CITROEN GRAND C4 PICASSO Quick Start Manual page 18

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Citroën UK LtD. 221 BAtH roAD, SLoUGH, SL1 4BA
PHoto CoPYriGHt: Citroën
SoME oF tHE FEAtUrES AnD EqUiPMEnt MEntionED in tHiS GUiDE MAY BE DEPEnDEnt UPon tHE SPECiFiCAtion oF tHE VEHiCLE or oPtionAL EqUiPMEnt.
notE: EVErY EnDEAVoUr HAS BEEn MADE to EnSUrE tHAt tHE inForMAtion AnD DEtAiLS ContAinED in tHiS GUiDE WErE ACCUrAtE At tHE tiME oF GoinG to PrESS JULY 2009. HoWEVEr tHE CoMPAnY rESErVES tHE riGHt, WHiLSt PrESErVinG tHE ESSEntiAL
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