Table of Contents


Key Tunes

By pressing the KEY TUNES button in the
VOICE section, you can assign a song to each
key of the keyboard. You can freely assign
any song of the WAVE folder to any key of the
Creating a KEY TUNE
Press the KEY TUNES button. A screen showing
"KEY_TUNE_DEMO" will appear
is a demonstration file to understand KEY TUNES
Press the USER 3 button (CREATE) in order to
create a new KEY TUNE.
Select a song from the WAVE folder, by using the
DATA/VALUE wheel or the CURSOR § ¶ .
Press the ENTER button to select the song. The
song will be automatically assigned to the C3 key
of the keyboard.
Select another song and press the ENTER button.
The song will be automatically assigned to the
C#3 key of the keyboard.
Continue assigning all the songs that you want to
any key of the keyboard
You can see the list of single selected files by
pressing the TUNE VIEW (USER 2 key) where you
can edit each track settings.
Press the USER 5 button (SAVE), to store the KEY
Digit a name on the dialogue box by using the
keys on the keyboard. The example shows
Press SAVE again. At this point, the KEY TUNE
file named "MY_TUNE" will appear on the screen
To remove a song from a KEY TUNE, press the
USER 3 button (REMOVE) below the display.
KEY TUNE parameters
When you create a KEY TUNE from scratch or
edit a previous one, you can set the following
parameters, by using the F1-F10 buttons.
F3 - START: the start note of the trigger
interval (e.g. C3). You can set this, by
pressing directly any keys on the keyboard.
F4 - END: the end note of the trigger interval
(e.g. F3). You can set this, by pressing
directly any keys on the keyboard.
F5 - INC/DEC: you can set the automatic
insertion of the trigger interval by increasing/
decreasing the note automatically. For
example, if you begin from C3 and INC is
set, the next song is assigned to C#3. If DEC
is set, it the next song will be assigned to B2.
F6 - VOL: sets the output volume of the song
in the range 0-127.
119), that
Figure 119
Figure 120
Figure 121
F7 - LOOP ON/OFF: sets the loop on/off.
F8 - HOLD ON/OFF: sets the hold on/off, that
means that the song continues playing after
releasing the key, otherwise the song stops.
F9 - DIN: sets dynamic response of the
keyboard, that is, the harder you play, the
louder the volume of the song.
F10 - SINGLE/GLOBAL EDIT: sets the
changes for a single KEY TUNE or all.
By pressing USER 1 (CLEAR ALL) you will clear all the
songs from the current KEY TUNE.
The Key Tunes feature uses a WAVE track, so if a Key
Tune is playing back, the Wave Player will not work
and viceversa.
Key Tunes


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

Audya 5

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