Use Handrails and Steps
• Falling is one of the major causes of personal injury.
• When you get on and off the machine, always face the
machine and maintain a three-point contact with the
steps and handrails.
• Do not use any controls as handholds.
• Never jump on or off the machine. Never mount or
dismount a moving machine.
• Be careful of slippery conditions on platforms, steps, and
handrails when leaving the machine.
Never Ride Attachment
• Never allow anyone to ride attachment or the load. This is
an extremely dangerous practice.
Adjust Operator's Seat
• A poorly adjusted seat for either the operator or the work
at hand may quickly fatigue the operator leading to
• The seat should be adjusted whenever changing the
operator for the machine.
• The operator should be able to fully depress the pedals
and to correctly operate the control levers with his back
against the seat back.
• If not, move the seat forward or backward, and check
• Adjust the rear view mirror position so that the best rear
visibility is obtained from the operator's seat. If the mirror
is broken, immediately replace it with a new one.
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