Job Name
Sales Order #
Model Number
Does electrical service correspond to unit nameplate?
-Nameplate Supply Voltage/Phase: Rated_________ Measured___________
-Nameplate Rated FLA motor current: Rated_______ Measured__________
Does all field wiring conform to unit wiring diagram?
Is field-provided freeze protection present? (if required)
Is fan wheel turning the correct direction?
Is the filter clean?
Is unit properly supported?
Is unit installed level (necessary for proper condensate drainage)?
Is properly sized condensate trap present?
Is the condensate disposal system operating correctly?
Is auxiliary external condensate drain pan installed or auxiliary drain connection
utilized as recommended by IOM? (not required for valid warranty)
Is the DX system charged per the condensing unit instructions?
Is unit piping correct and insulated to prevent condensation?
Are the refrigerant pipe lines properly insulated?
Are there any leaks detected: interior to unit or at connections?
MMD Series Air Handling Unit
Start-up Report
Checklist Item
Unit Tag
Serial Number
Quantity of Units
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MMD IOM 1.3 8-15-2023
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