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Vacuum Cleaner
READ THIS MANUAL for important safety,
assembly and operating



Summary of Contents for Sears Kenmore 1165810590

  • Page 1 Vacuum Cleaner OWNER'SMANUAL READ THIS MANUAL for important safety, assembly and operating instructions. Cg1ZAEX1gUgg_437gg6!
  • Page 2 The cleaner should be stored in a dry, indoor area. Read this Owner's Manu _ al carefully for important use and safety information,, WARRANTY KENMORE VACUUM CLEANER if you need service or pars, visit your nearest Sears Service Center...
  • Page 3 '..MPORTANT S AFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, in}ury to persons or damage when using your vacuum cleaner, follow basic safely precautions including the following: Do not operate cleaner with a punctured hose. Read this manua! before assembling or using The hose on some models contains electrical your vacuum cieaner_...
  • Page 4 fARTSAND FEATURES It is important to know your vacuum cleaner parts and features to assure its proper and sate use Review these before using your cleaner, COPY YOUR MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERSHERE, Copy thls information from the boffom of each unit into these spaces, Keep these numbers for future reference...
  • Page 5 HOSE ATTACHMENTS Cravt¢o Toot __ H_nd_ DuMtng EIt*Jah""-"-"_ POWER=MATE F_rl¢ Bru_h_ Floor BpJ_h--"_*_ NOTE: Ati models have one set of affachmenis in the canister, Some models hc_ve on addi- tional set, which can be kept in the accessory bag for garage or outdoor use, CANISTER COV_"...
  • Page 6 ASSEMBLY Before assembllng your vacuum cleanero be sure you have aiJ parts shown in PARTSAND FEATURES WARNING EIec#Icat Shock Hazard Do not plug Into electrical supply until assembly Is complete. Failure to do so could result in elec#Ical shock or Injury. WANDS SIide wands together until wand button...
  • Page 7 CANISTER 1. Open the caNster hood. 2. tmert handle tnto _'and until 2. Check to see that the dust bag is properly lock buflon snaps in Installed- See BAG CHANGING for instructions place. Be sure hose 3 Check to see that the motor safety flfter is properly Is not twisted.
  • Page 8 HOW TOSTART Personal Injury and Product Damage Hazard * DO NOT plug in If swltch Is in ON position. Personal lnjury or damage could resulL * The cord moves rapldly when rewinding. Keep children away and provlde a clear path when rewinding the cord to prevent personal injury°...
  • Page 9 TIPS Suggested sweeping paffern, WARNING Forbest cleaningaction,the POWER-MATE should , i lu ul ,,,,,, ii i, be pushed straight away from you and pulled straight back At the end of each pul! stroke, the PersonalInjury Hazard direct[on of the POWER-MATE should be changed Usecare ff canlder isplaced on stal_, flit lolls, personal to point Into the next section to be cleaned_ This...
  • Page 10 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS ON WANDS CAUTION 1, To remove wands from POWER-MATE OT attach or remove handle or wands while lock wands in straight- et Is ON, This could cause sparking up position, ge the electrical contoct_ ATTACHMENTS ON HANDLE NOTE: If the POWER-MATE attached, turn...
  • Page 11 ..PERFORMANCE FEATURES HOSESWIVEL EDGECLEANER The hose sv_lve] allows the hose Ioturn wlthot# Active brush moving the canister. This edge cleaners are on both is helpful for cleaning stdes of the small arec& Check hose POWEQ-MATE for twisting before pulling canister Guide either side of the POWER-...
  • Page 12 HOW YOURVACUUMWORKS The vacuum cleaner creates suction that picks up dlrL Roptdty moving air carries the dirt to the dust bag through the airflow passages, The dust bog lets the air pass through, while It traps the dirt Far best cleaning results, keep the airflow passage open...
  • Page 13 MOTORSAFETY FILTER CLEANING Check motor safety filter occasionally and clean when dirty 3, Wash filter in WARNING warm soapy water. rinse,then dry, Do notcleon in dishwasher. 4,, Snap filter back Into canister. 5. Insedbag, 1, Unplug cord from wall outlet and remove bag 2, Pull out safety fllier as shown...
  • Page 14 " YOWER-MATE TMCARE Always fotlow all safety precautions when cleaning rtJ WARNING and serv_cing the POWER-MATE Electrical Shock Or Personal Injury Hazard Disconnect electrical supply before servicing cleaning the unlt., Failure to do so could result In electrical shock or personal injury from cleaner suddenly starting..
  • Page 15 6, Remove won 5, Carefully belt. insert and twist screw- 7. Slide brush sup- driver at ports off to check each brush and clean brush support to support areas free brush See BRUSH from base ASSEMBLY for pic- ture of complete brush assembly_ TO REPLACEBELT: 4, Line up front of...
  • Page 16 SERVICING 3. Push out worn WARNING brushes. If the beater bar is chipped Electrical Shock Or Personal Injury Hazard gouged. Dlsconnecl electrical supply before servicing replace It ¢leanlng unit. Failure to do so can result 4. Slide new electrical shock or personal Injury from...
  • Page 17 ROUBLESHOOTING Review this chart to find do-it-yourself sek/ttens for miner performance prob]ems ii ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,u, ,,,, ,u,,,,, WARNING Disconnect electrical supply before servicing or cleaning the uniL Failure to do so couldresult in electrical shock or personal injutyo t.
  • Page 18 8HAR8 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 60179 U.S.A. PARTNO. C_IZAEXI_U_-437_61 Printed in U_SoA_...
  • Page 19 8E_S Aspiradora MANUAL DELPROPIETARIO LEA ESTE MANUAL para enterarse de instrucciones importantes acerca de la segurldad, armado y funcionamlento. Cg IZAEX1_llgg-437gg61...
  • Page 20 I El arrnado ¥ use seguro de su asp{{adora son su tespensabilldad. E#a aspltadota ha sldo diserlada exclusivamente U,Ul i,i . HI HllU SERVICIO ASPIRADORA KENMORE SI neceslta serviclo o piezas, visite el Centre de ser- vicio de Sears m6s cefaano o el Departamento...
  • Page 21 INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDAD ADVERTENCIA Para reduclr el rlesgo de incendlo, cheque el_ctrico, lesl6n corporal o da_os al utflizarsu asplradora, ac_e de acuerdo con precauclones b6slcas de segufldad, entreelias:. Lea este manual antes de armor o utillzar No toque fa asplradora nf el enchufe su asptradora manes mojadas...
  • Page 22 Y CARACTERISTICAS SuJet_d_t EsimporlQnfe c0nocer las piezas y caracteristicas de su con_tdn yet _n_hute aspltadora pare asegular su use adecuado y seguro Exam[nelas antes de user su asplradora, BatOn do tlbera=l_n ESCRIBA ELNUI_ERODEMODELO Y ELNOMERODE _pida SERIEAQU[ mange {Algun_ madeto_) Cople esta tnto_acl6n de la pane Inferior de la aspl- fedora y e_cn'bola en los espaclos ptoporclonados...
  • Page 23 MANGUERA ACCESORIOS pBr_ het_dldur_s Ceptlto parB pf_os NOTA: Todos los modelos cuenfan con un jue- go de acceso_ios en el recepfScu!o Algunos modelos cuenfan con un juego adictonal que RECEPTACULO puede almacenarse en la bolsa para occeso- dosde uso en e[ garaje o en el exterior CUbl_tta...
  • Page 24 ARMADO Antes de atmatsu osplladora osegQrese de tenor disponibles tgdas los piezas que se mue_tran en PIEZAS Y CARACTERtCAS ADVERTENCIA Pellgro de choque et6ctrlco No conecfe la asphado_a hasta que tetmlne de armafla. De io confratlo podrfa causar un choque el_ctrlco o _eslSncorporal TUBOS Una los _bos...
  • Page 25 RECEPT, .CULO 1, Abra la tapa del recept6culo 2_Introduzca el mango en et tube 2oExamine ta balsa para peivo este Instalade haste que el betSn cerrectamante Censulte los Instrucciones de quede en poslci6n instalact6n en ia CAMBIO DE LA BALSA Aseg6rese de que 3oExamine el fllffo de segurldad del motor este la manguera...
  • Page 26 COMENZAR Pellgro de led6n personal y da_o el ptoducto • NO ench_ la asplradora sl el Interrupfor e_ la poslcl6n ON, Pedt_a causer led6n personal darlo al ptoducto, * El cotd6n d_cttico se mueve r_plclamente detente elenroflarnlento Mantenga alejados los nl_os y asegure espaclo llbte suflclente pate evlfar leslones pet_onales...
  • Page 27 UGERENCIAS PARA ASPIRAR Es'fl_o d e llmpleza sugeddoo Irv. ADVERTENCIA Para obtener _a meJor accl6n de limpieza se recomlenda empuJar la POWER-MATE en dlreccl6n dlrectamente apuesla ousted yJalarla en _nea recta A} final de Pellgrode lesl6n personal coda pasada de regreso, camble ta d]recd6n de {a Tenga culdado st coloca...
  • Page 28 ACCESORIOSDELTUBO "'"H'II' IIII cu,oAoo ! L Para reflrar los tubas NO }ndale _ retire el mango nl los tubos ¢uando la de la POWER-MATE I asp#adotaest6enoendlda, Esfopodr[acausorchls- col6quelos en la posi- cl6n vertical de bb- I pasyda_al_osconfactosel_ctflcoso queo ACCESORIOSDELMANGO NOTA: Si tlene Instalada 10 POWER-MATEm.
  • Page 29 ARACTERISTICAS CONTROLDEASPIRACI6N DERENDIMIENTO El control de aspiraci6n aumenta o dismlnuye la aspltocl6n pare ios dlfe- LIMPIADORDEORILLAS rentes tlpos de alfom- brasy telasLa asplra- cl6n se d_smlnuye Active los cep]llos abrtendo el cont_oL ilmp_adores d e o_l- pa_a codlnas y tapetes l}as a cada lade de Ugeros,y se aumenta ta POWER-MATE...
  • Page 30 FUIVCIONAMIENTO DESUASPIRADORA La asplradora croa succien o asptraclen que levanta la tterra La flerraes impuisada a #ayes de [asvies de flujo atre ha#a lo be]so par una replda corrtente de alre La boise papa poivo permite el flufo de atre. pero afrapa ta tterra Pore fogror los rn_iores fesuttados de ltmpieza, mantengo...
  • Page 31 LIMPIEZA DELFILTRODE SEGURIDAD DELMOTOR Examine e! ill|re de segurldad del motor de vez en cuando y I_mpleio cuando est_ suclo 3. Lave el flitro en ADVERTENCIA agua tibia yJabonosa; enju6guela y d6jeb secar No llmple el fil- Pellgro de cheque o!{_c#Ico 1Toen iavadora de No opera la atplrodora...
  • Page 32 CIJIDADODELA POWER-MATE TM Slempre deber6n segulrse todas lax precauc!ones ADVERTENCIA seguridad al ltrnplar y dar se_vicio a la POWER-MATE Pellgto de choque ei6c#Ico o lesl6n corporal Desconecte la unldad antes de llmplafla o dade set* vlclo. De Io conlraflo podr_a produclne un choque el6ctdco o causar...
  • Page 33 6, Retire la banda 5,,lnserte el desgastada desfomtllador 7.,Retire los sopoffes cuidadosa- deJ ceplllo; examine mente en y llmple las 6teas de cada soporte soporte del ceplllo, det ceplUo y En to ENSAMBLEDEL gTrelo pa.ra CEPILLO se propor- _'eflrarel cepil- clona una tlu_acl6n lo de la base de todo el ensamble...
  • Page 34 CUIDADODELCEPILLO 3.Desprenda _os ADVERTENCIA cepl]los desgas- tados SIIo barra delbotldor e#6 Pe#grode c_oque el6ctrico o/eslSn corporal astiIlada o flag- mentada, c6m° Desconecto k_unldad antes de llmplarla o date ser- viclo. De Io con#ate podga produclr_e un cheque btela el6ctrlco o Causer lesl6n corporal sl ia asplradora 4 In#a_e la ba_'ra arranca de manera Imprevista, y ceptffos nuevos...
  • Page 35 ----RECONOCIMIENTO DE PROBLEMAS Consutte e_e cuadro pota enconhor so[uclones que usted mismo puede realizar cuando fenga probiemas menotes de rendimtento ADVER TENCIApe,,g,o ,eohoque o1,o,,oo Desconecte la aspiradota antes de darle servlcio o limpiarlao De to contratio podr_a pro- duclr_e un choque et6ctrico o causar lesiSn corporal.
  • Page 36 SEARS,ROEBUCK AND COo, HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL60179 EUA >..,_ PIEZAN_-_ C gIZAEX1gUgg-437gg61 Impreso en EUA...

This manual is also suitable for:

Kenmore 11626212690Kenmore 1165561190