείπτως. • Είναι ενεργές οι λειτουργίες SUPER COOL ή/και SUPER FREEZE ή/και ICE PARTY. • Η πόρτα δεν είναι καλά κλεισμένη ή ανοίγει συνεχώς. • Η θερμοκρασία του εξωτερικού περιβάλλοντος είναι πολύ υψηλή. Η συσκευή εκπέμπει πολύ θόρυβο. • Η συσκευή δεν εγκαταστάθηκε σε επίπεδο δάπεδο (βλέπε Εγκατάσταση). • Η συσκευή εγκαταστάθηκε μεταξύ επίπλων ή αντικειμένων που δονούνται και εκπέμπουν θορύβους. • Το εσωτερικό ψυκτικό αέριο παράγει έναν ελαφρύ θόρυβο ακόμη...

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Taaan 6 fnf d seriesTaan 6 fnf s (uk)

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