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The Company of Animals CLIX No-Bark Collar User Manual

The Company of Animals CLIX No-Bark Collar User Manual

Clix no-bark collar


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Useful information and instructions for the CLIX No-Bark Collar
Barking is a natural instinct for your dog. It's also quite natural for you to not want to hear a dogs bark sometimes
and have some peace and quiet instead! The CLIX No-Bark collar effectively and humanely stops most barking when
it worn by a dog. It should only be worn when you do not want your dog to bark. Your dog's reaction to the collar in
terms of their barking will depend on your usage of the collar and the temperament as well as breed of your dog. A
CLIX No-Bark collar helps you communicate to your dog when it is okay to bark and when it is not. Some dogs will
learn quickly and will not need the collar long term, others will associate not barking with the collar and will only
control their barking when they have the collar on. For best results, use the collar when you do not want your dog to
bark at all and remove it during times when barking is appropriate or wanted.
When your dog barks, a microphone inside the CLIX No-Bark Collar picks up the sound and sends an ultra-high
frequency sound to interrupt your dog's bark without hurting his sensitive ears. The tone is annoying but harmless
and inaudible to most people. It works on all dogs within hearing range, so it's a great option for single-dog homes or
for a dog who barks only in one place around your home, such as in the garden or a room in the house. There is also
a vibration option that is not harmful but is strong enough to deter the dog from barking.
Please note: Before you put the CLIX No-Bark Collar on, take-off all other dog collars for the duration of the
training session.
Place the CLIX No-Bark Collar onto your dog and turn it on to vibration or sonic mode (illustrated instructions below).
Every time your dog barks, he will hear or feel a safe, effective correction that reminds him not to bark. Most dogs
will understand very quickly that the CLIX No-Bark Collar is disrupting their urge to bark and will relax and stop
barking. If he continues barking, try to calm him to teach him he needs to be quiet when he feels the correction (of
either sonic sound or vibration) taking place! You should notice a reduction in your dog's barking within the first
couple of days of wearing the CLIX No-Bark Collar. Remain consistent and place the CLIX No-Bark Collar on your dog
in every situation that you expect him to be quiet. If your dog is not wearing the collar, he may resume barking and
his learning will suffer a setback.
- Never leave the collar on for more than 12 hour's
- Work with your dog, praise and reward him when behaviour is correct
CLIX No-Bark Collars are a great, safe way to reduce your dog's barking, but they don't replace training. Think of the
collar as a training aid to help you teach your pet when it's okay to bark.
The Company of Animals Ltd
July 2014



Summary of Contents for The Company of Animals CLIX No-Bark Collar

  • Page 1 A CLIX No-Bark collar helps you communicate to your dog when it is okay to bark and when it is not. Some dogs will learn quickly and will not need the collar long term, others will associate not barking with the collar and will only control their barking when they have the collar on.
  • Page 2 See fitting instructions below CLIX No-Bark Collar - A sophisticated training device for you and your pet FOR BEST RESULTS WHEN FITTING A SMALL OR LARGE NO-BARK COLLAR: Place the collar on your dog's neck. It needs to be as snug as possible, but leaving enough Make sure the plastic unit is securely placed under the chin.
  • Page 3 Dogs learn through positive reinforcement, so do this often. Be patient, follow the directions and soon your dog will be trained and you will have quiet in your home once again. The Company of Animals Ltd July 2014...