Honda 1981 GL1100 interstate Owner's Manual page 10

Table of Contents


l. Carefltly inspect the accessory to make
sure it does not obscure any lights,
reduce ground clearalce and banking
angle, or limit suspension tmvel, steer-
ing truvel or control operation.
2. Large fork-mounted fairings or wind-
shields. or poorly designed or improper_
ly mounted fafuings can produce aero_
dynamic forces that cause unstable
handling. Do not install fahings that
decrease cooling air flow to the €ngi[e.
3. Accessodes which alter your dding
position by moving hands or feet away
from controls may increase reaction
time in an emergency.
4. Do not add electrical equipment that
will exceed the motorcy;le;s electrical
system capacity. A blown fuse could
cause a dangerous loss of lights or
engine power at night or in traffic.
5. This motorcycle was not designed to
pull a sidecar or trailer. Handling may
be seriously impaired if so equipped.
6. Any modification of the cooling system
may cause overheating and serious
engine damage. Do not modily the
radiator shrouds or install accessoncs
which block or deflect air away lrom
the radiator.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents