16 conversion to natural gas electrolux e:volution barbecue
Conversion to Natural Gas (cont.)
• Manoeuvre rear of burner to release front of burner
from injector
• Using socket tool provided remove first stage of
injector second stage
injector first stage
• Ensure second stage of injector is not loose – tighten
if necessary
• Refit burners ensuring the injector is located in burner
• Refit front heat shield panel and rear heat shield panel
• Refit flame tamers, grills and hotplates
2. Disconnect brass adaptor and LPG hose and
regulator assembly from gas inlet connection
3. Connect the hose to the regulator
• Place threaded end of hose through hole in rear panel
• Apply thread tape or sealant to the male thread on the
hose and screw into the regulator.
4. Connect the regulator to the barbecue gas inlet
• Fit the regulator ensuring the blue sealing washer is in
place and the arrow is pointing in the right direction
5. Replace the 'gas type' sticker
• Locate the 'Universal LPG' sticker located on the
barbecue gas inlet and remove it. Put the 'Natural
Gas' sticker in its place.
6. Leak test procedure
• Ensure all gas valves are in the 'OFF' position.
• In a small container, mix a solution of water and
• After connection of the hose, turn on the valve at the
spark plug
• Using a brush apply the solution to the gas
• Bubbling will indicate a leak
• Turn off the valve and re-tighten the joint. Repeat the
• If the leak persists, turn off the gas at the isolation
7. Turndown adjustment
When converting to natural gas the turndown setting
will need to be adjusted to give satisfactory flame on
low setting.
• Remove all knobs from valve shafts of main barbecue
• Remove rubber grommets from control panel holes
• Using a Philips head screw driver, fully screw in
barbecue gas inlet
natural gas regulator
• Following connection of the gas and leak testing as
hose with tapered
• One burner at a time turn the valve shaft to lowest
thread – thread tape
• Turn burners off and replace rubber grommets and
detergent or soap.
gas bottle or mains as appropriate.
connection points and look for bubbles forming.
leak test.
valves and contact a licensed gas fitter to correct.
clockwise the valve rotation limit screw. When this is
done the valve rotation will be limited to less than 180°.
valve rotation
limit screw
per previous steps, light all burners and set to high.
setting, observe the flame to ensure a small steady
flame is achieved.
control knobs.
leak test points
check hose for
signs of abrasions,
cracks or leaks