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Patton electronics 378S User Manual page 5

Serial scanning switch


After the Model 378S is properly configured and the cables are
connected correctly, you are ready to operate the unit.
1) Turn the Power switch "on"
2) The Model 378S has three operating modes: Automatic Scan,
Manual Scan and Manual Step. These three modes are described
Automatic Scan Mode - In this operating mode, the Model 378S
scans all ports every two seconds in a round-robin manner. When
it "discovers" a port with data to send, the Model 378S locks onto
that port and receives the data into its buffer (units without buffer
send the data directly to the printer).
To enter Automatic Scan Mode, set the Auto/Manual switch to
"Auto". In this mode, you cannot manually interrupt the scanning
Manual Scan Mode - In this operating mode, the Model 378S
scans all ports in a round-robin manner until it reaches the port
you want it to lock onto. It will then stay at that port unil you scan
To enter Manual Scan Mode, set the Auto/Manual switch to
"Manual". Then press the Step button and hold it down until the
scanner reaches the desired port. When you remove pressure
from the button, the scanner will stop at that port. Note: Using
this method, you can bypass other ports that have data to send to
the Model 378S.
Manual Step Mode - In this operating mode, the Model 378S
scans all ports, one at a time, until it reaches the port you want it
to lock onto. It will then stay at that port unil you scan again.
To enter Manual Step Mode, set the Auto/Manual switch to
"Manual". Then press the Step button repeatedly until the scanner
reaches the desired port.
3) Use the Reset button when you want to clear the Model 378S's
buffer of all contents. This button is only operational in buffered units.
Input Interface
EIA RS-232 Serial. 25-pin DB Female DCE (modem) connector
Use Standard Straight-thru cable
Output Interface
EIA RS-232 Serial. 25-pin DB Male DTE (PC) connector
Uses standard IBM-to-Printer Cables
Scanning Priorities
Manual Mode– Step through by operator push button
Automatic Mode– Continue scanning to the next sequential input
port. The next port is chosen only after the selected time-out expires
(refer to DIP switch positions S1-8,9)
Front Panel Controls
Power Switch– On/Off.
Auto/Manual Switch– AUTO mode continues after timeout interval
with next in line. All ports are scanned in two seconds. MANUAL
mode turns port selection over to the operator in conjunction with the
STEP button.
Step Button- (MANUAL mode only) Disables currently selected port
and locks onto the next port. If held, STEP auto-repeats to skip over
several ports to reach a desired port. This action prevents an input
port from 'grabbing control' while being skipped over via STEP.
Reset Button- Resets and clears entire buffer memory.
LED Indicators
Port Select- Port is being polled for data
Buffer Status- Buffer is up to 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% full. 1) While
the input port is receiving data, all buffer status LEDs will "blink" 2) If
no data is being received, but some data remains in the buffer, the
appropriate number of LEDs will glow steadily (this applies only to
units with RAM modules). 3) After the buffer is emptied out to the
printer, all LEDs will turn off.

