Dehumidification Mode (Field Enabled); Heating Mode; Unoccupied Mode; Safety Switches - Carrier 62X Series Start-Up

Dedicated outdoor air unit
Table of Contents


If the DX LAT drops to 35°F or less for 10 minutes, the
OEM controller will issue an alarm and the compressor
stops. When the DX LAT warms back up to 55°F or more,
the compressor turns back on.
Hot Gas Reheat (HGRH) — On/Off:
- When the SAT is 1°F (adjustable) or more below the
SAT cooling set point, HGRH turns on and cycles to
maintain the SAT cooling set point.
- When SAT is 2°F (adjustable) or more above the SAT
cooling set point, HGRH turns off.
Switchable Sub-Cooling:
- When either of the compressors are enabled during
dehumidification mode, the subcooling coil is enabled.
When the compressors are disabled, the subcooling coil
is disabled.


Dehumidification Mode is available if the ECAT is 1°F
(fixed) above the dehumidification lower limit of 60°F
(adjustable) and there is no call for heating.
When the Entering Coil Air Dew Point (ECDP) is 1°F (ad-
justable) or more above the Supply Air Dew Point (SADP)
set point (55°F, adjustable), Dehumidification Mode is en-
abled. After the minimum time-off delay, compressor #1
turns on.
When the ECDP is 2°F (adjustable) or more below the
SADP set point, compressor #1 turns off and Dehumidifi-
cation Mode is disabled.
HGRH is enabled to operate as necessary to maintain the
SAT cooling set point (72°F, adjustable).
When the SADP is 1°F (adjustable) or more below SADP
set point, compressor #2 turns off.
When ECDP is 2°F (adjustable) or more below the SADP
set point, compressor #1 turns off and Dehumidification
Mode is disabled.
Hot Gas Reheat (HGRH) — Modulating:
- When the SAT is 1°F (adjustable) or more below the
SAT cooling set point, HGRH turns on and modulates to
maintain the SAT cooling set point.
- When SAT is 2°F (adjustable) or more above the SAT
cooling set point, HGRH turns off.
Switchable Sub-Cooling:
- When either of the compressors are enabled and the
SAT is equal to or below the SAT cooling set point
(72°F, adjustable), the subcooling coil is enabled.
- When the SAT is 1°F (adjustable) or more above the
SAT cooling set point (72°F, adjustable), the sub-
cooling coil is disabled.


Heating Mode is available when the ECAT is below the
ECAT heating upper limit (60°F, adjustable) and there is a
demand for heating.
When the ECAT is 1°F (adjustable) or more below the
ECAT heating set point (55°F, adjustable), heating is en-
abled and operates to maintain SAT heating set point
(70°F, adjustable).
When ECAT is 1°F (adjustable) or more above ECAT
heating set point (55°F, adjustable), heating is disabled.
Staged Heat (Electric Heat):
- 2-Stage Heat: Terminal W1 turning on enables first-stage
heating. As SAT goes further below the SAT heating set
point (70°F, adjustable), terminal W2 energizes and sec-
ond-stage heating is enabled. As SAT rises, terminal W2
turns off and second-stage heating turns off. As the SAT
goes 1°F (adjustable) or more above the SAT heating set
point (70°F, adjustable), terminal W1 turns off and first-
stage heating turns off.
- 4-Stage Heat: Terminal W1 turning on enables the Heat-
ing Analog Relay Module (HARM) on the control panel
which activates the different stages of heating. As the
SAT goes further below the SAT heating set point (70°F,
adjustable), the different stages will turn on. As the SAT
goes further above the SAT heating set point (70°F,
adjustable), the different stages will turn off.
Gas Furnace: Terminal W1 turning on energizes the gas
furnace controller and first-stage auxiliary heating is en-
abled. If the SAT is 1°F (adjustable) or more above the
SAT heating set point (70°F, adjustable), terminal W1
turns off which de-energizes the gas furnace controller,
and first-stage auxiliary heating is turned off. All other
stages operate as above.
Modulated Heat:
- SCR Electric Heat: On demand for heating, the OEM
controller modulates the electric heating SCR in order
to maintain the SAT heating set point (70°F, adjustable).
- Modulating Gas Furnace: On demand for heating, the
OEM controller modulates the gas furnace controller to
control the gas flow in order to maintain the SAT heat-
ing set point (70°F, adjustable).
- Modulating Hot Water Heat: On demand for heating,
the OEM controller modulates the hot water valve to
control the hot water flow in order to maintain the SAT
heating set point (70°F, adjustable).
- Modulating Steam Heat: On demand for heating, the
OEM controller modulates the steam valve to control
the flow of steam in order to maintain the SAT heating
set point (70°F, adjustable).


When the Occupancy Control indicates the end of the Oc-
cupied Mode, the compressor(s) and outdoor fan(s) will
turn off (subject to minimum run-time) or the heating sys-
tem will turn off. The SF and EF will continue to run for 2
minutes before turning off.
After this, the ECW will turn off and the OA damper will
close. The unit is now off.


High Pressure Switch (HPS1): If HPS1 is open, compres-
sor #1 will turn off and the OEM controller will issue an
alarm. After manually resetting HPS1, the HPS1 alarm
will reset. Following a minimum time off delay, compres-
sor #1 will turn on. If the OEM controller records 3 high
pressure start/restart failure incidents within 1 hour, com-
pressor #1 is locked out and the OEM controller will issue
an alarm. The compressor lock-out can be reset in the
Equipment Touch display pad or by cycling the power of
the OEM controller.
- This sequence is the same for compressor #2, Y2, and
Low Pressure Switch (LPS1): If LPS1 is open after the
LPS1 bypass time, the OEM controller will issue an alarm
and compressor #1 turns off. After 30 seconds (fixed), the
LPS1 alarm will reset. Following a minimum time off de-
lay, compressor #1 will turn on. If the OEM controller re-
cords 3 low pressure start/restart failure incidents within 1
hour, compressor #1 is locked out and the OEM controller
will issue an alarm. The compressor lock-out can be reset
in the Equipment Touch display pad or by cycling the
power of the OEM controller.
- This sequence is the same for compressor #2, Y2, and


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