Renishaw TONiC DOP Installation Manual page 5

Encoder system
Table of Contents


DOP interface installation drawing
quick-start guide
Dimensions and tolerances in mm
This section is a quick-start guide to installing a TONiC system.
More detailed information on installing the system is contained in the
following sections of the installation guide.
Ensure scale, readhead optical window and mounting faces are clean and free from obstructions.
Plug the readhead cable into the DOP interface under the cover plate and reassemble interface.
Connect to receiving electronics and power-up.
Ensure AGC is switched off - the CAL LED on the readhead should be off (if not press and hold the
CAL button on the interface until the CAL LED on the readhead switches off).
Install and align the readhead to maximise signal strength over the full axis travel as indicated by the
readhead and interface set-up LEDs (readhead - green; interface - ideally blue/purple).
Press and release the CAL button on the interface.
The CAL LED on the readhead will be single flashing.
Move the readhead along the scale at slow speed (<100 mm/s), without passing a reference mark,
until the CAL LED starts double flashing.
If a reference mark is not being used, the calibration routine should now be exited
by pressing the CAL button.
If a reference mark is being used move the readhead back and forth over the
selected reference mark until the CAL LED stops flashing and remains 'off'.
The system is now calibrated and ready for use.
AGC can now be switched on if required by pressing and holding the CAL button
until the CAL LED on the readhead switches on.
CAL values and AGC status are stored in readhead non-volatile memory at power down.
NOTE: If calibration fails restore factory defaults by pressing and holding the CAL button
whilst switching on. Then repeat the installation and calibration routine.


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