Table of Contents


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1. Names
1. Add Name
2. Find
3. Groups
4. Speed Dial
5. Copy & Move
6. Erase Names
7. My Profile
8. Memory Info
2. Messages
1. Write New
2. Inbox
3. Outbox
4. Voice Mail
5. Archive in UIM
6. Drafts
7. Templates
8. SMS Groups
9. Erase Msgs
0. Msg Settings
3. Call History
1. Missed
2. Received
3. Dialled
4. In Call Memo
5. Call Duration
6. Erase History
4. Display
1. Tiếng Việt
2. Clock
3. Time & Date
4. Wallpaper
5. Menu Style
6. Rhythmic Lighting
7. LCD Backlight
8. Keypad Backlight
9. Contrast
5. Profiles
1. Vibrate Only
2. Silent
3. General
4. Outdoor
5. Headset
6. Organiser
1. Scheduler
2. Memo
3. Alarm
7. Tools
1. Stopwatch
2. Calculator
3. Unit Converter
4. World Clock
8. Settings
1. My Menu
2. Call
3. Phone
4. Security
9. Fun&Util
1. Game
2. UIM Toolkit


Table of Contents

Table of Contents