Safety; Liability; General Safety Instructions; Responsibilities For The Owner - ABB Terra 94 UL Operation And Installation Manual

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The manufacturer is not liable to the purchaser of the EVSE or to third parties for
damages, losses, costs or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties if any
target group mentioned in the related documents does not obey the rules below:
Obey the instructions in the related documents. Refer to section 1.11.
Do not misuse or abuse the EVSE.
Only make changes to the EVSE, if the manufacturer approves in writing of the
This EVSE is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface. It is the sole responsibility of the owner to provide and
continuously ensure a secure connection between the EVSE and the network of the
owner or any other network.
The owner shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as - but not
limited to - the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures,
encryption of data and installation of anti-virus programs) to protect the EVSE, the
network, its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches,
unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or
The manufacturer is not liable for damages and/or losses related to such security
breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of
data or information.

General safety instructions

This document, the related documents and the warnings included do not
replace your responsibility to use your common sense when you do work on the
Only do the procedures that the related documents show and that you are
qualified for.
Obey the local rules and the instructions in this manual. If the local rules
contradict the instructions in this manual, the local rules will apply.
If and to the extent permitted by law, in case of inconsistency or contradiction,
between any requirements or procedure contained in this document and any
such local rules, obey the stricter between the requirements and procedures
specified in this document and the local rules.

Responsibilities for the owner

The owner is the person who runs the EVSE for commercial or business purposes
for itself or leaves it to a third party for use. During operation the owner bears legal
responsibility for the protection of the user, other employees or third parties. The
owner has the responsibilities that follow:
BCM.S1103.0-EN | 001


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This manual is also suitable for:

Terra 104 ulTerra 124 ulTerra 184 ul

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