Title Edit Menu; Editing Title; Recording To Harddisk; Time Shifting - TECHWOOD DVDR R-520 BLACK 80GB User Manual

Dvdr r-520 black 80gb
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3.2.5 Title Edit Menu

Title Menu lists all the actions you can do with the titles recorded on a recordable disc. It will be activated by
pressing 4arrow key of the remote control on the thumbnail picture of the title.
Play Title: You can press SELECT and play the selected title on the disc.
Edit Title: You can edit the titles on the disc. A new menu is displayed on the
screen, and you can insert chapter marker, hide chapter or select index
picture using this menu. (See Editing Title 3.2.6)
Rename Title: You can rename the title.
Erase Title: This option allows you to erase the selected title (available only
with DVD+RW or DVD-RW).
Overwrite Title: You can overwrite and record another title onto the selected
title (New title cannot be longer than the overwritten one). (available only with
Overwrite Disc: With this option you can overwrite all titles in the disc.
(available only with DVD+RW or DVD-RW).
Append Title: A new recording can be appended to the last title. (available
only with DVD+RW/ DVD+R or DVD-RW/ DVD-R).

3.2.6 Editing Title

skipped during disc playback.
NOTE: First chapter of the title cannot be hidden.
If the current chapter is hidden before, "Unhide chapter" will be displayed; and selecting this will make the
chapter visible again.
Index picture : When you want to set the current frame as the title thumbnail picture of the current title,
press SELECT.
Title Elapsed: Display the title elapsed time.
To exit editing mode, press TITLE key.
NOTE: Editing will not be possible if a DVD+R/DVD-R disc is recorded entirely.


3.3.1 Time Shifting

When you turn on the device if there is no disc inside, it will automatically switch to time shifting mode and a
bar will be displayed on screen.
Other ways to switch time shifting mode are, pressing VIDEO SOURCE key when in harddisk title menu and
selecting TV/Video option from Functions menu.
Time shifting allows buffering live TV broadcast for 60 minutes. At any time you can pause and resume live
broadcast. You can also replay previously buffered scenes by going backward on the time shift bar.
During time shifting, you can press DISPLAY to view help and status information at any time. Each press of
DISPLAY key will change screen information:
DISPLAY (once) : Time shifting buffer information. Current playback time, time of recording, time
of recording minus 1 hour, trick mode status, Saving status, Channel/Source information
DISPLAY (pressed twice) : Key and navigation information
Title number : View the number of current title / total title.
Chapter number : View the number of current chapter / total chapter.
Playback operations : Current operation status. It includes PLAY,
PAUSE, STOP, Fast Forward/Backward, Slow Forward, ...
Chapter marker : When Insert marker is selected by pressing
SELECT, a new chapter marker will be added to the current point.
When Delete marker is selected by pressing SELECT, the marker of
the current chapter will be deleted.
When Delete all markers is selected by pressing SELECT, all of the
chapter markers will be deleted.
Chapter hide or unhide : You can make a chapter invisible by
selecting "Hide chapter" option. In this way, invisible chapters will be


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