DFI G5M300-P User Manual page 12

Rev. a+ system board
Table of Contents


IEEE 1394 Interface
IEEE 1394 is fully compliant with the 1394 OHCI (Open Host
Controller Interface) 1.1 specification. It supports up to 63 devices
that can run simultaneously on a system. 1394 is a fast external bus
standard that supports data transfer rates of up to 400Mbps. In
addition to its high speed, it also supports isochronous data transfer
which is ideal for video devices that need to transfer high levels of
data in real-time. 1394 suppor ts both Plug-and-Play and hot
IrDA Interface
The system board is equipped with an IrDA connector for wireless
connectivity between your computer and peripheral devices. The
IRDA (Infrared Data Association) specification suppor ts data
transfers of 115K baud at a distance of 1 meter.
USB Ports
The system board supports USB 2.0 and USB 1.1 ports. USB 1.1
supports 12Mb/second bandwidth while USB 2.0 supports 480Mb/
second bandwidth providing a marked improvement in device
transfer speeds between your computer and a wide range of
simultaneously accessible external Plug and Play peripherals.
AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)
AGP is an interface designed to support high performance 3D
graphics cards. It utilizes a dedicated pipeline to access system
memory for texturing, z-buffering and alpha blending. The AGP slot
supports AGP 4x (1.5V) with up to 1066MB/sec. bandwidth for 3D
graphics applications. AGP in this system board will deliver faster and
better graphics to your PC.
Dual Function Power Button
Depending on the setting in the "Soft-Off By PWR-BTTN" field of
the Power Management Setup, this switch will allow the system to
enter the Soft-Off or Suspend mode.


Table of Contents

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