Introduction - Recommended To Use With Versicharge 40/48 A Models - Siemens VersiCharge Installation Manual

72" post and integrated retraction systems
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VersiCharge™ 72" Post and Integrated Retraction Systems | Installation Guide
Introduction - Recommended to use with VersiCharge 40/48 A models that are
supplied with 20 ft. coupler cables
Applications include any public or private residential or commercial area where Electric Vehicle (EV)
charging is required. These sites include single and multi-family homes, places of business, commercial
institutions, etc.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment or to provide for every
possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further
information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the
purchaser's purposes, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens sales office or Siemens
Customer Service, available at 1-800-SIEMENS. The contents of this instruction manual shall not become
part of or modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment or relationship. The sales contract
contains the entire obligation of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is
the sole warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify
the existing warranty.
Due to the weight of the post and assembly, more than one person is required to
safely install both the single and dual posts.
This instruction outlines the recommended general procedure for installation by a
qualified person, as defined by all local electrical codes and/or the NEC®.
PERMITS: Be aware that many areas require special permits and/or utility approvals to install EV charging
equipment. Contact your local electrical inspector's office and your local utility prior to beginning work to
understand local requirements.
WARRANTY: See Siemens' standard terms and conditions below with regards to warranty of purchase.
TOUCH-UP PAINT: See the link below for replacement paint, if needed for aesthetic restoration
throughout the post's life:
® The National Electrical Code is a registered trademark of the National Fire Protection Association


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