Maintenance; Notes On Safety For The Maintenance; Maintenance Programme; Maintenance Frequency - Riello 554T40 Installation, Use And Maintenance Instructions

Forced draught gas burner
Table of Contents





Notes on safety for the maintenance

The periodic maintenance is essential for the good operation,
safety, yield and duration of the burner.
It allows you to reduce consumption and polluting emissions and
to keep the product in a reliable state over time.
The maintenance interventions and the calibration
of the burner must only be carried out by qualified,
authorised personnel, in accordance with the con-
tents of this manual and in compliance with the
standards and regulations of current laws.
Before carrying out any maintenance, cleaning or checking oper-

Maintenance programme


Maintenance frequency

The gas combustion system should be checked at
least once a year by a representative of the man-
ufacturer or another specialised technician.

Checking and cleaning

The operator must use the required equipment
during maintenance.
Check there are no occlusions or obstructions in the fuel supply
or return lines, in the air suction areas, and in the combustion
product waste pipe.
Carry out an analysis of the combustion flue gases.
Significant differences with respect to the previous measure-
ments indicate the points where most care should be exercised
during maintenance.
Combustion head
Check that the positioning of the combustion head is correct and
that it is properly fixed to the boiler.
Open the burner and make sure that all components of the
combustion head are in good condition, not deformed by the
high temperatures, free of impurities from the surroundings
and correctly positioned.
Check that there are not excess wear or loosen screws.
Clean the outside of the burner.
Check that the air damper is positioned correctly.
Check to make sure that no dust has accumulated inside the fan
or on its blades, as this condition will cause a reduction in the air
flow rate and provoke polluting combustion.
Disconnect the electrical supply from the burner
by means of the main system switch.
Turn off the fuel interception tap.
Wait for the components in contact with heat
sources to cool down completely.
Clean the boiler as indicated in its accompanying instructions in
order to maintain all the original combustion characteristics in-
tact, especially the flue gas temperature and combustion cham-
ber pressure.
Gas train
Check that the gas train is suited to the burner capacity, the type
of gas used and the mains gas pressure.
Checking the proper positioning of the ionisation probe and elec-
trode as shown in Fig. 11 on page 15.
Pressure switches
Check that the air pressure switch and the gas pressure switch
are set correctly.
Gas leaks
Make sure that there are no gas leaks on the pipe between the
gas meter and the burner.
Gas filter
Change the gas filter when it is dirty.
If the combustion values measured before starting maintenance
do not comply with applicable legislation or do not indicate effi-
cient combustion, consult the Tab. G on page 22 or contact our
Technical Support Service to implement the necessary adjust-
Let the burner run at full power for about 10 minutes, correctly
calibrating all the components indicated in this manual. Then car-
ry out a combustion check verifying:
Percentage of CO
CO content (ppm)
NOx content (ppm)
Ionisation current (µA)
Smoke temperature at the flue


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

40 gs10

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