Trouble Shooting - Elverk CCMAX 1200i Operational Manual

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11.Trouble Shooting

The engine does not star
1) Fuel System.
a) There is no fuel in the combustion chamber.
b) There is no fuel in the fuel tank.
c) Tubing is blocked.
d) Something else get into the fuel valve.
e) Carburetor is blocked.
2) Lack of oil. Oil level is too low.
3) Circuit system.
a) Turn ON the engine switch.
b) Sparks is bad.
c) The spark plug is stained with carbon and moisture.
d) Poor ignition system.
4) Poor compression.
a) Piston and cylinder wear.
b)The bolt on the top of cylinder is not tight.
c) Seal is damaged.
Generator has no output
a) Whether the generator is damp.
b) Whether the line connector is loose.
c) Whether the output socket is damaged.
d) Whether it's overloaded.


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