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READ THIS MANUAL for important
assembly and operating
C_I ZAEXI _U_-437_O6]


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Kenmore Power-Mate 1162561190

  • Page 1 ..¸ • * ..Vacuum Cleaner 0 WNER 'SMAN UAL READ THIS MANUAL for important safety, assembly and operating instructions. C_I ZAEXI _U_-437_O6]...
  • Page 2: Full One-Year Warranty

    The cleaner should be stored in a dry, indoor area, Read fhls Owner's Manu- al carefully for important use and safety inforrnation_ KENMORE VACUUM CLEANER If you need service or paris, visit your nearest Sears Service Center...
  • Page 3 TANT SAFETy' INSTRUCTIONS WAR J NG.... To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, injury to persons or damage when using your vacuum cleaner, follow basic safety precautions including the following: Read this manual before assembfing or USing Do not operate cleaner with a punctured hose.
  • Page 4 TSAND FEATURES it is imporiant to know your vacuum cleaner pans _.- Cord and Plug Harder and features to assure its proper and safe use- Review these before using your cleaner Handle Oulck Releeeo COPYYOURMODEl,AND SERIAL (Soma Models) NUMBERS HERE. Copy this information from the boffom...
  • Page 5 HOSE ATTACHMENTS Ouatlng Bru_h_..._._ Fobrl_Btuah __ Floor Bru_h.-_'__ NOTE: All models have one set of attachments In the canister, Some models have an addi- tional set, which can be kept in the accessory bag for garage or oLddoor use CANISTER Covar BagHolder...
  • Page 6: Assembly

    ASSEMBLY Before assembling your vacuum cleaner, be sure you have all pads shown In PARTS AND FEATURES, WARNING Electrical Shock Hazard Do not plug Into elech_}cal supply unlll assembly complete.. Fallu_e to do so could result In electrical shock or In}ury. WANDS Silde wands together untl/wand...
  • Page 7 CANISTER 2. Insert handle I.Open the canister hood into wand unlt_ 2. Check to see that the dust bag Isproperly tack button snaps In Installed. See BAG CHANGING for instructions place. Besure hose 3, Check to see that the motor safety filter is properly is nottwisted, installed See MOTOR SAFETY FILTERCLEANING for...
  • Page 8: How To Start

    HOW TOSTART WARNING Personal Injury and Product Damage Hazard * DO NOT plug In ff switch is In ON posltlon_ Personal injury or damage could result° , The cord moves rapidly when rewlndlng_ Keep children away and provide a clear path when rewinding the cord to prevent...
  • Page 9 TIPS Suggested sweeping pallem. For best cleaning action, the POWER-MATE should WARNING be pushed straight away from you and pulled straight back At the end of each puti stroke, the Personal In}ury Hazard direction of the POWER-MATE should be changed Use care if canisterisplaced on tt_,, II# falls,personal to point Into the next section to be cleaned.
  • Page 10: Attachments

    ATTACHMENTS ON WANDS CAUtiON I_ To remove wands from POWER-MATE DO NOT attach or remove handle or wands while lockwands Instralght- cleaner Is ON. This could cause sparking up position. damage the elechlcol contacts. ATTACHMENTS ON HANDLE NOTE: If the POVVER-MATE affached, turn...
  • Page 11: Performance Features

    PERFORMANCE FEATURES HOSESWIVEL EDGECLEANER The hoseswivel allows the hoseb turn wtthout Active brush moving the canister. This edge cleaners are on both ishelpful for cleaning tn small areas.Check hose stdes of the POWER-MATE for twistingbefore pulling Guide either side canister. of the POWER- MATE along...
  • Page 12: Canister Care

    YOURVACUUM WORKS The vacuum cleaner creates suction that plcks up dirt Rapidly moving air carries the dirt 1o the dust bag through the airflow passages, The dust bag tats the air pass through, wh!le it traps the did. For best cleaning results, keep the airflow passage open- Check the starred areas...
  • Page 13: Motorsafety Filter Cleaning

    MOTORSAFETY FILTER CLEANING Check motor safety filter occaslonaIly and clean when dirty. 3. Wash filter in WARNING warm soapy water, rinse,then dry Do rot ctean In dlsh_lasher. Elec!rical Shock Hazard Do no! operate the cleaner wilhout lhe motor safety 4. Snap filter back fl/ler, Be sure !he filler isdPyand properly Installed to into canister.
  • Page 14: Partsand Features

    . OWER MATE CARE Always foIIow all safety precautions when cleaning WARNING and servlclng the POWER-MATE Elecl#cal Shock Or Persona}injury Hazard Disconnect electrical supply before servicing or cleanlng lhe unlL Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury from cleaner suddenly starting, ......
  • Page 15 6oRemove worn 5o Carefully belt. Insert and twlst screw- 7oSlide brush sup ° driver at ports off to check each brush and clean brush support to support areas. free brush See BRUSH frombase ASSEMBLYfor pic- ture of complete b_t_sh assembly. TO REPLACEBELT: i..
  • Page 16: Brush Servicing

    -----BRUSH SERVICING 3o Push out worn WARNING brushes If the beater bar Is chipped Electrical Shock Or Personal Injury Hazard gouged, Disconnect electrical supply before servicing replace cleaning the uniL Fallure to do so can result In 4, Slide new electrical shock or personal...
  • Page 17: Vacuuming Tips

    Review t his chart t o find do-lt-yourself solutions for minor performance problems. WARNING loo oolS.ock Disconnect eleclrlcal supply before servicing or cleaning the unit. Failure to do so couldresull in electrical shock orpersonal Injury_ /,rot.., ,, i, Cleaner won't _orf. T.
  • Page 18: Sears, Roebuck

    SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 60179 U.S.A. PARTNO. C_IZAEX1_U_(_-437_61 Printed in U+SoA_...
  • Page 19: Manual Del Propietario

    Aspiradora MANUAl DEL PROPIETARiO ..+++ + -+_ _..LEA ESTEMANUAL para enterarse de instrucciones importantes acerca de la seguridad, armado y funcionamiento. Cg1ZAEXI_Ugg-437gg61...
  • Page 20: Funcionamiento Desu Aspiradora

    La asplradora deber_ almacenarse en un lugar seco y en el Inferior. Lea esfe Manual de} proplelario delenldamenfe, pues contlene informaci6n Imporlante sabre seguridad y usa,. I El armada y usaseguro de su asp#adore son su responsabflidado Esta asplradora ha sldo dlse_ada excluslvamenfe : ::::SERVICIO ASPIRADORA KENMORE St neceslta servlcfo o ptezas, vlsite el Centre...
  • Page 21 ',.NSTRUCCIONESIMPORTANTESDESEGU ADVERTENCIA Para reduclr el flesgo de incend{o, choque el_ctflco, lesi6n corporal o dodos al utillzar su asplradora, act_e de acuerdo con precauciones b6slcas de segufldad, enfre ella_ Lea este manual antes de armar o utllizar No toque la asplradora nl el enchufe con las manes moladas su asplradora.
  • Page 22: Piezas Y Caracteristicas

    PIEZAS Y CARACTERISTICAS Esimpodante conocer ;as plazas y caracteristicas de su asplradora paro o_egura_" su usa adecuado y seguro Examinelas antes de usar su asptradora. ESCRIBAELNO_ERO DEMODELO Y ELNUMERO DE SERE AQU[ Cople esta Infotmad6n de la parte Inferior de la aspF radora y eser_bola en los espaclos proporclonados contInuaci6n, Conserve estos n_me_os pora referen-...
  • Page 23 ACCESORIOS Herramlenr.a --_._,_,_ pera hendld_tra# Cepttlo t:_re "'_--_ eacudlr lelaB CoFtlto parn ._--.,,__ C_plRo para _'_1 NOTA: Todos Ios modelos cuentan con un Jue- go de accesorlos en el recept6cuto. Algunos modeios cuentan con un Juego ad!clonal puede almacenarse en [a bolsa para acceso- flos de uso en el garale o en e[ exterior.
  • Page 24 ARMADO Antes de afmarsu asplradora, asegQrese de tenet dlsponfbIes tgdos los ptezas que se muestran en PIEZAS Y CARACTERtCAS ADVERTENCIA Pellgro de choque el_clflco No conecl_ la asplradora hasla que tetmlne atmarla,, De Io confrarlo podr[a causar un choquB el_ctrlco o leslSn corporal..
  • Page 25 RECEPTACULO I.A_ra _atapa del recept6culo 2, Inffoduzca mango en el tuba 2. Examine la botsa para poIvo este Insta[ado hasfa que el bof6n correctamante Consulte las tnstrucclones de quede en posicl6n_ Instalacl6n en la CAMBIO DE LA BOLSA Aseg_rese de que 3 Examine el flltro de segufldad del motor este ra mangue_a no...
  • Page 26 COMENZAR ADVERTENCIA Pellgro de ImlSn personal y dar]o ol producto * NO enchule la asplradota slel Interruptorest_ en la poslcl6il ON, Podtia causat /esl6npersonal o dailo al productoo * Elcord6n el_cttlco se mueve r_pidamente durante el enrollamlento° Mantenga alejados a los nil'losyasegure espaclo llbre suflclenle para evltar leslones personales ol enrollar e! cord6n,, 4.
  • Page 27 PARAASPIRAR Esfilode ltmpteza sugerldo_ ADVERTENCIA Pare obtene_ la meJor accl6n de l_mpteza se recomfenda empuJar ta POWER_MATE en direccl6n dlrectamente opuesta a usted y jatarla en linea recto AI final de Pellglo de lesl_npersonal cada pasada de regreso, camble la dlreccl6n de ta Tenga culdado _I colaca el recept_culo sobre...
  • Page 28: Uso De Los Accesorios

    ACCESORIOSDELTUBO CUIDADO I, Para reiirar los tubos NO indale _ retire el mango nl los tubos cuando la de la POWER-MATE asplradota e;t_ encendida. Esto podda causar chls- col6quelos en la posl- pasy da_a{;os contacfos el_c#Icos, cI6n vertlcai de blo- queo ACCESORIOSDELMANGO NOTA: Sttieno...
  • Page 29: Limpiadorde Orillas

    ..CARACTERISTICAS CONTROLDEASPIRACI6N DERENDIMIENTO Et control de asplraci6n aumenta o dlsmtnuye la asplrac!6n pare los dife- LIMPIADORDE ORILLAS rentes flpos de alfom- bras y telas La asplra- ci6n se dtsmlnuye Active los ceplilos abriendo el control, llmpiadores de off pare cortlnas y fapetes lias a cada lade de iigeros, y se aumenta la POWER-MATE...
  • Page 30 " FUNCIONAMIENTO DESU ASPIRADORA La asp#adore cfea succt6n o aspiracl6n que levanta ta llerra La tlerrees lmpuisada a trav6s de los vies de flujo atre haste to balsa par una r6pida corrtente de alre. La balsa papa polvo permite et flujo de alre. pare alrapa ia tlerra Pare Iograr los trY, t ares resultados de Ilmpleza, mantenga...
  • Page 31 DELFILTRO DE SEGURIDAD DELMOTOR Examine el flitro de segurldad del motor de vez en cuando y ii"mptelo cuando est@sucio, 3, Lave e! flitro en ADVERTENCIA agua tibia y jabonosa; enJtJ6gue!o y d_Jelo secar No llmple el ill- Pellgro de choque el&ctrlco tro en tavadora No opere la asplradora sin el flltrode segufldad del piatos ni Io lnstale...
  • Page 32: Cambio De La Bombilla

    DE LA POWER=MATETM Slempre deber_n segu#_e fodas {as precaudones ADVERTENCIA seguridad al lln13tary dar servicIo a fa POWER-MATE Pel[gro de choque el_ctrlco o lesi6n corporal Desconecfe la unldad anles de llmp_tla o da#e ser- vlclo, De to contrado podda produc#se un choque el{_clflco o causar lesl6n corporal...
  • Page 33 6, Retire la banda 5olnserte el desgastada de#omiIiador 7oRetire los soportes culdadosa- del ceplllo: examine mente en y Iimpte tas 6reas de cada soporte sopode dei cep$i!o. del cepl!to y En la ENSAMSLEDEL girela para CEPtLLO se p[opor- retlrar el cept_- clona una !lustracl6n Io de ta base.
  • Page 34 DELCEPILLO 3, Desprenda los ADVERTENCIA cept;tos desgos- tados SIla barra del battdor est6 Pellgro de choque el_clflco o lesl6n corporal astllloda o frog- mentada, c6m- Desconecle lclunldad antes de fimplafla o dafle ser- blela. vlcla. De to confrclflo podr[a produclrse un choque el_ctrlco o causar lesl6n corporal...
  • Page 35: Reconocimiento Deproblemas

    RECONOCIMIENTO DEPROBLEMAS Consutfe este cuadro para encon)rar soluc(ones que usted mismo puede reallzar cuando fenga problemas menores de rendtmlento La mphadora no atranca i _16 do_onecto(:la. 1 Co_octo b_onop_mo setec)G_" do on c_ndldo! oP_go_o olo po:ic|Sn ON 2. Corfoc_cu(_os b o_ado o tu_ib(o qu0mado 2- Re_f_13tazcoet codoc_cultos o comma el en el _obloro de set,do de Io(_'Jd_nc_.
  • Page 36 JI._.__ _ _ _-_. _.4.-_r_ SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO,, HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 60179 EUA l_,_I,_ _*,,_I_,_ PIEZA N-_o C_1ZAEXI_U_-437_61 Impreso en EUA...

This manual is also suitable for:

Power-mate 11626312690Power-mate 11627412790

Table of Contents