Table of Contents


Using WAP page options
From any WAP page, press <Browser Menu> to
access the following options:
Home: go back to the home page.
Forward: return to the previous page.
Bookmarks: display the Bookmarks list.
Go To URL: enter a URL address manually.
Show URL: display the URL address of the current
web page.
History: display addresses of the websites you
have visited.
Search: search for any particular information.
Reload: reload the current page.
Snapshots: take a snapshot of the current page.
Advanced...: use the following advanced settings:
Restart Browser: reload the browser.
Delete Cookies: delete all cookies, which contains
information you entered on the website.
Multimedia: set the phone to automatically
download media items from the current page.
Scroll Mode: select the scroll mode or set the
scrolling speed.
Send Referrer: set the browser to send HTTP
referrer information to the web server each time
the browser is launched.
Connection Timeout: set how long the phone
remains connected to the current web page when
not in use.
Key Press Timeout: set how long the phone
waits after you have pressed a key in the text
entry mode before moving the cursor to the right.
Security: display all security-related information.
About...: display information about the WAP
Exiting the WAP browser
Press [
] to exit the browser..


(Menu 3-2)
Use this menu to access the list of online mobile
banking web sites.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents