Parking; Waste; Reference Organisations - Bavaria VANS 2019 User Manual

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accommodation involves respecting the rules with regard to the inhabitants of those places visited.

1.4.2 Parking

In town centres or urban areas, it is advisable to park in areas that are not densely populated, that do not impair visibility or prevent
businesses from operating, and where the size of the campervan will not obstruct traffic. Likewise, campervans should be used as
accommodation in these areas:
without spreading to the area around the vehicle
without causing inconvenience to residents
without monopolising the public space
without allowing pets to run riot, foul or otherwise disturb the neighbours

1.4.3 Waste

Wastewater must be emptied:
In appropriate places and never near to housing, rivers, streams or crops.
The emptying of «black» waste (toilet) into the rain water drainage network is strictly prohibited.
All water drainage valves must be closed whilst travelling. Even fresh water should be emptied discretely, to avoid arousing suspicion.
It is always worth checking the facilities in each location for properly disposing of wastewater. Household rubbish must be placed in
plastic bags and disposed of in designated places.
Wastewater must be drained off in appropriate places and never near housing, rivers, streams or crops.
By observing all of these common-sense rules, everyone can fully enjoy the many pleasures of campervan travel.

1.4.4 Reference organisations

You can obtain a copy of the «Guide to Responsible Motorhome Use» in French from the CLC (Motorhome Liaison Committee)
and Uni VDL (Association of Recreational Vehicles) at:
The CLC comprises three organisations:
The Syndicate of Motorhome Manufacturers (SICVERL), the Syndicate of Motorhome Distributors (DICA) and the Federation of
Motorhome Users Clubs (FACCC).


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