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Care And Maintenance - Haier EC101 User Manual

User manual


Care and maintenance

If your USB MODEM has abnormal conditions, please check it with the following table.
Common problems
Cannot automatically install the driver &
Dialer tool in the fi rst time
Cannot install driver successfully
Cannot fi nd the device by Dialer tool
Check item
Maybe the computer does not open the auto
run function. Please go to "My Computer"-
>CD Rom which name is "EC101 Dialer",
open it and run the autorun.exe manually
Please try to uninstall (If installed previously)
it and then install it again.
Please check whether it can fi nd the device
from Device Manager. If not, please check
whether you can see the CD "EC101 Dialer"
from "My Computer". If so, then eject the CD
by right click on the icon and pressing "Eject".


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