Arbor-type bitswithpilotsareexcellent f orquick,
easy,edgeshaping. T heywill
follow workpiece edges
that are either straight or curved. The pilot prevents
the bit from making too deep a cut; and holding the
pilot firmly in contact with the workpiece edge
throughout prevents the cut from becoming too
Whenever the workpiece thickness together with the
desired depth of cut (as adjusted by router depth
setting) are such that only the top part of the edge is
to be shaped (leaving at least a 1/16 inch thick uncut
portion at bottom), the pilot can ride against the uncut
portion, which will serve to guide it. See Figure 19.
However, if the workpiece is too thin or the bit set too
low so that there will be no uncut edge to ride the pilot
against, an extra board to act as a guide must be
placed under the workpiece. This "guide" board must
have exactly the same contour -- straight or curved
-- as the workpiece edge. If it is positioned so that its
edge is flush with the workpiece edge, the bit will
make a full cut (in as far as the bit radius). On the
other hand, if the guide is positioned as shown in
Figure 19 (out from the workpiece edge), the bit will
make less than a full cut -- which will alter the shape
of the finished edge.
Note: If desired, any of the piloted bits can be used
without a pilot for edge shaping with guides, as
preceding. Also, the size (diameter) of the pilot that is
used determines the maximum cut width that can be
made with the pilot against the workpiece edge - the
small pilot exposes all of the bit; the large one
reduces this amount by 1/16 inch.
When routing all the edges of a panel or board, rout
the end grain first. Any splintering that occurs at the
corners will then be removed when routing the edge.
Start each side 1/4 in. away from the end. Feed the
cutter into the wood until the pilot contacts the uncut
edge. Then, slowly back the router to shape the
corner. Next, move the router forward to shape the
rest of the edge. Be careful to keep the pilot pressed
against the uncut edge. Repeat this procedure on
each side of the panel. Figure 20 shows the proper
sequence of cuts to make when edge routing four
sides of a panel.
See Figure 21.
Fig. 21
When routing across the face of boards, set router at
desired depth of cut, place the edge of router base
against workpiece, and turn on your router. Slowly
feed the cutter into the workpiece along desired
When routing straight cuts across stock, clamp a
straightedge to the workpiece to use as a guide.
Position the straightedge parallel to the cutline and
offset the distance between the cutting edge of the
cutter and the edge of the router base. Hold the router
base against the straightedge and rout the groove.
When routing a groove wider than the diameter of the
cutter, clamp a straightedge on both sides of the
cutting line. Position both guides parallel to the
desired cutline and spaced equal distances from the
desired edges of the groove. Rout along one guide;
then, reverse direction and rout along the other guide.
Clean out any remaining waste in the center of the
groove freehand.
For routing straight cuts and grooves, an optional
edge guide is available and may be purchased for use
with your router. It may be purchased at your nearest
Sears Retail Store.
The edge guide attaches to your router by inserting
the guide bars into openings in the router base and
securing with the two knob screws provided.
Adjustments are made by loosening knob screws in
the base, placing the edge guide the desired distance
from the cutter, then retightening knob screws.
When routing, hold the edge guide securely against
the edge of your workpiece.
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