Freezer Thermistor
If the main electronic control board senses an
open or a shorted thermistor, the compressor
and the evaporator fan motor will begin to op-
erate on a timed on and off cycle. The cycle
time is based on current selected temperature
At mid-settings of 37°F / 3°C, the compres-
sor and the evaporator fan motors will run for
35 minutes, and be off for 25 minutes. Setting
the freezer colder will increase the run time.
Setting the freezer warmer will decrease the
run time.
The compressor will run at minimum speed.
The evaporator fan will also run at minimum
speed, unless the refrigerator compartment
requests a higher speed.
If the main electronic control board detects that
the keypad is not working, it reverts to the de-
fault temperature settings of 37°F (3°C) in the
refrigerator, and 0°F (–18°C) in the freezer.
Evaporator Fan Motor
If the evaporator fan motor malfunctions, the
compressor will run at 4500 rpm for an indefinite
period, except during the defrost periods.
Max Cool changes the refrigerator tempera-
ture setting to 34°F (1°C) and the freezer to
–5°F (–21°C) for 24 hours. During Max Cool,
the freezer and refrigerator temperature dis-
plays show the new temperature settings, not
the actual temperatures.
In most cases the motors run 100% for more
than 1 hour. The control returns to the previ-
ous user setting after 24 hours, or any time the
temperature settings are changed.
Automatic Max Ice operates any time the ice
maker water valve is energized. The duration
of Automatic Max Ice is 1-1/2 hours. During
Automatic Max Ice the following occurs:
The freezer display shows the user tem-
perature settings and not the actual tem-
The freezer temperature setting changes to
–5°F (–21°C).
The evaporator fan runs at 3000 rpm.
The compressor runs the entire 1-1/2 hour
mode. Speed is determined by the differ-
ence between actual freezer temperature
and –5°F (–21°C).
The Holiday Mode may be used for the follow-
ing occasions:
On vacation.
Religious observance (Sabbath Mode).
When the Holiday Mode is selected, the
corresponding backlit blue LED flashes for
5 seconds, and then remains on, to indicate
that the feature is activated.
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