Microwave Power Levels; Manual Operation - Husqvarna QN 4025 Instruction Book

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Your oven has 5 power levels. To choose the power level
for cooking, follow the advice given in the recipe section.
Generally the following recommendations apply:
800 W used for fast cooking or reheating e.g. soup,
casseroles, canned food, hot beverages, vegetables,
fish, etc.
560 W used for longer cooking of dense foods such as
roast joints, meat loaf and plated meals, also for
sensitive dishes such as cheese sauce and sponge
cakes. At this reduced setting, the sauce will not boil
over and food will cook evenly without over cooking at
the sides.
To set the power, touch the MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button until the desired level is displayed.
If MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button is touched once,
level, continue touching the MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button until you reach the level again.
If the level is not selected, the level 800 W is automatically set.
Your oven can be programmed for up to 90 minutes.
(90.00) The input unit of cooking (defrosting) time
varies from 10 seconds to five minutes. It depends on
the total length of the cooking (defrosting) time as
shown on the table.
Suppose you want to heat soup for 2 minutes and 30 seconds on 560 W microwave power.
1. Enter the desired cooking time by
rotating the TIMER/WEIGHT
knob clockwise. (2 min. & 30 sec.)
1. When the door is opened during the cooking process, the cooking time on the digital display stops
automatically. The cooking time starts to count down again when the door is closed and the
START/+30 button is pressed.
2. If you wish to know the power level during cooking, press the MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button.
As long as your finger is touching the MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button, the power level will be displayed.
3. You can rotate the TIMER/WEIGHT knob clockwise or counterclockwise. If you rotate the knob
counterclockwise, the cooking time will decrease from 90 minutes by degrees.
400 W for dense foods which require a long cooking
time when cooked conventionally, eg. beef dishes, it is
advisable to use this power setting to ensure the meat
will be tender.
240 W to defrost, select this power setting, to ensure
that the dish defrosts evenly. This setting is also ideal
for simmering rice, pasta, dumplings and cooking egg
80 W For gentle defrosting, eg. cream gateaux or
W = Watt.
will be displayed. If you miss your desired


Cooking time
0-5 minutes
5-10 minutes
10-30 minutes
30-90 minutes
2. Choose desired power
by pressing the
LEVEL button twice.
Increasing unit
10 seconds
30 seconds
1 minute
5 minutes
3. Press the START/
+30 button to begin
Check the display.

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