Your Sirius And Gprs; Important Precisions; Gprs; Access Points - Mitsubishi Electric Trium SIRIUS User Manual

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Your Sirius and GPRS

Important precisions

GPRS services will not initially be available throughout the whole country. Get in-
formation from your operator to know if these services are available in your part of
the country.
Certain subscriptions do not allow the use of GPRS services. Your operator will tell
you if you can use these services within your subscription.
In the two afore-mentionned cases (area non-covered by GPRS or subscriptions
that do not allow the use of GPRS services), your attempts to connect to GPRS will
not be successful.


The GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a technology concerning the exchange
of data by packets, offering better performances than the GSM. The GPRS network
is independent of the GSM network, but it uses the same infrastructures.
The applications which can benefit from GPRS advantages are:
• WAP™ application (working sessions using GPRS as bearer)
• PC applications (using your Sirius as a modem)

Access points

Exchanges between your Sirius and the GPRS network are achieved via GPRS access
points, types of Internet portals which possess addresses such as those of URL.
If you wish to achieve WAP™ connections via GPRS, you must first define GPRS ac-
cess points with their parameters (alias, URL address, login and password) in
the Sirius access points database. This is available with your Sirius through the
GPRS access points menu. After that, you must create WAP™ profile referring to
these access points.
Concerning the use of PC applications, you must first create GPRS access points for


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