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Fitness-Mad Pro Body Weight User Manual page 6

Suspension trainer


Supine exercises are great for working out the core, and generally use the foot straps. Starting with you your foot strap
hanging 20-25cm above the ground try some basic push ups. Moving away from the anchor increases difficulty. Alternatively
try to hold plank position, whilst suspended, which is challenging. Plank done with the elbows on the floor offers greater
stability and is easier. If you want to do something more aerobic then try starting in the push up position and then bring each
knee up in turn to simulate running - this is best done using an overhead anchor point if possible.
For some circuit training style exercises again, start in a press up position and do a set of suspended squat thrusts - these
are guaranteed to get the blood pumping! To add a further challenge and an element of rotation try introducing side pull ins
bring both knees up against each arm in alternation.
If you want to work out your legs then the Suspension Trainer has
something for you.
Suspended Split squats really challenge the core. Place one foot in
the foot strap and then hop forward so that you are around 60cm
from the anchor point. Lunge forward, making sure your core is
engaged to stabilize you, as you lunge press the suspended leg
back keep the suspension strap taught at all times. When lunging
try to ensure that your knee does not go over 90 degrees and
does not go further forward that your toes, so as not to damage
the knee.

